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Should we be running nightmare clan boss

Should we be running nightmare clan boss

Aug 27, 2020, 15:4008/27/20

Should we be running nightmare clan boss

Aug 28, 2020, 04:5908/28/20
Aug 28, 2020, 05:00(edited)

As a Clan Leader, you have to handle this situation with extreme care.

It is a very Delicate Situation.

1st thing = Be Honest & Upfront about the situation.

Explain it to them so they can understand!

It all has to do with fairness in the clan.

Why does Player A have to buy extra Keys when Player B doesn't?

This is the definition of unfairness!

You don't want to put members in a position to buy extra Keys to finish off Clan Boss.

You don't even want to encourage people to buy extra Keys.

I have seen teams tear themselves apart over Clan Boss.

Player A cussing out Player B.

Player C siding with Player A

Player D siding with Player B.

Than before you know it.

The whole team is split apart - People are leaving the team.

They are making there own teams.

You need to tell the members in your team that you are trying to strive for Fairness.

Your goal is to beat Nightmare CB on a daily bases with out people needing to buy extra keys.

The reason why is because of Fairness!

It will be unfair for the people who are using extra keys.

The best way to handle the situation is to explain it to them honestly.

You don't want people pulling extra weight or doing more vs. other people.

It can cause resentment, anger, or negative vibes.

You don't want any negativity creeping up in your clan.

Another thing you can do is plan!

The game has daily login rewards.

Sometimes, you get extra Clan Boss Keys from the Login rewards.

You can plan a NM CB attack on a day where your getting extra keys.

Also, The game does updates.

They like to give people extra clan boss keys for any issues which might have happened.

You could try to plan for those types of things as well.

Aug 28, 2020, 09:3408/28/20
Aug 29, 2020, 07:47(edited)
Aug 28, 2020, 11:1408/28/20

Merge clan or Join more active clan. 

Unlike other online games like clash of clan, samurai siege, this game is more offline game, 90% offline (play by yourself) 10% online (team up with other players), if they think everything is fine, they won't do anything the leader said, especially if costs them a lot. 

If no-one do what you want, just join other active game. 
Aug 29, 2020, 02:4208/29/20
Aug 29, 2020, 07:48(edited)
Aug 29, 2020, 03:0708/29/20
Aug 29, 2020, 03:11(edited)

tigerspawn1 said:

I stopped killing nmcb for them. I was putting up 200 mil damage. They got mad and said I was screwing them over. I said no you are not ready for nm. They were very angry and called me a selfish child. I said I have been playing with you helping you clear hard, brutal and nm. They continued to try and tell me where to play and how 2 play. I left. 

Well if you need a clan, My Clan is currently recruiting.

We kill NM daily.

We are trying to kill UNM daily.

We hang out in English Global Channel 10

Or you can message me here.

Or you can message me on discord.