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Team building help needed

Team building help needed

Aug 27, 2020, 19:1808/27/20

Team building help needed

Hey guys. I'm kind of stuck at a road block with my current teams, mainly dungeons and clan boss. Here is what I have to work with .....

I'm hitting about 3 Mil per key on CB and am stuck on dungeon levels 10/11.Ive been watching the usual youtubers ,but it seems pointless as I haven't got the teams they have.

Who should my next 60 be please ? 

What teams would work where ?

Any help would be very appreciated , I can give more info/stats if required.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

Aug 27, 2020, 22:0508/27/20

True that you don't have that many options in your roster yet. But your damage on CB is bafflingly low, which makes me wonder about your gear/builds. A level 60 Frozen Banshee should easily be doing a couple million damage on her own, purely through her poisons. Even Kael, who isn't as good a poisoner, can do a few million (though at level 60, don't remember about 50). What does FB's gear look like? Is she booked? And how consistently are you managing to keep decrease attack and decrease defense on the CB? 

Next 60 I guess Kael (normally I don't recommend to take a second starter to 60, but he really is loads better than Galek and you don't have a lot of other options, so...) and then definitely Apo, who is good everywhere. Vrask could be 60 too, Coffin Smasher if you're going to keep using him for CB (all your regular CB champions need to be 60 because that's required for warmaster/giantslayer masteries) and Coldheart should definitely be 60 eventually, but in your stage of the game she's mainly a Fire Knight specialist still, so not that urgent. 

Aug 27, 2020, 23:1908/27/20

Kael is currently at 51/60 and I will assend him to 6 stars on Saturday when the keep opens for the potions.I leveled him up today from 50 and that was his first run on CB so he is a work in progress.Only a few books on him and to be honest most of my champs have little in that's something I will 100% work on. I was using Outlaw monk (50) before ,but he got sacrificed for Kael. Lifesteal and Cruel - all in attack/crit.

Banshee has a few books on each skill , no masteries as yet also.

I have Apo fully booked and wearing 6 piece speed set, but they are all level 12 at the moment.Just need to save a few million for upgrades.

I seem to start well on CB and slowly fizzle out , decrease attack and decrease defense isn't up all the time, so when they are down I obviously get hammered.I get to round 20 maximum.

Would Vrask be a better option than Romero ? I have him assended now so his crits should be good heals, He's almost at 100% crit.

I do have 1 sacred, 2 void, 2 ancient and 70 mystery shards to open tomorrow. Hopefully the RNG gods will show me mercy ( Ain't gonna happen but a man can dream lol )

Aug 28, 2020, 02:4608/28/20

All the heroes you own which do debuffs need tons of ACC for Clan Boss.

You need to be over 100 I think for Hard CB.

Kael shouldn't even be in your set up.

You should have Apothecary in there.

Aug 28, 2020, 06:4608/28/20

Yeah, as J said - the biggest problem with your FB, and probably also your other champions then, is a lack of accuracy. 

Also, keep in mind that lifesteal on a champion like FB will only really start making a difference once you've gotten her Warmaster - so when she has almost full masteries. Until then, it's only going to heal her a little bit and maybe delay her death by one or two turns. 

Once you have her fully booked, with enough accuracy and with Warmaster, you'll see it's a very different story, with a bunch of poisons ticking away on the CB every single turn, plus some warmaster procs. I just did a run on Brutal with 9 million damage from FB alone - sure, the rest of my team is stronger as well, but still, it gives you an idea of how much more she can do. On endgame teams who can keep her alive for 40-50 rounds, it's obviously a lot more still. 
Aug 28, 2020, 09:4108/28/20

Player J said:

All the heroes you own which do debuffs need tons of ACC for Clan Boss.

You need to be over 100 I think for Hard CB.

Kael shouldn't even be in your set up.

You should have Apothecary in there.

Thank you PLAYER J. I will concentrate my efforts on Apothecary and get him and his gearset up to scratch. Salute to you my friend ;)

* hangs head in shame* I've just taken a ton of ACC from FB lol.I still have most of the pieces , so will reinstate them ASAP.

Aug 28, 2020, 09:5008/28/20

L9753 said:

Yeah, as J said - the biggest problem with your FB, and probably also your other champions then, is a lack of accuracy. 

Also, keep in mind that lifesteal on a champion like FB will only really start making a difference once you've gotten her Warmaster - so when she has almost full masteries. Until then, it's only going to heal her a little bit and maybe delay her death by one or two turns. 

Once you have her fully booked, with enough accuracy and with Warmaster, you'll see it's a very different story, with a bunch of poisons ticking away on the CB every single turn, plus some warmaster procs. I just did a run on Brutal with 9 million damage from FB alone - sure, the rest of my team is stronger as well, but still, it gives you an idea of how much more she can do. On endgame teams who can keep her alive for 40-50 rounds, it's obviously a lot more still. 

"9 million damage from FB alone" Holy smokes !!!!  

Yes I have 100% messed up my lil blue warrior  big time lol.So what's the difference  between the levels on CB, is it just HP or does the CB actually hit harder each level.

Thanks L9753 ,I honestly appreciate the advice and and absorbing the advice like a sponge. 

Props to you !!1!

Aug 28, 2020, 10:1108/28/20

So ....on a side note. I have opened up my saved shards for this event and I got ......."drum roll".....

Rearguard Sergeant

Occult Brawler





Are any of these Champs game changers for me please guys ? 

What changes to my  teams ( if any) would you make ?

What  missions/levels should I be focusing on mainly. I'm trying to focus on everything at once and it's obviously not working.As I said above, I watch the youtubers with teams of Legos absolutely smashing it but I'm a low spender and would rather buy a new graphics card or some SSD's for my gaming rig as opposed to sinking money into a game I won't be playing in a year.

Have a great weekend people and stay safe :)

Aug 28, 2020, 22:2108/28/20

On higher levels, the CB is faster, hits harder, has more HP and more resistance (so you need higher accuracy to land your buffs reliably). And poison ticks may do more or less damage. 

Among your new champions, Rearguard Sergeant is a game-changer, yes, you'll want to use her in most dungeons and CB. 

Occult Brawler is about as good a poisoner as Frozen Banshee, perhaps marginally better according to some, but since you've already invested in FB, not sure you should do much with him right now (do keep him though, for sure). 

As for what you should focus on, I think trying to progress a few more stages on dragon - and getting the necessary masteries for CB, so a lot of mino grinding, but make sure you do it only on stage 15, nothing lower. The difference in how many scrolls per run you get is just too big to grind on any lower level. 

Aug 29, 2020, 22:4708/29/20
Aug 29, 2020, 22:47(edited)

What Faction + Rarity is Sentinel?