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10x and Kreela

10x and Kreela

Aug 20, 2020, 23:0908/20/20

10x and Kreela

I have 17 ancient, 7 void, 1 sacred shards.  Is Kreela worth using these shards now to win her?  If it was 2x I would use them.  But i have had very bad results on 10x in the past. 
Aug 21, 2020, 01:3408/21/20

No, absolutely not. Not only this champion chase tournament, you should play when you are able to win with no cost, otherwise just give up.

If you are doubt, check her in-game review, she got bad reviews. 
Aug 21, 2020, 04:5508/21/20

Absolutely not. The 10x chance does not affect the rarity in your pull chance. The tournament score is based on the rarity of the champions pulled, not on the shards opened.

Pretty screwed up an event, if you asked me.
Aug 22, 2020, 01:1508/22/20
Thanks for the info.  Thats the same way that I was looking at it. 
Aug 22, 2020, 15:3808/22/20
WatchdogCZ said:

Absolutely not. The 10x chance does not affect the rarity in your pull chance. The tournament score is based on the rarity of the champions pulled, not on the shards opened.

Pretty screwed up an event, if you asked me.
With the added fragments, the "fusion" got a lot easier imo.  I will definitely get on main, and probably on alt as well with no $$$ spent.
Aug 22, 2020, 17:2808/22/20

The answer to your question isn't so simple.

10x Events are not the greatest, but if you can get Kreela.

It might be worth it?
Aug 22, 2020, 18:1708/22/20

Player J said:

The answer to your question isn't so simple.

10x Events are not the greatest, but if you can get Kreela.

It might be worth it?

If Lady Fortune smiles on you, yes.

The problem is the assiciated tournament, which does not reflect the rarity of the shard, only the rarity of your RNG champion. A Sacred shard is worth the same on an Epic champion pull as the same pull from an Ancient shard or a Void shard. And that sucks for such an event.

Anyway, I managed to get my Kreela, thanks to my wagonload of stored energy and two stacks of 11 Ancient shards bought with Gems.
Aug 22, 2020, 18:3908/22/20
On alt I did one epic fusion for rhazin and had the hordin fragments.  Rest is green shards and farming 12.3 (the hero drops really help in a long tournament)
Aug 22, 2020, 21:0008/22/20

Trips said:

On alt I did one epic fusion for rhazin and had the hordin fragments.  Rest is green shards and farming 12.3 (the hero drops really help in a long tournament)

The rare heroes especially on 12.3 are a big help.  The green shard rate is high also. 

I will get Keela without pulling any of my good shards.  Lets hope she isnt a clunker.   
Aug 23, 2020, 17:2408/23/20

ClosedPoly said:

Trips said:

On alt I did one epic fusion for rhazin and had the hordin fragments.  Rest is green shards and farming 12.3 (the hero drops really help in a long tournament)

The rare heroes especially on 12.3 are a big help.  The green shard rate is high also. 

I will get Keela without pulling any of my good shards.  Lets hope she isnt a clunker.   

Nice ClosedPoly!  Great time to be farming 12.3; triple dipping with points in champ chase, dungeon diver and training.

Just got Keela on main, had to pop 10 blues but saved all my void shards.  Needed the food as I had <10 green shards left to get the 8250 in training event.  Now we will see if I can get on alt without having to do spider event.  I can do spider16 but manual, not even sure I can auto any higher than 13?

Aug 23, 2020, 18:1808/23/20
Aug 23, 2020, 18:27(edited)

This is how I rate the situation:

1 - Pulling Shards during a 2x Rate + Leggo Event 

2 - Pulling Shards during a 2x Rate

3 - Pulling Shards during a 10x Chance + Leggo Event

4 - Pulling Shards during a 10x Chance

5 - Pulling Shards during a Leggo Event

6 - Pulling Shards with Nothing going on.

Again everyone has there own point of view, The above is just how I rate the situation.

