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Arena needs revamp!

Arena needs revamp!

Aug 28, 2020, 15:3208/28/20

Arena needs revamp!

So current arena has basically become horrible. THere are currently 2 maybe 3 viable party builds. The strength of your group means nothing. So tired of getting my butt handed to me by a team that is half the strength of my party. Arena has become NO FUN! and a tedious part of the game. When their is a difference of 60K in strength and party gets wiped in 1 round there is a problem. I have heard this complaint from MANY people.  


Stats bonus based on party strength difference - Your party gets a stats  bonus based on the difference in strength. THis would require folks to be more tactical in choices of party build. Basically 0-10k difference no bonus 11-20k +10% 21-30 +20% etc. 

Aug 28, 2020, 22:4808/28/20
Merlanger said:

So current arena has basically become horrible. THere are currently 2 maybe 3 viable party builds. The strength of your group means nothing. So tired of getting my butt handed to me by a team that is half the strength of my party. Arena has become NO FUN! and a tedious part of the game. When their is a difference of 60K in strength and party gets wiped in 1 round there is a problem. I have heard this complaint from MANY people.  


Stats bonus based on party strength difference - Your party gets a stats  bonus based on the difference in strength. THis would require folks to be more tactical in choices of party build. Basically 0-10k difference no bonus 11-20k +10% 21-30 +20% etc. 

That suggestion will only help speed teams and wreck the high defense high resist teams
Aug 28, 2020, 23:2408/28/20

I think he is saying the opposite... give the high power team more bonus? Not going to happen either way.

Selfishly, I suggest maybe giving all auras other than speed a 2x bonus in arena

Aug 30, 2020, 03:1908/30/20

Reread - Power difference gives team with higher power bonus to stats. This stops the high speed quick strike teams that make up 80% of teams in arena right now. Arena is horrible and needs a major rework.

OzzLee said:

Merlanger said:

So current arena has basically become horrible. THere are currently 2 maybe 3 viable party builds. The strength of your group means nothing. So tired of getting my butt handed to me by a team that is half the strength of my party. Arena has become NO FUN! and a tedious part of the game. When their is a difference of 60K in strength and party gets wiped in 1 round there is a problem. I have heard this complaint from MANY people.  


Stats bonus based on party strength difference - Your party gets a stats  bonus based on the difference in strength. THis would require folks to be more tactical in choices of party build. Basically 0-10k difference no bonus 11-20k +10% 21-30 +20% etc. 

That suggestion will only help speed teams and wreck the high defense high resist teams

Aug 30, 2020, 04:0408/30/20

Merlanger said:

Reread - Power difference gives team with higher power bonus to stats. This stops the high speed quick strike teams that make up 80% of teams in arena right now. Arena is horrible and needs a major rework.

OzzLee said:

Merlanger said:

So current arena has basically become horrible. THere are currently 2 maybe 3 viable party builds. The strength of your group means nothing. So tired of getting my butt handed to me by a team that is half the strength of my party. Arena has become NO FUN! and a tedious part of the game. When their is a difference of 60K in strength and party gets wiped in 1 round there is a problem. I have heard this complaint from MANY people.  


Stats bonus based on party strength difference - Your party gets a stats  bonus based on the difference in strength. THis would require folks to be more tactical in choices of party build. Basically 0-10k difference no bonus 11-20k +10% 21-30 +20% etc. 

That suggestion will only help speed teams and wreck the high defense high resist teams

Giving an extra stat bonus to a higher power team when fighting a lower power team is counter-intuitive.  The solution for "power" is for Plarium to rework the formula to incorporate an accurate representation of the stats that matter.  Whoever wrote the power formula had no idea what was important, and the entire team of developers seems to not care at all.   
For example: Speed is the most important factor in Arena performance, but it is hardly factored into "power" at all, while resistance carries the most weight.  How dumb is that when it doesn't matter if you have 300 resistance against their 200 accuracy if you have 150 speed against their 250 speed with a turn meter manipulator.  Even if they can't debuff you, your team is dead before you ever get a turn.    
Aug 30, 2020, 06:4708/30/20

Merlanger said:

Reread - Power difference gives team with higher power bonus to stats. This stops the high speed quick strike teams that make up 80% of teams in arena right now. Arena is horrible and needs a major rework.

Well then, it would give advantage to High def high resistance teams like mine... Which still means unfairness.

But I have to ask everyone, because I want to confirm a suspicion of mine

What kind of teams do you see on your arena list?

Because I honestly see more types of high def high resistance team, and have seen less and less speed nuker team.
Aug 30, 2020, 15:0608/30/20
Mostly speed nuker, high def high res #2
Aug 30, 2020, 15:5008/30/20
Aug 30, 2020, 15:56(edited)

Merlanger said:

So current arena has basically become horrible. THere are currently 2 maybe 3 viable party builds. The strength of your group means nothing. So tired of getting my butt handed to me by a team that is half the strength of my party. Arena has become NO FUN! and a tedious part of the game. When their is a difference of 60K in strength and party gets wiped in 1 round there is a problem. I have heard this complaint from MANY people.  


Stats bonus based on party strength difference - Your party gets a stats  bonus based on the difference in strength. THis would require folks to be more tactical in choices of party build. Basically 0-10k difference no bonus 11-20k +10% 21-30 +20% etc. 

Btw, someone sayed that there is less and less speed nuked teams, that is true, why they will put speed leader aura if is enough to have one set of speed to act first and whipe out oponent in first turn with attack or crit dmg aura leader
agree, i dont know any reason why there should be bonuses in arena at all, this isnt turn based game where attacker act first, so remove all bonuses will fix this unfairnes