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A Case of Truly Nonsensical AI: Ithos

A Case of Truly Nonsensical AI: Ithos

Aug 28, 2020, 21:5208/28/20

A Case of Truly Nonsensical AI: Ithos

So I pulled Ithos today (yay) and upon beginning to level him, I realized that when I've seen him in arena defenses, he only automatically uses his A2, which makes gearing him as a nuker pointless except for offense IF you're on manual (this is because his primary nuke - A3 - is automatically critical, which means you hypothetically should be able to ignore building him for crit rate likme most champions, and can focus on attack instead - since he uses his weaker A2 automatically which isn't an automatic crit, that negates the build in using him for an arena defense, which is a bummer because that's the major selling point of his kit).

I thought, "Okay, his A2 applies weaken, so maybe the AI sees there's no weaken debuff and thinks it's better to apply that first before using the big gun - I can see the logic there."

So, I thought I'd try to apply weaken ahead of that, using Draco - this all works on auto until Ithos' turn, and... he still uses his A2.

There's absolutely no logic behind this - so why is the AI executing like this? 

Is this a known issue by the dev team and being looked at, at all?

Aug 28, 2020, 22:2208/28/20
Aug 28, 2020, 22:23(edited)
I think the list of champs that work well on auto is shorter than those that don't.... I would prefer an update that fixed 50 this way instead of constant buffing/nerfing