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A little help with early team building direction?

A little help with early team building direction?

Aug 27, 2020, 23:5608/27/20

A little help with early team building direction?

So I'm at a bit of a loss. I have a couple obvious choices of who two use for 2-3 members of my team, but I've flip-flopped so much with different characters in my number 4 spot, and trying to level up and gear new characters to try filling it as well, I've really just wasted a TON of silver on upgrading different gear sets for a couple different characters. And I'm still basically where I was to begin with, unsure of who to actually focus on for the time being, and who to disregard for now (or even entirely).

I've been fortunate enough to score an early legendary which should help quite a bit, I assume, and makes an obvious choice to use. I'm also pretty confident about continuing to use Kael for his powerful aoe and useful DOTs in boss fights.

From there I begin to get a little hazy. I definitely lean heavily toward Hordin, because his self buff, debuff, and extra turn on basic attack killing the enemy are all definitely useful, especially when clearing out trash. But he really seems to just perform best for me atm at clearing out trash, as his single target attacks don't seem to cut it as well in arena or against beefy bosses. He just kind of slaps a debuff on them and that's the most he can do.

And after that I'm almost totally lost. I've mainly just got a couple tanks and the rest are offensive characters. A support seems like the best role to fit into my team, but neither of the ones I currently have actually do very much for me. So maybe I'm just stuck waiting for a decent support pull before I have a well-rounded team? idk lol

Any advice on which characters to use in my main team atm, which ones I can ignore for now or even sacrifice toward ranking up another character, and any suggestions on who I should be hoping I pull to make a good addition to my team (aside from top tier legendary characters or something lol). And any gear set advice you'd like to share would also be welcome. At this point I'm mainly following the in-game suggestions with the exclusion of my Ixlimor using a 4 defense/2 speed set rather than the recommended hp gear. So yeah feel free to throw that info out there too if you're willing.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

Here's what I'm working with atm:

Aug 28, 2020, 00:0508/28/20
You are very early game.  Your goal should be to create chickens, get Tyrant to 6* so you can farm 12.3 brutal.  Golden Reaper will be a great support for you.  Kael will play some role as well.  
Aug 28, 2020, 00:1308/28/20

Yeah, I understand how early I still am, but I've made an absolute TON of mistakes in the short amount of time I've been playing. I started this account like last year or something, and only recently returned to the game. When I came back, I had a LOT of silver banked to keep me afloat for a long while. Or so I thought. All my indecisiveness with characters and gear sets has reduced from from having at least 12million or so silver down to...30k...😅

So yeah I just need to know where to focus my efforts more going forwards so I don't completely squander any more resources than I already have lol
Aug 28, 2020, 03:3208/28/20

I clicked the link you posted.

It was very hard for me to look at your Roster with all the porn sites popping up.

I looked at your Roster for half a second.

I think I saw a Legendary Hero - I think the hero is named Tyrant

Than a Hot Topless Red Head popped up - I never saw your roster again after that.

I have no clue who else you have.

But what I can tell you.

Is the Red Heads Name was Melissa.

She enjoys long walks on the beach.

She enjoys reading.

She enjoys hanging out with friends.

In the future, You might consider posting a screenshot of your Roster with no distractions.

I'm just a man.

A very very very weak man.

Aug 29, 2020, 02:1008/29/20
Aug 29, 2020, 02:12(edited)

lol well that's what I get for using some random image hosting site. gotta fix that real quick 

aaaand fixed. yikes lol
Aug 29, 2020, 03:3608/29/20
Aug 29, 2020, 03:40(edited)

I have looked at your new link.

I can see your roster.

It seems to me like you have some amazing heroes.

It seems to me like you have no level 60 hero.

The first thing you should do is make a Campaign Farmer.

I would go with Tyrant.

Tyrant is a Legendary.

Tyrant is Defense based.

Tyrant is good in a lot of area's of the game. 

2 other very good heroes worth mentioning:

  • Tallia
  • Golden Reaper

Other heroes you have are not bad, but you might want to hold off on them.

Aug 30, 2020, 16:2708/30/20
Hopefully your tyrant is now 6* and you are farming 12.3 brutal