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Please help me make a somewhat decent Classic Arena Offense team.

Please help me make a somewhat decent Classic Arena Offense team.

Aug 19, 2020, 09:3108/19/20

Please help me make a somewhat decent Classic Arena Offense team.

Hello everyone!

I'm new on the forum. I've been playing the game for about 2 months. Somehow I've managed to climb in arena to Bronze 4, but I'm really struggling there. Now, I know the issues and the intended fixes (I have my doubts about the latter), but I'm not here to complain. I would like to finish the Silver 1 Mission.

So, I've attached a champion roaster.

 My team so far consists of Scull Crown for speed aura,  Roshcard for the block damage, Elhain for damage dealing and Sinesha for healing, if I need more turns that the block damage may last.

My question is what should I change in this setup, and which champion should I focus next to 6 star?

Any help would be appreciated for this desperate fella.

Aug 19, 2020, 09:5408/19/20

I would 6 star skullcrown first. She can be your main arena nuker and farmer at the same time.

In your arena line up, I would do one of the these options:

Roschard (fastest, put block damage first)

Someone with attack buff will buff attack

Skullcrown nuke (very slow) 

Sinesha nuke (damage dealer build, only 1 speed less of Skullcrown) 


If you have good accuracy on warmaiden

Rochard (block damage) 

Warmaiden (decrease defense)

Skullcrown nuke (very slow) 

Sinesha nuke (1 speed less of Skullcrown) 


If you have attack buffer and good accuracy on Warmaiden


Attack buffer


Skullcrown nuke


Since you are relying here on Rochard's block damage, you must not attack teams with buff remover. 

Attack slow teams or if you are confident enough that your Roschard is fast enough or you oponent is not speed tune and your Roschard cuts in between enemy's turn

Skullcrown and Sinesha should not have big speed gap to lessen the chance your enemy will heal after your 1st nuke

I prefer slow nuker here in order for your enemy to waste their nukes while your squishy skullcrown and sinesha hides on their block damage buff

Aug 19, 2020, 09:5908/19/20

You might try Skullcrown, Sinesha, Warmaiden, and either Roshcard or Apothecary. Roshcard gives you the block damage buff, which is useful but moreso if he goes before the other team so if you find yourself generally losing in speed, Apothecary's buff and healing might serve you better. As to which champion you should 60 next, i would recommend Sinesha. She's a great champion in most areas of the game and increasing her survivability will also increase the likelihood of Skullcrown's second passive triggering.

As a final note, make sure Warmaiden has the highest speed of all your champions so her decrease defense debuff is in place before Skullcrown and Sinesha attack.
Aug 19, 2020, 12:2008/19/20
Farm chickens. Great roster. You need to focus on 1) 6* your heroes, 2) Better gear (dungeons) 3) CB (books) 4) Masteries once you can do mino15 (when no 2xp running)
Aug 19, 2020, 13:4408/19/20

Thank you for all the great responses.

So according to the consensus, I'll try to 6* Scullcrown first.

Sadly my Warmaiden is still lacking with one speed, one accuracy and one offense set:

So for the time being I'm remaining and i'll try to improve the Roschard version. In this setup Roschard has 154 SPD, Scullcrown 150 SPD, Sinesha 150 SPD, Elhain 175 SPD -- > maybe this order is the real problem.

Regarding the farming usually chicken is out of question, because I perform poorly in tournaments (so far I have 3 5* chicks, which I didn't use because I had champions around), I can easily farm Minotaur until 14 (15 is a bit no go on auto). Everything else is 12 except Fire Knight, which is 9.

Aug 19, 2020, 16:2308/19/20
By farm chickens, I mean farm campaign brutal 12.3 to level food
Aug 19, 2020, 19:5008/19/20
Aug 19, 2020, 19:56(edited)

What I am going to tell you is going to sound completely insane!

In fact, other people might get the impression of what I am telling you is wrong.

BUT I just want you to know - There is always a method to my madness!

There is a perfectly logical explanation as to why I say what I say.

This is what I would do if I was you:

Leader: Skullcrown - 23% Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun -------> Turn Meter Filling

2nd move: Skullcrown --------> AOE Weaken

3rd move: Elhain --------------> AOE Damage Dealer

4th move: Roschard ----------> Block Damage

You want them all to move in this order!

