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Review: Drokgul The Gaunt

Review: Drokgul The Gaunt

Sep 19, 2020, 16:2309/19/20

Review: Drokgul The Gaunt

I believe Drokgul the Gaunt is very strong.

The Developers did a great job at carving out this champions role in the game.

Drokgul the Gaunt role is very well defined.

Drokgul the Gaunt is a universal support champion.

Drokgul the Gaunt is so very well rounded!

By reading my thread here today, I am going to show you how this can be very beneficial to you.

Let's start by going over Drokgul skills.

Normally, I like to start on a Champions A1 skill ----> than go to the rest of the skills in order.

However, I want to do something different today.

I want to start with the A2.

Take a moment to read the below move:

This move is one of the best moves in the game.

The versatility of this move is un-parallel.

Lets give some examples to show you why it is so good.

You have an Attack Damage Dealing Hero - The damage of your hero scales off Attack.

You add some speed to Drokgul the Gaunt - You have him go before your Attack Damage Dealer.

You use Drokgul the Gaunt A2

It increases your Damage Dealers Attack by 50% ----> Your Damage Dealer now does more Damage!

You have an Defense Damage Dealing Hero - The damage of your hero scales off Defense.

You add some speed to Drokgul the Gaunt - You have him go before your Defense Damage Dealer. 

You use Drokgul the Gaunt A2

It increases your Damage Dealers Defense by 60% ----> Your Damage Dealer now does more Damage!

Do you see the versatility here?

Drokgul can be used for an Offense team

or Drokgul can be used for a Defense team.

or Drokgul can be used for a Hybrid team.

The game has never done this to a champion before.

It is unprecedented.

I have never seen a Legendary who can do the strong version of both Increase Atk & Increase Def to all Allies!

For a support champion, This hero is insane.

There is never going to be a day when you wake up and say I don't want my Damage Dealers hitting harder. lol

You are always going to want them to hit harder!

Question of the day: Where do you want your Damage Dealers to hit harder at?

Answer: Everywhere!

Think about it - You want your heroes hitting harder everywhere.


Do you see how powerful this hero is?

A champion which can be used any where has so much value.

I think people are sleeping on this guy.

I have seen youtube videos saying how this hero is a C or B minus.

I don't know what they are looking at.

I think there is a disconnect.

The disconnect stems from the fact these youtubers have been playing the game for to long.

They have played so long that they have already built specialized teams for different area's of the game.

They look at Drokgul and think in there mind I don't need him.

I already have someone who is increasing my damage.

Drokgul is only useful for Faction Wars.

If your acquire Drokgul as a beginner or a mid-game player, He instantly can be on everyone of your teams.

Most beginners & mid-game players don't have pre-built teams.

They can add this guy into anyone of there teams to increase there damage.

This hero will be game changing for them.

And that is the point!

The general rule of thumb is if a hero is so impactful on your account it can be a game changer.

This indicates the hero is extremely strong.

Keep in mind, I have only gone over the A2 move.

We still have 2 other moves to talk about.

You would think with such a powerful move the other follow up moves would be lame.

Lets talk about Drokgul's A3 move.

Take a moment to read the below text:

His A3 move is really 2 moves in 1.

Active Effect: Teams Shields

Passive Effect: Counter Attack + Healing if the Shield disappears on any of his Allies.

This move right here reminds me of Car Insurance.

Drokgul A3 is like a All State Commercial.

We are going to keep your champions safe!

If anyone dares to hit you, we will nail them to the ground in court & ask the judge for penalty damage.

Now that you know the truth - Are you in good hands?

It sounds Hilarious - It sounds like a Joke

But it is funny because it is so true

Drokgul A3 move is acting like Car Insurance.

It's totally insane!

Once again, We find ourselves with a move which is completely unprecedented.

No other hero does this move.

This is literally insane!

I don't think Drokgul is a God Tier hero (S Tier), but I can't see him under an A Tier hero.

The Tier rankings the youtubers are giving Drokgul makes no sense to me C & B Tier.

Am I wrong?

Am I over hyping this hero?

Are the youtubers the ones who have it all right?

I don't know, but my gut is telling me Drokgul is really good.

I think if you are able to get this champion.

You should try to get him.

Lets talk about Drokgul's A1 move.

Take a moment to read the below text:

I searched to see how many Legendary Champions had a Stun on there A1 move.

Only 4 other heroes in the game have A1 with a Stun.

- Hakkorn

- Ignatius

- Robar

- Soulless

Here is a link to the website I used to help search: The Stuns

The A1 move is the only move in Drokgul skill kit which has been seen before.

We finally see a move which isn't completely new!

However, it's a very good move!

It's an old move, but a very good one.

A support hero with an A1 Stun to give him some crowd control to make up for his lack of damage.

At the very beginning of my thread, I said the Developers did a great job!

The Developers took the time to think about this hero's role in the game.

You can see it!

Drokgul is a support hero.

Drokgul supports your team by crowd controlling a very dangerous threat with his A1

Drokgul supports your team by helping them do more damage with his A2.

Drokgul supports your team by helping them stay alive longer with his A3.

Moves 1 to 3 is Textbook - Just look at them!

This is Textbook to how you want a Support hero to function.