I think the best time to pull shards is when there is Double Rate + Legendary Fusion/Shard Event going on.

I think the worst time to pull shards id when there is Nothing going on.

Now the question you asked is should you pull shards during the 10x Chance + Kreela Leggo Event?

  • Ident20 can say Absolutely Not
  • Watchdogz can say Absolutely Not

But as I said a few days ago, the situation isn't so simple.

Pulling shards during a 10x Chance + Leggo Event is ranked number 3 in my Summon List.

If we are being completely honest, I did pull 1 Sacred + 20 Ancients + few hundred Mystery Shards.

I didn't get any Legendary heroes from these pulls.

However, I did get the shards required for Kreela.

I am 10 Shards away from Fusing Kreela. 

All I got to do is get 5 Shards from Spider + 5 Shards from Artifact Event

or 10 Shards from the Artifact event.

or 10 Shards from the Training event.

I have a few options here which gives me time to figure out what the best way forward is.

If I am able to get Kreela, The shard pulls I did are totally worth it.

1 Sacred + 20 Ancient + Mystery Shards for Kreela is good value

It is completely worth it.

Obviously, if you can get the Shards for Kreela with out pulling any of your good shards.

Go for it!  

I didn't have enough Mystery Shards.

I wasn't able to save all my shards.

I had to pull some of my shards.

It was strategic!

You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet at times.

Aug 23, 2020, 23:4508/23/20
Trips said:

ClosedPoly said:

Trips said:

On alt I did one epic fusion for rhazin and had the hordin fragments.  Rest is green shards and farming 12.3 (the hero drops really help in a long tournament)

The rare heroes especially on 12.3 are a big help.  The green shard rate is high also. 

I will get Keela without pulling any of my good shards.  Lets hope she isnt a clunker.   

Nice ClosedPoly!  Great time to be farming 12.3; triple dipping with points in champ chase, dungeon diver and training.

Just got Keela on main, had to pop 10 blues but saved all my void shards.  Needed the food as I had <10 green shards left to get the 8250 in training event.  Now we will see if I can get on alt without having to do spider event.  I can do spider16 but manual, not even sure I can auto any higher than 13?

I dont remember what level of Spider I can clear.  But I will only need 5 shards from Spider or Artifacts.  I got lucky during Dragon and got some good 6* gear.  I am farming for Training and building silver at the same time.  I pulled Prince Kymar, Dracomorph and Queen Eva on the last 2x.  I will gear them during Artifacts.  I have almost finished a new arena team the MIGHT get me into Silver.  Even if Keela is a clunker, I dont feel as desperate now. 
Aug 23, 2020, 23:4608/23/20
Player J said:

This is how I rate the situation:

1 - Pulling Shards during a 2x Rate + Leggo Event 

2 - Pulling Shards during a 2x Rate

3 - Pulling Shards during a 10x Chance + Leggo Event

4 - Pulling Shards during a 10x Chance

5 - Pulling Shards during a Leggo Event

6 - Pulling Shards with Nothing going on.

Again everyone has there own point of view, The above is just how I rate the situation.

I think the best time to pull shards is when there is Double Rate + Legendary Fusion/Shard Event going on.

I think the worst time to pull shards id when there is Nothing going on.

Now the question you asked is should you pull shards during the 10x Chance + Kreela Leggo Event?

  • Ident20 can say Absolutely Not
  • Watchdogz can say Absolutely Not

But as I said a few days ago, the situation isn't so simple.

Pulling shards during a 10x Chance + Leggo Event is ranked number 3 in my Summon List.

If we are being completely honest, I did pull 1 Sacred + 20 Ancients + few hundred Mystery Shards.

I didn't get any Legendary heroes from these pulls.

However, I did get the shards required for Kreela.

I am 10 Shards away from Fusing Kreela. 

All I got to do is get 5 Shards from Spider + 5 Shards from Artifact Event

or 10 Shards from the Artifact event.

or 10 Shards from the Training event.

