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Percent chance, when is it decided?

Percent chance, when is it decided?

Aug 28, 2020, 03:2208/28/20

Percent chance, when is it decided?


When a skill says "x% chance of placing ..." is this per hit, per turn, per round, or something else?

I ask because it seems like when it does proc, it does so again, every time?

I was in an arena match, and while my Umbral Enchantress was under her unkillable buff, Robar kept stunning her, over and over, and over, and over, and over ad infinitum. I eventually had to leave the match.

Was this just a glitch, an extremely lucky streak, or is Robar's "50% chance of placing a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn. Grants an Extra Turn if this debuff is successfully placed." applied at the start of the round, and not per turn?

Thank you,

Aug 28, 2020, 05:1408/28/20
Aug 28, 2020, 05:18(edited)

Very interesting question.

I don't own Robar.

I don't really know the answer to your question.

I have seen Robars go on crazy Lucky Streaks before.

It has never happened to me, but I have seen it happen to youtubers.

Robar moves are very unique.

No other heroes have a similar design.

The situation you experienced will probably never happen again. lol

So yeah - You should of taken a picture of it.

A once in a life time moment.
Aug 28, 2020, 08:1208/28/20
Aug 28, 2020, 08:29(edited)

Yea, I wish I had.

I was quite frustrated, irritated, and overall about ready to throw my phone. (This wasn't the first arena battle I lost, which should have been easy.)

After a few minutes of meditation breathing, and chanting "it's just a game", I logged in using my laptop, challenged the team again while recording, but then they went down without getting a single stun on any of my champions.

Which goes back to, when or how is the "% chance ..." applied, I didn't count the number of times he applied the stun, but it repeated for over a minute, so however many seconds the animation last on 2x, even if the animation takes 2 seconds (which I am sure it doesn't), that would be 30 times. Can you flip a coin 30 times and have it land on the same side without there being something up with the coin?

Aug 28, 2020, 13:5308/28/20

From your story, I would assume that it was a freaky glitch where the chance roll got stuck and gone into a loop.

But that's just my assumption...