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Need advice on next steps

Need advice on next steps

Sep 17, 2020, 18:2109/17/20

Need advice on next steps


Struggling to get into silver 1. spider is level 1, dragon lvl 13. I have a few six starts., i quess my articarts is bad. what champs should i focus on to six star next. which champs should i focus on for arena, dragon, clanboss. any advice on how to start progress in this game is highly appreciated. i now have many champs but i dont know which i should focus on. i guess i need to progress in dungeons and clanbos as well as arena?

Sep 17, 2020, 18:2409/17/20


Struggling to get into silver 1. spider is level 1, dragon lvl 13. I have a few six stars., i assume my artifacts is bad. what champs should i focus on to six star next? which champs should i focus on for arena, dragon, clanboss. any advice on how to start progress in this game is highly appreciated. i now have many champs but i dont know which i should focus on. i guess i need to progress in dungeons and clanbos as well as arena?

Sep 17, 2020, 18:4809/17/20

Kael's gear is horrible.  I am guess you have bad gear on everyone... Focus on Dragon/Golem until both are 20 then worry about arena.  And CB for books...


1. Tayrel 

2. Miscreated Monster

3. Gorgorab

4. Brawler (NEXT TO 60 -- you will use in Dragon/IG/Clan Boss)

5. Maus Mage

That team will clear both dragon20 and golem20


 Apothecary (next 60)

Alure (FK and Spider)

Ult Galek (Spider)

Sepulcher (CB)

Arena: Gorg Apo Zargala Kael (lose lifesteal gear and build as nuker with 70 CR and maximum ATK and CD... and more speed lol)

CB probably: Tayrel Apo Brawler Maus MAge

Sep 17, 2020, 19:3109/17/20


I need to work on my equipment. the problem i have and maybe all have is that it takes much more time than i would expect. i thought i needed lvl 13 dungenounds prior doing so. My problem my be that i cannot do enough damage
Sep 17, 2020, 20:2709/17/20
Sep 17, 2020, 20:37(edited)

Get kaels accuracy abit higher and focus more on health than offensive stats. Seriously consider hp% chest.

Im on day 47 on my ftp account.

I recently got to a point where i can farm dragon 13 from here on I plan on just doing dragon and leveling. I dont plan on wasting any time on the golem.

I am surprised your team is not further on dragon than stage 13. Since I only have one level 60 and am also at stage 13.

Occult brawler could probaly help you get past stage 14 which is force. Focus on his surviability (mainly health in dugeons) and accuracy. The key to downing the dragon slow and steady is poison damage.

About champions I mostly agree that the team composition suggested earlier will work wonders. I would hold on to kael though.

1. Miscreated monster (HP, accuracy, speed)

2. Tayrel (Defense, accuracy, speed)

3. Mausoleum mage (focus speed, accuracy, hp)

4. Kael (focus accuracy, speed, hp)

5. Gorgorab (focus speed and hp)

For abit faster runs you could try to swap out mausoleum mage for occult brawler and see if it works.

1. Miscreated monster (HP, accuracy, speed)

2. Tayrel (Defense, accuracy, speed)

3. Occult Brawler (focus accuracy, hp, speed)

4. Kael (focus accuracy, speed, hp)

5. Gorgorab (focus speed and hp)

Also make sure to level the gear you use on your priority champions to level 16, it matters.