I have a few options here which gives me time to figure out what the best way forward is.

If I am able to get Kreela, The shard pulls I did are totally worth it.

1 Sacred + 20 Ancient + Mystery Shards for Kreela is good value

It is completely worth it.

Obviously, if you can get the Shards for Kreela with out pulling any of your good shards.

Go for it!  

I didn't have enough Mystery Shards.

I wasn't able to save all my shards.

I had to pull some of my shards.

It was strategic!

You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet at times.

I rate them the same.  I use green at any time so I have more food for upgrades.  Its easy to set priorities but this game does require us to think outside the box.  Sometimes the best move is what seems wrong.  Keep cracking those eggs. 
Aug 24, 2020, 12:2108/24/20

ClosedPoly said:

Trips said:

ClosedPoly said:

Trips said:

On alt I did one epic fusion for rhazin and had the hordin fragments.  Rest is green shards and farming 12.3 (the hero drops really help in a long tournament)

The rare heroes especially on 12.3 are a big help.  The green shard rate is high also. 

I will get Keela without pulling any of my good shards.  Lets hope she isnt a clunker.   

Nice ClosedPoly!  Great time to be farming 12.3; triple dipping with points in champ chase, dungeon diver and training.

Just got Keela on main, had to pop 10 blues but saved all my void shards.  Needed the food as I had <10 green shards left to get the 8250 in training event.  Now we will see if I can get on alt without having to do spider event.  I can do spider16 but manual, not even sure I can auto any higher than 13?

I dont remember what level of Spider I can clear.  But I will only need 5 shards from Spider or Artifacts.  I got lucky during Dragon and got some good 6* gear.  I am farming for Training and building silver at the same time.  I pulled Prince Kymar, Dracomorph and Queen Eva on the last 2x.  I will gear them during Artifacts.  I have almost finished a new arena team the MIGHT get me into Silver.  Even if Keela is a clunker, I dont feel as desperate now. 

Nice CP!

Have you 6 starred anyone new? DRACO I hope!  What are your planned CB and arena teams?
Aug 25, 2020, 01:4308/25/20

Trips said:

ClosedPoly said:

Trips said:

ClosedPoly said:

Trips said:

On alt I did one epic fusion for rhazin and had the hordin fragments.  Rest is green shards and farming 12.3 (the hero drops really help in a long tournament)

The rare heroes especially on 12.3 are a big help.  The green shard rate is high also. 

I will get Keela without pulling any of my good shards.  Lets hope she isnt a clunker.   

Nice ClosedPoly!  Great time to be farming 12.3; triple dipping with points in champ chase, dungeon diver and training.

Just got Keela on main, had to pop 10 blues but saved all my void shards.  Needed the food as I had <10 green shards left to get the 8250 in training event.  Now we will see if I can get on alt without having to do spider event.  I can do spider16 but manual, not even sure I can auto any higher than 13?

I dont remember what level of Spider I can clear.  But I will only need 5 shards from Spider or Artifacts.  I got lucky during Dragon and got some good 6* gear.  I am farming for Training and building silver at the same time.  I pulled Prince Kymar, Dracomorph and Queen Eva on the last 2x.  I will gear them during Artifacts.  I have almost finished a new arena team the MIGHT get me into Silver.  Even if Keela is a clunker, I dont feel as desperate now. 

Nice CP!

Have you 6 starred anyone new? DRACO I hope!  What are your planned CB and arena teams?

My last 6* were Mountain King and Umbral.  Both will be part of my new arena team.  If the new team doesnet work I will play arena just for the mandatory and not care about score.  Draco or Kymar will be next to 6* if they have good value against Dragon.  Dragon is my next priority.  I am stuck on 13. 

Has anyone figured how to use Kreela?  How to gear her? 
Aug 25, 2020, 15:0408/25/20
Don't worry about Kreela, 6star draco.  Dragon & CB killer.