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Fix the BROKEN ARENA Please, it's disgustingly unbalance right now.

Fix the BROKEN ARENA Please, it's disgustingly unbalance right now.

Aug 30, 2020, 23:4008/30/20

Fix the BROKEN ARENA Please, it's disgustingly unbalance right now.

Fix your Arena Rank Matching please, it's still broken, this is so brokenly bad. I should not see these kind of level 66 4 Legendary in Bronze. I doubt these high level players still play this game, else they shouldn't be in bronze.

Aug 30, 2020, 23:5008/30/20
Aug 30, 2020, 23:54(edited)

I always wondered how those kinds of teams can get so low points when my non lego teams can at least get to silver 2.

Those teams being so low would skew any matchmaking algorithm.

And they still play, look at that crown icon, that means the guy bought a raid card, and I am 90% sure that guy is active

Aug 31, 2020, 00:3808/31/20

Arena matching is not broken look at their arena points they are close to yours. 

In my opinion, there can be several reasons behind this "broken matchmaking" 

1. These players already max his great hall and does not need the stat bonus given in higher rank. 

2. Already built core teams for dungeons and cb, that he no longer needs to upgrade great hall skills. 

3. If one does not like pvp, there is no reason of trying after you get Arbiter. He probably summoned an Arbiter or does not even like an Arbiter. Even I gets less excited when I found out you  needed to auto all the dungeons before you get her. By that time you don't really needed her. She is just a trophy to brag. 

4. Just quited playing and slowly ranking down. There are less new players actively playing compared to high level players. Or, new players that are not active were kiked off the ranks because of player' s request to remove inactive players. 

There can be more other reasons. 

If Plarium really wants players to engage in pvp, they should also put bazaar for classic arena. 

Aug 31, 2020, 04:4708/31/20

JoinME said:

Arena matching is not broken look at their arena points they are close to yours. 

In my opinion, there can be several reasons behind this "broken matchmaking" 

1. These players already max his great hall and does not need the stat bonus given in higher rank. 

2. Already built core teams for dungeons and cb, that he no longer needs to upgrade great hall skills. 

3. If one does not like pvp, there is no reason of trying after you get Arbiter. He probably summoned an Arbiter or does not even like an Arbiter. Even I gets less excited when I found out you  needed to auto all the dungeons before you get her. By that time you don't really needed her. She is just a trophy to brag. 

4. Just quited playing and slowly ranking down. There are less new players actively playing compared to high level players. Or, new players that are not active were kiked off the ranks because of player' s request to remove inactive players. 

There can be more other reasons. 

If Plarium really wants players to engage in pvp, they should also put bazaar for classic arena. 

And this is why they need to implement a checkpoint safety net!

Not to protect the whales from dropping tiers, but to protect the low tier players from sinking whales.

Aug 31, 2020, 06:5008/31/20
Aug 31, 2020, 06:56(edited)

Many people believe those strong but low point 4-legend-champ-teams are from quit players, maybe, I have seen them so many times. However I have another good question, since they are too strong, there must have some active players who are stronger than them to push them down to such low tier, who ? 

It mean there are active & strong players (than those you see above) in low tiers. why ?  

Aug 31, 2020, 10:4908/31/20
Aug 31, 2020, 10:50(edited)

Ident20 said:


It mean there are active & strong players (than those you see above) in low tiers. why ?  

All I can think of is harvesting bronze medal, since there's a lot of youtubers advocating for using the same medals for the Great Hall upgrade tier, like using bronze medal for bronze tier upgrade.

I used to think it made sense, but after calculating, it's actually a stupid advice, but I don't see many redacting their advice.

Although, with the difficulty the arena is in right now, the idea does have its appeal again
Aug 31, 2020, 12:1108/31/20

OzzLee said:

Ident20 said:


It mean there are active & strong players (than those you see above) in low tiers. why ?  

All I can think of is harvesting bronze medal, since there's a lot of youtubers advocating for using the same medals for the Great Hall upgrade tier, like using bronze medal for bronze tier upgrade.

I used to think it made sense, but after calculating, it's actually a stupid advice, but I don't see many redacting their advice.

Although, with the difficulty the arena is in right now, the idea does have its appeal again

LOL, ha ha ha, you make me laugh, funny.

I was in Gold IV for 2 or 3 months, thanks to Plarium late update, I spent most time in bronze to silver 1, 2 and jump directly to gold 4, at first I thought omg, I did not upgrade bronze, silver tier, I have to go back to do that.