I am going for this Hero.

I am going to try and Fuse him.

I recommend for everyone to try for him as well.

I understand some people are new to the game.

I understand some people are free 2 play.

I understand some people might not be able to get him.

I don't know how the events will be.

Most times the events are hard, but still.

If your going to come up short, At least come up short trying for this dude.

He is worth trying for.

That's all I wanted to say peeps.

Thank you for your time.

Sep 30, 2020, 03:4809/30/20
His A1 is pretty common and his support is on somewhat long cooldowns if his A1 had some support or he had a second passive that gave something between his casts he would be a lot better but like the last fragment hero they both seem to be missing just a bit to make them standout. Maybe if he could convert excess healing into shields, a percentage of damage from his A1 was applied as shields to allies, applied strengthen to allies under a shield buff, or something.

You may have missed a few A1 stuns:

Tundra Giltmallet-

Miscreated Monster-





Hatchet Slinger-

Hound Spawn-








Sep 30, 2020, 04:5909/30/20

@Player J......You have a way of thinking outside the box to build synergy and find value.  I am not experienced enough to judge him, but his A2 is like 2 skills in one. 

I asked you to suggest an arena team for me.  I didnt understand your reasoning (still dont fully) but it works.  I have been able to upgrade gear and the team would have moved into Silver even without the free bot wins. 
Sep 30, 2020, 16:5109/30/20

You already show ayumilove site and you also already know he is just a B rank legend champ.

At this point, such champ like Drokgul hard to replace any popular champs in Arena, he is neither damage dealer nor crowd control nor buff + revive. For dungeons, he is no special, you want Shield, increase atk, def, there are tons of champs do it. 

CB ? meh

Artifacts/Mastery ? This guy is a loser, his debuff is low chance, you don't need accuracy for him, he is not a damage dealer, you neither need atk/def, you don't need crit for him, you don't need speed for him, he is a support you may need high hp + resistance for him.  

I would say, do not waste legend tomes on him unless you have too many in your library.

Oct 1, 2020, 18:5310/01/20

FlazeDrake said:

His A1 is pretty common and his support is on somewhat long cooldowns if his A1 had some support or he had a second passive that gave something between his casts he would be a lot better but like the last fragment hero they both seem to be missing just a bit to make them standout. Maybe if he could convert excess healing into shields, a percentage of damage from his A1 was applied as shields to allies, applied strengthen to allies under a shield buff, or something.

You may have missed a few A1 stuns:

I think he limited his Stun search to just the Legos:

I searched to see how many Legendary Champions had a Stun on there A1 move.

Only 4 other heroes in the game have A1 with a Stun.

- Hakkorn

- Ignatius

- Robar

- Soulless

Just so happens I have only one Lego (HAKKORN) so far this game, after 3 years of play...just awful awful luck, not for lack of trying many many shards of all the colors.  If Rare is one of the shard options, that is what I get, and most of those have been rubbish.  Do not understand why Plarium spends Sooooo much effort on putting together "junk food."

As far as Drokgul, I am slowly piecing fragments together from the contests, I have 30/100 so far.
I pieced together from the video on the topic of creating a good F2P arena team which involves buffing ally and killing their turn meter, buffing ally attack, decreasing opponent defense,  and then blasting them.  Works very well:
First goes Diabolist, then Spirithost, then Warmaiden, and then any of the four Starter Champs. Your job is to tune their speeds to achieve that order. Those champs are available thru the campaign areas. I achieved 98% arena victories with them.  On my Tag Teams I have 3 sets of those, each a little different but same in principal.
Hazard is those that have a higher speed team than yours but it is rare.  Unless you get nuked out outright there is some possibility of retaliation.

Oct 2, 2020, 06:0510/02/20

1 - I think FLAZEDRAKE is confused.

I was only showcasing Legendary heroes which had Stun on there A1.

2 - Tundra Giltmallet is a Legendary hero which has a Stun on her A1.

I didn't mention Tundra in my list because no one builds Tundra with Accuracy.

Players intentionally build Tundra with no ACC so her A3 move hits 2 times.

Tundra is considered to be ranked number 1 in the game for Arena under the Category of AOE Damage Dealers.

Tundra is the Queen of all the AOE Damage Dealers in Arena.

Tundra is ranked number 1 because of the damage her A3 move can do.

It is a very devastating.

3 - Thank you for your kind words Closed Poly

I am happy my Arena suggestion helped you progress in Arena.

You have some amazing Champions!

4 - You are correct, Closed Poly.

Drokgul the Gaunt A2 move is completely unprecedented.

Before the game released Drokgul, It would take 2 different hero's to do what Drokgul A2 move is doing.

- Increase Attack

- Increase Defense

Drokgul the Gaunt is a 1 Man Support Army.

I am thinking of using Drokgul in my End Game Fire Knight team.

I am thinking of using Drokgul in my Faction War team.

Yeah - I will see how it goes.

I am leveling him at the moment.

Oct 15, 2020, 03:0310/15/20

More Evidence showing people how good Drokgul is.

I agree with JGigs.

People give Drokgul a bad wrap.

I have no idea why.

JGigs has no idea why.

People are weird.

No idea - what they are looking at honestly.