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A rant

A rant

Sep 7, 2020, 20:0509/07/20

A rant


usually I do not post on the forums but like most, that come to forums at some point, I am here to complain.

I want to complain about the current state of the game.

In my opinion this game has decayed into a huge cash grap. I understand that the goal of every company is to make money and I am NOT opposed to that. But Plarium totally dropped the ball when it comes to keeping the balance or at least at keeping the appearance of a balance between ftp and pay to win.

It’s getting more and more ridiciulous. The arena system is totally broken. Not only on the bronze, but on basically every level.

I`m playing since october or november and already spend some hundreds of euros on this mobile game. I spent way less money on games that actually deserve it, like AAA games on my PC which have a deeper and more interesting game play.

But luckily for Raid Greed Legends, this game caters to the lowest most deep instincts of human nature. Gathering and collecting. And also this theorycrafting aspect of the game and what you can do with different gear, and how you can counter something is interesting.

But lately all this is getting stale. My account is stuck.

2 months ago I was able to be in Gold 4, always staying between 2900 to 3000 points. But now I have to fight to stay in gold 2. And generally I do not have a problem not being in the top bracket, but this is getting ridiculous. I already have Arbiter, I have Serris and I have Skullcrown, so I have champions that are meta. But currently, this does not matter, as the only important point is SPEED. If you don’t have a speed lead with … let me guess, 300 or 350 speed, you can forget it. You are completely and utterly f***ed.

And Plarium is selling Speed sets on an almost daily bases and is ruining PvP even more.

And if you don’t have the gear with the necessary speed stats and you are not willing to buy the item sets, you are also completely and utterly f***ed currently.

Also, in the last 4 months I just pulled only one champion, that actually made a difference on my account and enabled me to improve my team in one aspect of the game.

So, here again, if you do not pull at least a halfway usable champion once in a while, your progress stalls and again you are completely and utterly f***ed. I know, that you should see due with the champions you’ve got, but leveling and gearing up every champion for just using him in this one specific situation in one of the games different modes, this is also an investment of ressources a medium to low-spender cannot afford. Of course you could say if you don’t want to invest then you should not be complaining about not progressing, but again, the thing is, that without the Speed shit going on, these investments do not matter either.

If you do not have the luck to pull something usable from time to time, there is also no way for you of compensating that.

Yes, there are fusion events, lately for mediocre champions which really do not change much of your game if you are in the middle to late game. And also, they cost a lot of ressources.

The 181 to 270 login rewards are also nice, still i do not see why there are so many 3* chickens in there and so few 5* chickens. One 3x3*chickens less and 1x5* chicken would have been appreciated.

The current dungeon divers event gives 2* and 3* chickens tops…. Wtf??? It feels like Plarium is getting cheaper by the minute.

And the latest and upcoming content updates also do not look that promising. The only interesting upgrade, the Doom Tower, is still it seems far away, and between that, there is only more grind coming up.

Ok, I am looking forward to the advanced quests, but that’s about it.

The forge will be another grind shit, which will also enable us to forge new item sets, which currently no one needs, because in the arena only speed is king.

The new champions just add to the pool of existing champions, which overall reduces the chance of getting a specific champion you were hoping for.

Also they were looking into the analytics….. we already heared the analytics that dictate the game are the cash flow analytics….

And the recently introduced 3v3 arena was also something, that was first of all a lazy copy/paste/paste/paste of the existing arena without any mechanical changes and also another attempt to forcing players who wants to participate to have more champions in their rooster. Don’t get me wrong, I am not completely against it, but it just feels soooo lazy and cheap.

But it was not content people were asking for. People are asking and looking forward to another season pass. But did you see anything about that in the video? No. I guess they did not earn enough money with that.... Other games get it done, but Plarium doesn’t it seems. Half a year, and no season 2… that’s really sad.

And overall is this f***ing RNG. I generally have no issue with RNG, but here basically everything is RNG. The champions that you get (mostly, the login rewards or most of the time mediocre fusion champions), the items that you get, the stats on the items. And then there is a chance, that the item is completly worthless, because it is a flat stat main stat. And then there are the substats, and then there are the rolls when upgrading the item which are again RNG, and also the amount of roles that are need are RNG. But maybe they aren’t and it was already predetermined when the item was created, which upgrades and amount of rolls it takes. So you can be lucky to finally get an item oft he wanted set with a wanted main stat and decent or even one or two wanted substats and then the rolls ruin the item again. So here also, most of the time, you are again, completely and utterly f***ed.

