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Shard Pulls

Shard Pulls

Sep 13, 2020, 20:4009/13/20

Shard Pulls

Shard summoning is a joke, at least for me! For the ancient 2x event I opened over 100 ancient shards and I got only 12 epics. By the published percentages I should have gotten at least 16. I have the worst luck. I get the crappiest epics lately and the ones I do get are duplicates. There are people on my team that get legendary champs from 20 to 30 ancient shards. The ai for shard pulls is bull. I'm stuck getting the same crap.  I'm tired of wasting money for crap. I'm done with this game.  

Sep 13, 2020, 22:2509/13/20

I pulled 38 shards and got 6 epics which is right on the published average.  I got 2 new epics that are average.  I didnt hit a home run this time. 

Sep 13, 2020, 22:5809/13/20
Sep 13, 2020, 22:58(edited)
Pulled 8 got my 5th rockbreaker and first harvest jack. Best part about weekend I finally finished missions and got Arbiter 
Sep 13, 2020, 23:4209/13/20
Sep 13, 2020, 23:46(edited)

Last 500 void + ancient shards I opened gave me Gruptuk + Kantra, both of whom I have fused previously. 

This "2x" I opened 150 blue shards and 20 void shards (out of rage) and got no legendaries. Last 17 blue shards were all rares just to spit in my face.

I'm playing since march last year and I'm yet to pull a void legendary from the shards.

Let me tell you a story about when I started ... There were no youtubers, no specific guides, nothing. All we had to rely upon when deciding a champion's strength was a tier list by some German clan, and in that tier list there were 3 epics ranked C-tier, only 3! And that was the lowest rating epics had. From my first 7 sacred shards I managed to pull 6 of them. 6 of those C-tier disgusting epics. Atur, Taurus, Vergis (before his buffs). 

Two of each of them. 

Now tell me, who's unlucky?

Nearly 2 years playing and no single speed glove with AT LEAST 2x speed rolls. 

My first level 60 was Relickeeper because people were suggesting him on Discord and all over Reddit. 

C'mon bro, you really gonna give up after getting """ONLY""" 12 epics ? 

Just play the game with what you have, it's a challenge. Who are you competing against ? Other people ? In a mobile phone game? Lol. 

Sep 13, 2020, 23:5509/13/20
Sep 13, 2020, 23:57(edited)

40 blue, got 2 legendaries and 8 epics.

What you need to know about the statistics of the pulls, is that the advertised chance is calculated to the whole population of players, NOT per account, so there will be those who got their pulls ABOVE the average, there will be those who are on the average, and there will be those that are bellow.

Before pulling / buying shards, ALWAYS ASSUME THAT YOU WILL BE PART OF THE BELLOW THE AVERAGE population.
Sep 14, 2020, 00:1609/14/20

Out of 20 shards, I got a 2nd Delver and Mistress of Hymns. I did get Fellhound.

Sep 14, 2020, 01:1009/14/20
Sep 14, 2020, 01:13(edited)

This game is the worst when ti come to the chance to get Legendary and Epic compare to other similar games. And they have no way to deal with Duplicate, where compare to Exos Hero, you can use duplicate to +1 (ascend) to the same champion further. Also Exos Hero every 11th shard 100% Guarantee Legendary

You know Raid Shadow Legend so called 2xAncient Shard 16% = Every 7th an epic since 7x16% = 112% THAT...IS...A LIE!!
Sep 14, 2020, 01:4609/14/20
Sep 14, 2020, 02:51(edited)

downonluck said:

This game is the worst when ti come to the chance to get Legendary and Epic compare to other similar games. And they have no way to deal with Duplicate, where compare to Exos Hero, you can use duplicate to +1 (ascend) to the same champion further. Also Exos Hero every 11th shard 100% Guarantee Legendary

You know Raid Shadow Legend so called 2xAncient Shard 16% = Every 7th an epic since 7x16% = 112% THAT...IS...A LIE!!

That's what it's called as a "gambler's fallacy" and that is not how statistics work...

There are games out there that use what I call as the "pity system" at which the chance grow higher and higher as you fail to gain the "top tier" prize, but that's how it works, their chance grow, and not static. Raid use the static system, flat 16% chance (on yellow 2x events) to get legendaries.

For me personally, in these kind of gacha games, I never really set myself to get the top tier prize, the legendaries, the platinums, the 7 star rainbow, I never try to go there, what I go for is the lowest prize possible, are they useful? In this game are the rares useful? If the answer is no, then I move on.

Because no matter the system, what mostly you will get are the rares, the bronze, the 3 stars, the middle tiers... And those need to be able to be used until at least the mid-late game

What I hate most from gacha games are when they have the newest is the greatest system, where they seem to be generous, but unless you get the newest gacha, they're basically useless, new meta everytime a new gacha is released.

As for the dupe system, using the dupe as the tier up material is actually not a good thing, because then you need multiples of that gacha to get that gacha at the top. In raid using the dupe as ability enhancers, I actually prefer this, because then to upgrade your heroes to the top tier you don't need multiples dupes. Now imagine that to get your Rotos to 6* you need 2 or maybe 3 dupes of Rotos! That would actually be a nightmare!