Nope, I don't have to, medal is actually one kind of currency, bronze is 1 coin, silver is 2 coins, gold is 4 coins, if you have all bronze, silver, gold medals, the upgrade will add them all in cost, if enough you could spend all for 1 upgrade. That means when I stand in Gold IV, it would take me 1 month to make 1 tier 10, in bronze or silver seem endless. 

My [good question] is still a mystery, there are strong & active players in low tiers (those who could push other strong players down). why ? 

Aug 31, 2020, 14:0308/31/20
Aug 31, 2020, 14:19(edited)

Ident20 said:

LOL, ha ha ha, you make me laugh, funny.

I was in Gold IV for 2 or 3 months, thanks to Plarium late update, I spent most time in bronze to silver 1, 2 and jump directly to gold 4, at first I thought omg, I did not upgrade bronze, silver tier, I have to go back to do that.

Nope, I don't have to, medal is actually one kind of currency, bronze is 1 coin, silver is 2 coins, gold is 4 coins, if you have all bronze, silver, gold medals, the upgrade will add them all in cost, if enough you could spend all for 1 upgrade. That means when I stand in Gold IV, it would take me 1 month to make 1 tier 10, in bronze or silver seem endless. 

My [good question] is still a mystery, there are strong & active players in low tiers (those who could push other strong players down). why ? 

That 1 month time period is assuming you can win all your battles in gold. So do you have 100% win rate in gold? Or silver?

As I said, the advice about farming medals at lower tier is ridiculous and doesn't add up, but considering the difficulty the arena is right now, it is appealing to farm medals at lower tier.

Consider the "get one level 4 Great Hall upgrade" progress mission which would require 400 silver medals, many youtubers are saying that if people don't have the appropriate level 1-3 GH upgrade they should get the medals from bronze and not to spend the silver medals on bronze tier upgrade, because how much harder it is to get silver medals for newer players. For me being able to maintain silver, going down is not appealing time wise, but the math actually adds up if you consider the difficulty in higher tiers

And for people who can't count themselves and rely on influencers for in game decision, the advice is to go down and farm down, and there are a lot of these people

My win rate offensively is 70% ish in silver 1, meaning as you point out, I can get 2 currency per offensive win which means I can get 14 currency per 10 coins I use. I can actually go down to bronze 3 where I can have 100% win and get 2 currency per offensive win, from which I can get 20 currency per 10 coins I spend, and this is not considering that lower tier medals cannot be used at higher tier upgrades, in which making 1 silver medal a bit higher in value than 2 bronze medal, same goes to gold medals. And considering the difficulty to get higher tier medals you actually spend more effort and don't get the same value if you use higher tier medals to upgrade lower tier GH.

This is the same reason why I choose to stay in bronze 4 in 3v3 arena, where I can maintain 100% win rate and actually get more gold bars compared to if I choose to tier up

Aug 31, 2020, 19:5508/31/20
OzzLee said:

This is the same reason why I choose to stay in bronze 4 in 3v3 arena, where I can maintain 100% win rate and actually get more gold bars compared to if I choose to tier up

Check the math again.  The gold bar return per token on fights in S1 compared to B4 is 57% higher and for tier placement it is 78% higher.  It is hard to imagine that you won't come out way ahead even if you do lose a higher percentage of your battles.  In looking at all of the tiers, the promotion from B4 to S1 is biggest jump in gold bar returns from a percentage perspective.  If you want to take advantage of the Bazaar, get yourself to S1 and stay there are higher.
Aug 31, 2020, 22:2408/31/20
Sep 1, 2020, 00:56(edited)

WileyMan said:

Check the math again.  The gold bar return per token on fights in S1 compared to B4 is 57% higher and for tier placement it is 78% higher.  It is hard to imagine that you won't come out way ahead even if you do lose a higher percentage of your battles.  In looking at all of the tiers, the promotion from B4 to S1 is biggest jump in gold bar returns from a percentage perspective.  If you want to take advantage of the Bazaar, get yourself to S1 and stay there are higher.

You're assuming I can reach silver in a 3v3 arena, when in reality I can't even reach silver in 3v3 and even if I can, I can only win maximum of 1 battle per match because I only have 1 good team, and even that's a stretch. In bronze 4 I can get by, by adding 2 makeshift teams, which I doubt can be used in silver.