This game lately became so overall unsatisfying, it is really sad. And there is real improvement in sight for the next time. Maybe, by luck, the tweeks to the champions will produce some more decent champions, but I am very skeptically. If the „leaked“ nerfs to Rotos, Siphi and Serris are true, then I do not expect anything.

Lately I really getting more and more of the impression, Plarium is more of a gambling company like their parent company Aristocrat Leisure, rather than a gaming company.

This was a long post, fuelled by my frustration. If anybody bothers to read this, then I expect some contradicting views from one or the other forum user, maybe some people agreeing and I’m hoping someone from Plarium is actually reading it, also I do not expect that. And of course I do not expect seeing any changes.

But I think with the current monetization modell of Plarium, this will be proper turn off for the low and medium spenders in the long run.

For now, as I just build a unkillable UNM team which is able to 4key, I will continue farming dragons for more Speed gear, even if i feel like the drop rates for the sh***y avenging or destroy sets are way higher than the speed, acc or lifesteal ones, prepare food and wait for patch 2.2 for the reworks of the champions.

And I know, if I don't like it, I don't have to play it, but I am already from my point of view heavily invested in the game. :/

An unhappy (and maybe unlucky) player.

Sep 7, 2020, 20:2409/07/20
I think that was a pretty fair assessment, too rational to be classified as a rant :) Please edit with some explitives!
Sep 7, 2020, 20:5809/07/20

I would love to have Arbiter  I don't know what champs you all have but I was able to reach G4 with speeds of 299 203 223 and 187

Team: Lead Skullcrown Madame Siphi and Trunda in order of speed previously listed.  i had to use almost 100 gems on refreshes to reach my G4 mission, if you need an arena mission that might help out.  Its unfortunate that having certain champs guarantees success with proper gear
Sep 10, 2020, 11:5109/10/20
Great post about the state of the game, agreed on all points. Hopefully Plarium takes notice. I, too, probably still "play" this game for it's future potential - it's gfx, mechanics and depth really appeal to me - but not because it's currently a lot of fun. Stopped spending money after there was no content to progress anymore, after clearing D20, reaching highest UNM chest and finishing missions. Competing in the whale wars arena systems is not something I particulary enjoy and I don't consider that "new" content, but I'm sure others do.
Sep 10, 2020, 12:1209/10/20
Sep 10, 2020, 12:20(edited)

I have not read it all, I stop reading after you said you are always staying at 2900 - 3000 points.

 That is pretty low in gold4 and just at the border. It is understandable that you can not stay at gold4 anymore.

 In the last 2 or 3 weeks, the minimun points to reach platinum dropped a lot. Usually around 4200-4300(?) points before but now it only averages around 3800 points(?). If I am correct, this means a lot less players now pushing to platinum and just staying in gold4. So it is like domino effect, there are a lot of "platinum level" players now just contended in gold4 so those who just stayed at 2900-3000 will probably push back to gold3 if they did not improve their artifacts. 

Edit: i just want to add. That before I can reach 4000 points in arena. But now there are a lot of good players now, I am just lurking around 3400-3600 points. But now they nerf Rotos, I think he is not that as good in defense after the nerf (also depends on the ai now) we may see less Rotos in def. Just an assumption and my first impression in reading the nerf. 

Sep 10, 2020, 13:1109/10/20
JoinME said:

I have not read it all, I stop reading after you said you are always staying at 2900 - 3000 points.

 That is pretty low in gold4 and just at the border. It is understandable that you can not stay at gold4 anymore.

 In the last 2 or 3 weeks, the minimun points to reach platinum dropped a lot. Usually around 4200-4300(?) points before but now it only averages around 3800 points(?). If I am correct, this means a lot less players now pushing to platinum and just staying in gold4. So it is like domino effect, there are a lot of "platinum level" players now just contended in gold4 so those who just stayed at 2900-3000 will probably push back to gold3 if they did not improve their artifacts. 

Edit: i just want to add. That before I can reach 4000 points in arena. But now there are a lot of good players now, I am just lurking around 3400-3600 points. But now they nerf Rotos, I think he is not that as good in defense after the nerf (also depends on the ai now) we may see less Rotos in def. Just an assumption and my first impression in reading the nerf. 

Hmmm.... This seems to confirms my theory that removing inactive players also remove a huge amount of available points from classic arena and lower the number of available spots on higher tier
Sep 12, 2020, 22:5109/12/20

I see you have the point, but your wall of text scaring me.


Long story short, if we cannot make them improve the game with feedback, we will do that with our money, it's the only thing they understand.