In here, because you can upgrade things with farmable materials, getting dupes is kinda suck, but I'd rather have that, I can 6* my legendaries with 1* champs, get books rom farming CB and so on. So the dupes in Raid feels like they suck, not because they don't have a good dupe system, but because they're NOT A NECESSITY to upgrade anything, I prefer that, because I wouldn't be at the mercy of the RNG to upgrade what I already have.

So yeah, plus minus.
Sep 14, 2020, 06:5109/14/20

I even got reptiles 5 times continuously, it's absolutely not random in each pull, number of repeat rare champs is fking high, and we all know the game really have 100+ rare champs. 

Sep 14, 2020, 19:1409/14/20
downonluck said:

This game is the worst when ti come to the chance to get Legendary and Epic compare to other similar games. And they have no way to deal with Duplicate, where compare to Exos Hero, you can use duplicate to +1 (ascend) to the same champion further. Also Exos Hero every 11th shard 100% Guarantee Legendary

You know Raid Shadow Legend so called 2xAncient Shard 16% = Every 7th an epic since 7x16% = 112% THAT...IS...A LIE!!
That's not how it works.  with 7 shards you still have slightly over 29.5% chance of getting 0 epics at 16% per.  0.84^7 = .29509.  Also, small sample sizes and all that.  If you opened 100000 shards I'd bet you'd be real close to 16000 epics.
Sep 14, 2020, 19:3909/14/20

Well, out of my I think around 50 Ancient shards, I got 3 Legendaries - Martyr, Mountain King, and Cillian the Lucky, and a number of Epics, including Tayrel and a duplicate Stag Knight.

I guess someone else must have been terribly unlucky and unhappy for the results to match the expected average.
Sep 14, 2020, 20:1709/14/20
WatchdogCZ said:

Well, out of my I think around 50 Ancient shards, I got 3 Legendaries - Martyr, Mountain King, and Cillian the Lucky, and a number of Epics, including Tayrel and a duplicate Stag Knight.

I guess someone else must have been terribly unlucky and unhappy for the results to match the expected average.
Sep 14, 2020, 22:5509/14/20
Watchdog said:

Well, out of my I think around 50 Ancient shards, I got 3 Legendaries - Martyr, Mountain King, and Cillian the Lucky, and a number of Epics, including Tayrel and a duplicate Stag Knight.

I guess someone else must have been terribly unlucky and unhappy for the results to match the expected average.
Actually yes... Yes they are... ☺️☺️☺️
Sep 15, 2020, 08:2409/15/20
Trips said:

WatchdogCZ said:

Well, out of my I think around 50 Ancient shards, I got 3 Legendaries - Martyr, Mountain King, and Cillian the Lucky, and a number of Epics, including Tayrel and a duplicate Stag Knight.

I guess someone else must have been terribly unlucky and unhappy for the results to match the expected average.
I expect to pull the lowest ranked and absolutely useless champions (well, food is never useless) from my shards for a long time now.
Jan 4, 2021, 08:3501/04/21
Jan 4, 2021, 08:36(edited)

what kind of devilry is this, got 3 Alika as epic from last 3 shard pulls, 2 from ancient shard and  1 from sacred shard, and I already had 2 Alikas before. What will I do with this joke! :@

Jan 4, 2021, 08:4601/04/21

One time I used 40 ancient and got 3x Legendary.

Another time I used 70 ancient and got 0x Legendaries.

That's just how it goes.

I also seem to get a lot of duplicates - I have literally tons of Lurias, Seekers, Alures, and Catacomb Councillors just to name a few.

I think the number of duplicates is a bit unusual, as it seems unlikely to keep getting those particular champs - but generally speaking, the odds of getting either epics or legendaries does seem about right.

Lets face it - ancient shards are pretty easy to get. I dont really keep track, but I'm sure I get at least 20 a month without even really trying. Market, shop, weekly quests, events, tournaments, clan boss, high level dungeons, etc etc. If you also hoard all the gems you get on a regular basis, you can probably buy at least another 11 or 22 per month. And this is all F2P.

Just have patience, save them up, use them during a boost. Your luck will come eventually.

Jan 4, 2021, 09:2601/04/21

One time I used 40 ancient and got 3x Legendary.

Another time I used 70 ancient and got 0x Legendaries.

That's just how it goes.

I also seem to get a lot of duplicates - I have literally tons of Lurias, Seekers, Alures, and Catacomb Councillors just to name a few.

I think the number of duplicates is a bit unusual, as it seems unlikely to keep getting those particular champs - but generally speaking, the odds of getting either epics or legendaries does seem about right.

Lets face it - ancient shards are pretty easy to get. I dont really keep track, but I'm sure I get at least 20 a month without even really trying. Market, shop, weekly quests, events, tournaments, clan boss, high level dungeons, etc etc. If you also hoard all the gems you get on a regular basis, you can probably buy at least another 11 or 22 per month. And this is all F2P.

Just have patience, save them up, use them during a boost. Your luck will come eventually.

even after that getting same epic consecutively thrice is a bit odd

Jan 4, 2021, 15:5801/04/21

Well, figure. 16/100 could be considered this number, 21/104, and is 1/4 pulls, you did 10 pulls, you should have four epics... 

Jan 4, 2021, 18:4501/04/21
Jan 4, 2021, 18:45(edited)

The percentages are so low, it is why I won't buy shards. Unless I am paying thousands the math tells me to not buy small because the chances are like winning extremely low...99% chance of not getting a legendary is not the sort of odds I will buy into :)