Assuming you can reach and maintain higher tier in arena, of course it would be better to reach as high as you can.

Don't mix up that last paragraph with the whole post, I can maintain Silver 1 in classic arena, but I stay in Bronze 4 in 3v3 arena

Sep 3, 2020, 07:2709/03/20
Sep 3, 2020, 07:42(edited)

OzzLee said:

I always wondered how those kinds of teams can get so low points when my non lego teams can at least get to silver 2.

Those teams being so low would skew any matchmaking algorithm.

And they still play, look at that crown icon, that means the guy bought a raid card, and I am 90% sure that guy is active

I like how that guy level 66 WITH MARTYR 1 of most competitive Champions, but still hang around in Bronze III. You think he could auto battle to gold rank in his sleep, plus gold rank drop better chest reward too. Unless he's being INACTIVE and been beaten by many active players to the point it drops him down Bronze III, but since no newbie in Bronze can win him and he's inactive to climb ladder, he permanently "stuck" there...

Raid card doesn't mean player is active. I knew many World of Warcraft players who play only 1 day a week. Raid card battle pass just mean they can afford Raid card

Plarium need a game rule where if players are Level 60+ they cannot drop below Silver

Sep 3, 2020, 07:4109/03/20

downonluck said:

I like how that guy level 66 WITH MARTYR 1 of most competitive Champions, but still hang around in Bronze III. You think he could auto battle to gold rank in his sleep, plus gold rank drop better chest reward too. Unless he's being INACTIVE and been beaten by many active players to the point it drops him down Bronze III, but since no newbie in Bronze can win him and he's inactive to climb ladder, he permanently "stuck" there...

Plarium need a game rule where if players are Level 60+ they cannot drop below Silver

Level restrictions are not going to be effective, it should be based on medals earned or Great Hall upgrades.

As I said, you have silver medals, you should be locked on silver and cannot go down further, you have gold medals then you're locked on Gold and cannot go down further
Sep 3, 2020, 11:5609/03/20

The idea of, if you have silver medals, you will be locked on silver will not always work. The problem of F2p players is that they are competing with whales. Here is an example video from hellhades

This guy, already level 65 in only 21 days with bunch of end game champions. Around 40(?) level 60 champions fully ascended and still on silver. 

Most likely those who are complaining in arena will most likely say, if they see this player in silver, that this guy is already quit and should be in gold and do not belong to silver. 

And of course, everyone should know by now that this is not the only one who just started playing this game and already spending so much in summons, artifacts, and accessories. 

You may ask then why is he still in silver? I don't know what the player wants in his acct but keep in mind that some players are just here to collect. Just summon, build champions, but not really want to excel in pvp. There could be some that knows how to build champions that does not really know how to progress, that is why some of them wants an account takeover to help them build teams. 

Sep 3, 2020, 12:1709/03/20
Sep 3, 2020, 12:18(edited)

JoinME said:

The idea of, if you have silver medals, you will be locked on silver will not always work. The problem of F2p players is that they are competing with whales. Here is an example video from hellhades

This guy, already level 65 in only 21 days with bunch of end game champions. Around 40(?) level 60 champions fully ascended and still on silver. 

Most likely those who are complaining in arena will most likely say, if they see this player in silver, that this guy is already quit and should be in gold and do not belong to silver. 

And of course, everyone should know by now that this is not the only one who just started playing this game and already spending so much in summons, artifacts, and accessories. 

You may ask then why is he still in silver? I don't know what the player wants in his acct but keep in mind that some players are just here to collect. Just summon, build champions, but not really want to excel in pvp. There could be some that knows how to build champions that does not really know how to progress, that is why some of them wants an account takeover to help them build teams. 

My rebutal on why it would work:

once implemented, the barrier will turn into a dam, collecting more and more people aaround the barrier, there will be more and more people being blocked in silver... as more and more people are locked in silver, thos kind of accounts would be pushed up to gold, where that account (and those like it) will inevitably be locked at gold.

How is that kind of account would be pushed up? as more and more people getting locked in silver from bronze, those kind of account will create a pool, once the pool is big enough, those kind of high level accounts would inevitably get more and more wins, getting higher points thus pushing them upward, where it can settle on a pool of like powered account, and once he reached gold, he fights in gold, got his first gold medal and bam! Locked into gold.

This is what other games in this genre have done FOR AGES! I always thought that it was a protection method for whale accounts, but now that I play Raid, I realise, this is to protect low level players