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arena is not suffering from teams of non-active players, something different is going on!!

arena is not suffering from teams of non-active players, something different is going on!!

Aug 28, 2020, 02:2108/28/20

arena is not suffering from teams of non-active players, something different is going on!!

I already said this before and I am going to say it again: the problems in the arena are not just caused by teams who are inactive, but have great strenght. I could cope with them,until a few months ago. Plarium either made gold IV too important or you have changed an algorythm or setting which has a great influence on the outcome of fights or on the ranking of the teams. I can't even shake off the feeling that with saying it has to do with teams coming from the hgher leages, but who's players are not active, which cause the problems, but you are actually deceiving us. Sorry, that is how I feel about it now. Since even with the inactive teams in place, I went from G3 to S2 and I can't get out of it. So what actually is happening?

I'm sorry, but I can't be fooled around anymore with your arguments, Plarium You wil need to do something really different to get this straight. I still find teams, a lot of them, who don't have speed players, but are high on speed and just defeat me in a moment in S2, where I first was able to battle in G3. So tell me what really changed? Because I start to get tired of this.

the Arena is important. As for now I don't get the artifacts I need to get ahead, nor am i able to upgrade important settings  n the town hall.  When you can't solve the problems with the arena, than you need to make the rewards in the S league more interesting and you need to tone down on the missions. Since quite a few players will find themselves in a position where they are not able to progress anymore, and that leads to demotivation to play the game
