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How would you form your Mountain King arena team?

How would you form your Mountain King arena team?

Sep 11, 2020, 08:4009/11/20

How would you form your Mountain King arena team?

I just maxed my Mountain King, and im curious what you think are among the strongest arena combinations to build around Mountain King?

If your combos includes the most god tier champs, other alternatives are appreciated, as we do not always have access to the strongest god tier champs.

Sep 12, 2020, 14:2809/12/20

Show us your roster here so we can actually give you suggestions for lineup options. 

Also, how did you gear your Mountain King?

Nov 7, 2020, 01:2811/07/20

just pulled  a mk curious to some builds and options

Nov 7, 2020, 06:3511/07/20

Build MK with very high Resistance. 

I combine him with a Counter-Attack champ, luckily I have Martyr, it's pretty easy when fighting AOE teams. 

Nov 7, 2020, 22:1311/07/20

M.King has the highest Health in the game.

M.King has the highest Resistance in the game.

M.King is Top Tier Single Target Damage Dealer because his damage scales from HP + ATK.

For all of the above reasons, The game had to give M.King a draw back.

A Champion with no draw back with all of the above things would be broken/busted.

The way they tried to make M.King balanced/fair was by reducing his Base Speed.

If you compare M.King base speed to other champions, you will see a huge difference.

Every other champion you see is pretty much faster vs. him.


Speed helps your Turn Meter Bar fill up.

When your Turn Meter Bar Fills up, Your champion takes a turn.

If your Base Speed is low, Your Turn Meter Bar will fill up slowly.

This means your champion will not take a lot of turns.

Very Strong Arena Players have came up with clever ideas to get around the Speed issue.

One way to do it is to pair M.King up with heroes who do Counter Attack Buffs.

Counter Attack lets you hit the enemy on their turn when ever they hit you.

This helps M.King get turns with out actuallying having a turn.

M.King hasn't had a turn, but he has counter attack buff.

The enemy hits him - He attacks back!


Everything I explained previously makes perfect sense.

Well guess what happened?

Very Strong Arena Players who were fighting against M.King started getting annoyed! 

M.King started attacking them back even though they was faster.

They got upset by this.

So guess what they started to do? 

They started focusing on the "Counter Attack Buff".

The reason this slow M.King is attacking me is because of this "Buff".

"Buffs" have rules.

The rule is they can only work if they are on your champion.

- What if the Enemy Removes the Buff?

- What if the Enemy Steals the Buff?

You can see the back & forth struggle which happened in higher tiers of Arena.

The players fighting against this Counter Attacking M.King was like I'm removing this Buff.


Obviously, The players who play M.King wasn't going to take this laying down!

They started fighting back to counter the previous counter.

What they started to do was to think about how Buffs get removed.

In order for you to remove a Buff from an enemy, You need Accuracy.

If your Accuracy is higher vs. Enemy Resistance the Buff gets removed.

So guess what the players started doing?

They started building up crazy High Resistance on there M.Kings.

If your Accuracy isn't higher vs. my Resistance, You are in trouble!

My Counter Attacking Buff will remain!

Than you shall have to deal with my Counter Attacking M.King


You should now understand why Indent14 was telling you the same thing I am saying. lol

Indent14 just wrote you the short verison.

If I was you, I would check to see what kind of Counter Attackers you have.

I would also check to see what kind of Resistance Aura's you have.