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Suggestions for next 6 Star

Suggestions for next 6 Star

Aug 29, 2020, 17:2608/29/20

Suggestions for next 6 Star

Hi Gang,

I'm building up food for my next 6*, but I'm struggling with who it should be. I've been playing for about a month and a half and can farm 12-3 brutal with my starter in about 30 seconds.  Here is a link to my roster:  As you can see, RNJesus was not good to my on my first Legendary pull.

I want to get to the point where I can start farming Level 13 artifact dungeons, right now I'm stuck at 11 and I think I need some sustain.  I'm leaning toward Sepulcher Sentinel for her shield, debuff block, and damage negate, though Zargala, Golden Reaper and even Warmaiden are also options.  I would like a healer, but I don't think Mistress of Hymns healing is strong enough.

Thoughts and comments?  Am I off base and is there a better option I'm missing?  TIA.

Aug 29, 2020, 18:4008/29/20

Bad luck on the lego, but u have some great epics. Unfortunately books are going to be tough... and you made the same bad starter choice I did lol.

Sepulcher is Great for CB, and will help you survive in dungeons (though I have no experience using her there)

Zargala is top tier

Thenasil is an interesting option for a healer (I was lucky to pull zelotah on both accts b4 pulling him, so never used thenasil)

Golden Reaper will definitely help with dungeon progression with aoe ATK down and speed boosting

I would focus on farming and less on dungeon progression until you have more 60s, I would not be surprised if those 4 + Elhain get you closer to dragon 20 then 13... If you had chosen Kael those 5 would beat dragon20
Aug 30, 2020, 00:0108/30/20
Frozen Banshee
Aug 30, 2020, 00:1908/30/20

Thenasil is an awesome healer.  I have used him extensively in Arena, Faction Wars and to help with Dungeon progression, although he is not on any of my current L20 Dungeon teams.

I am also a big fan of High Khatun.  I have used her speed lead and speed boost extensively in Arena, Faction Wars and to help with Dungeon progression.  She is the current lead for my FK20 team and the lead for one of my 3v3 Arena teams.

I do not have Golden Reaper, Zargala or Sepulcher Sentinel, but they are all top tier Epics that will help you progress in multiple areas of the game.  

However, if your true goal is specifically Dungeon progression, your next 6 star should probably be Coldheart.  She is famously the Queen of Dungeon Progression.  I was not lucky enough to pull a Coldheart until a couple of weeks ago, so I am still leveling her up, but I expect her to significantly speed up my L20 Dungeon runs and to help me finally beat SP19 and SP20, which is the only Dungeon I cannot farm at L20.  

Aug 30, 2020, 00:2108/30/20
Player J said:

Frozen Banshee
I missed FB when I scanned your screenshot.  If your goal is CB, definitely go FB.  She is the lead for my 3-Key NM CB Team.  However, if your goal is specifically Dungeons, then I still say Coldheart.    
Aug 30, 2020, 04:4208/30/20

WileyMan said:

Player J said:

Frozen Banshee
I missed FB when I scanned your screenshot.  If your goal is CB, definitely go FB.  She is the lead for my 3-Key NM CB Team.  However, if your goal is specifically Dungeons, then I still say Coldheart.    

Coldheart is a very fragile end-game champ, her hit is even stronger than most legend champs but her health is a meh, she could be killed anytime, on the way to meet dungeon boss she would be killed 10 times, you need to have some special champs to keep her alive till she could meet the boss or she never have a chance to shoot.

Aug 30, 2020, 14:3808/30/20
Thanks for all the input guys.  I figured dungeons because I need better gear, and especially more accessories. Currently I'm doing hard CB, getting about 3.5M for 2 keys.  Mistress of Hymns revive helps, but I need to increase her CR if I want her Song of Triumph to activate consistently.  I'm also stuck on Bronze 3 for Arena.
Aug 30, 2020, 14:4508/30/20

I agree on the two recommendations above:

1. Frozen Banshee (fabulous for CB and can be your dragon killer)

2. CH (wait on her, she is fabulous but needs the support team to keep her alive)