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Maus. Mage : How is upgrade of heal working

Maus. Mage : How is upgrade of heal working

Sep 15, 2020, 08:4709/15/20

Maus. Mage : How is upgrade of heal working

Hey all !

I decided to start building my M. Mage and since his heal is depending of his Max HP, I build a lot of them. So he is currently around 50K MAX HP.

Then I maxed his healing ability which heal for 10% MAX HP of M. MAG +30% healing. I got the masteries +5% healing and +10% when below 40% heal.

Then I went in battle prepare for huge heals and ... around 7-8k healing on a target below 40% HP. To be honest, I was expecting to have 40% of MAX hp healing (around 20K) +15% of this value so 22.5K healing.

So I'm wondering how this healing is working and how upgrade works in general ? From what I see, the healing is around 5K + (30 + 5 +10 % of this value) and so I get 7.5K heal (which looks kinda bad for the investement imo). Is it the way it works ?

If yes it's a bit confusing since when you have 75% chance to apply debuff and you get additional 5%, it's become 80% (and not 5% of the 75%). I don't understand why it's not the same for healing (or at least write it another way so it's clear). Because if I knew it before I wouldn't have spend 10 epic books to get 2K more heals ... :/
Sep 15, 2020, 09:3109/15/20
Sep 15, 2020, 09:33(edited)

Heal upgrade from books USUALLY add to the value of the heals, not adding the percentage of the heals, the usual precautions is MULTIPLICATIVE NOT ADDITIVE

For a quick example, if your Mausoleum Mage has the max HP of 50,000 his basic healing would be 10% of that max HP or equal to 5,000 to all ally.

So from the books and the masteries you're referring, those percentage are multiplied to the heal, which is the 5,000

So the calculation of the heal you get is 5,000 * 1.45 = 7,250

Is it too small for the epic book? Well it kinda depends... His heal shines in areas where your team get debuffs, if you read his A3, the heal add an extra 10% from max HP if it's removing at least 1 debuff, and adding 15% turn meter if it removes at least 2 debuffs.

Let's ignore the turn meter addition for now, so if this A3 removes at least 1 debuff the calculation changed. The basic heal is now 20%, from 50k max HP that means the basic heal is 10,000! With the bonus from the books and the masteries it becomes 14.500.

And remember, this is AOE... Plus the AoE debuff cleanser (and if conditions are met, an AoE turn meter booster) in 1 move!

But if you're looking for a pure biggest healer, I would suggest Apothecary, 2 turn cooldown (if booked), 35% max HP of target, and can be critical.

Sep 17, 2020, 20:3109/17/20
awesome explanation, thank you very much :)