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everything is broken after patch

everything is broken after patch

Sep 16, 2020, 11:4009/16/20

everything is broken after patch

wasted 5 arena tokens, wasted 2 clan boss tries, wasted a few dungeon runs.  all asks for reboot,  fix it plz!  
Sep 16, 2020, 11:5309/16/20
I agree,nothing works after patch
Sep 16, 2020, 11:5609/16/20
Same here. What a shock
Sep 16, 2020, 12:0209/16/20
oooh please.... they usually give free refills, free keys and stuffs after things like this...
Sep 16, 2020, 14:0709/16/20
Sep 16, 2020, 14:17(edited)
I updated the game and realized that I didn’t have FW keys or the arena tag team tokens needed to complete the advanced quests (since I had already used them), leaving me quite frustrated. Why wasn’t this patched released with the daily refresh???   
Sep 16, 2020, 16:5609/16/20
I see a bug here, I just ran 10 battles in Dragon lair and when I went to the tourny page, I got all the rewards, except the 150 (I received 96 tourny points) reward.  but If I look at the standing It shows 0 tourny points.  I fought 1 more battle got 17 points, which did show up.  Somehow I lost 96 tourny points.  
Sep 16, 2020, 17:3609/16/20
Sep 16, 2020, 17:3709/16/20
I've got a lot of connection errors. Might be my phone, though.
Sep 16, 2020, 17:5709/16/20
I lost 30 gems
Sep 16, 2020, 18:2009/16/20
yeah I am getting all of the side stuff but no actual points. not on dragon or arena. 
Sep 16, 2020, 19:0909/16/20
Sep 16, 2020, 19:23(edited)

Same here, no points for the dragon, but getting the side rewards. Also, I lost audio while doing the 30 auto-run in DL, getting worse lag than before going into and coming out of arena battles, lag when teams are switching in TTA, and also, worse lag than before when getting successful hits on upgrading artifact levels.

Edit: just recieved points from a single dragon run I did before the auto-run, which was ran about 1.5 hrs ago from the time of this edit. 

Also, not sure if it matters, I play on PC.
Sep 16, 2020, 19:4809/16/20
they better give my clan boss keys back WTF 3 keys !!!
Sep 16, 2020, 20:4509/16/20

I just keep having connection problems, asking to re-login or just long wait times for everything as simple as artifact upgrades, swapping gear (causes a support or continue popup).  My tourney points are showing for the new dragon tourney, but the old one (the one that ends sooner) is not accruijng, and a couple times I thought my score towards clan boss or tourney didn't show up, but eventually they did.  

Thought I lost a CB key earlier, but, it was refreshed...which is remarkable, considering the past experiences I have had with bugs causing loss of CB keys.    

The champion balancing wasn't all that great in my opinion.  Siphi, Rotos, and Mad Serris still OP'd.  The other legos I am not that familiar with, I don't have them and rarely face them in arena. 

The changes they made to a couple epics might be nice, but a few others it was like, "why bother?" since they were so bad to begin with and the change so insignificant.  Teshada still useless.  Taurus, a character rated almost all red (below 3) got one extra poison on S3.  "Oooooh!  He's a killer now!"   

Still didn't fix legos Elaniril or Bloodgorged.  I'm sure there are others, but those are my two useless ones. 

And for some reason, they actually made Tormin better!  I already hated facing him in arena.

Overall, can't say I like or dislike the game play changes, because it has been so buggy, and quick battles taking forever with spinning blue circle.  Hopefully they fix it today and can get a better opinion later on.  My preliminary thoughts are that since the update in April/May, I fell from just a 100 points away from platinum tier down to silver 3 in less than 2 months.   I don't know how so many got so powerful so fast, but I can barely get a turn in let alone a win beyond silver 3 any more.  the worst part?   Even though I already was in Gold 4, I wasn't doing progress missions. 

So now that I am doing them, I have to reach Gold 1, 2, 3, 4 all over's BS that some challenges you do ahead of time are counted and others aren' arena...and at this rate?  It won't be possible to get back to Gold 2, let alone Gold 4, without shelling out hundreds or even thousands of dollars for energy, books, and gear...and now forged gear....ugh....

Sep 16, 2020, 20:5609/16/20

I cannot access most activities in the game.  I am currently disconnected. 

I hope Plarium resets the timers or just gives us credit for completion since we are wearing ourselves out TRYING to play the game. 

Even if I can access one section of the game, I dont trust that my score and rewards would be recorded properly. 

Its a good day to watch vids of how to play the game, for later when we can play the game.   :)
Sep 16, 2020, 21:0509/16/20

Yep this sucks 

Game was laggy then locked me out.....
Sep 16, 2020, 21:2009/16/20

This is so bad, shait dc problems and they want 10 euro a month for this? Not anymore, paid my last cent on this game.

Plarium  cant charge for this crappy service they provide
Sep 17, 2020, 15:0009/17/20
Not only that but they beefed up the champs in Faction wars (probably due to the new "Forge"). Faction dungeons where I had 3 star wins I now lose routinely. This update really sucked.
Sep 17, 2020, 16:3309/17/20

dennismaxfield said:

Not only that but they beefed up the champs in Faction wars (probably due to the new "Forge"). Faction dungeons where I had 3 star wins I now lose routinely. This update really sucked.

Really? I don't feel any change on difficulty on my FW. Did you probably change some gears on your champs?

Or can anyone else confirm this?
Sep 17, 2020, 17:0809/17/20
No change on the champs since the last FW for these teams.