Check all of there speeds - Fix there speeds - Force them move in this order

Its like building a house

1st - Foundation

2nd - Walls

3rd - Roof

If 1 of them goes out of Sync ----> Foundation ----> Roof? ----> Walls?

No Walls? 

Walls come to late?

Nothing supporting the Roof?  

The Roof collapses - The set up all comes crumbling down

Gear Builds:

High Khatun --> 6 Speed + Speed Substats ---------------> You want Her to be Crazy Fast.

Skullcrown ----> 4 Speed + 2 Accuracy ---------------------> Make Her have 100 ACC - The more the better

Elhain ----------> You have her built ---------------------------> C.RATE Gloves + ATK % Chest = Ideal for Arena

Roschard ------> 2 Immortal/Life + 4 Shield ----------------> Make him have tons of HP

You want all 4 of these heroes to have Speed Boots.

The Speed Boots help you regulate there speed easier.

Using the Most Advanced Arena Software in the History of Raid

- Compliments to Deadwood Jedi & Zombie Lord

I have computed your teams Speed Tune requirements down to the square tick!

Screenshot Below:

Assuming your High Khatun as 200 Speed, you can see the minimum speed needed for all other heroes.

Skullcrown 168 speed round up.

Elhain 163 speed round up.

These speed amounts can changing: 

  • Depending on whether or not your High Khatun has Masteries.
  • Depending on whether or not the Enemy has Masteries.

Obviously, Some of the stuff I am telling you about is advanced.

You don't have to learn all of this right away.

I'm just trying to inform you so you are aware of it.

You may be a beginner.

You may play the game for fun.

BUT some people in this game play the game different.

They are very competitive.

They are cut throat.

All they see is you & your arena team as a juicy little cheese burger.

They want to gobble you up - Your Arena team is just a snack to them!

They don't care about how long you have been playing for.

They don't care about how much money you spent or not spent.

They don't care if your playing for fun or not.

All they care about is destroying you!

Showing you who is boss!

This is why it seems so impossible to reach Silver 1.

Its the mystery of not knowing how to win!

Knowledge is power my friend!

Once, you know how to win - They can't stop you!

Arena Defenses are controlled by an AI Computer.

Everyone knows the AI Computer plays like garbage.

In closing, What I want to say is the following:

The set up I am telling you is a temporary set up and its very controversial.

The reason the set up is controversial is because no one puts ACC on Skullcrown.

They don't care about Skullcrowns weaken debuff - They use her as a damage dealer.

The problem is your Skullcrown is level 50 & you want to reach Silver 1 today!

If you can reach Silver 1 today with a Skullcrown level 50, You would do it.


Well a Skullcrown in a damage build level 50 is garbage.

She isn't going to do any kind of real damage.

The truth is your Skullcrown shouldn't even be in your arena team.

However, I kept her in your arena team because she is very versatile hero.

Skullcrown does give a lot of utility as a support hero.

- She has Speed Aura

- She has Weaken Debuff

Most people don't think of Skullcrown as a support or utility champion.

Skullcrown is bested known as a nuker.

Skullcrown can do some crazy hits.

Here is why I say your set up is temporary!

Right now - The gear I recommended to you for Skullcrown is of a Support Champion.

When Skullcrown reaches level 60, Everything is going to change!

All the gear on Skullcrown is going to go on Warmaiden or another Support Debuffing hero.

Skullcrown will become your damage dealer.

The gear you will use will be Offense - Cruel - Savage - C.Damage - C.Rate

Your going to be putting Hard Hitting Damage Gear on here.

Your not going to give a flying flip about her Accuracy.

And your arena set up will change to something like below:

Leader: Skullcrown - 23% Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun -------> Turn Meter Filling

2nd move: Warmaiden --------> AOE Def Down

3rd move: Skullcrown ----------> AOE Damage Dealer

4th move: Roschard -----------> Block Damage

Elhain lvl 60 vs. Skullcrown lvl 50 = Elhain is going to win - She is over leveled

Elhain lvl 60 vs. Skullcrown lvl 60 = Skullcrown all day long - Hands down!

So just remember that.

You def want to get your Skullcrown:

  • Level 60
  • Fully Booked
  • Fully Mastered
  • Fully Ascended

Aug 20, 2020, 08:0208/20/20

Wow, that is a lot of info to swallow. But I will try to improve my offense team based on it. From the gear that you stated Roschard is Life +  Shield set, and Elhain is as stated. High Khatun was 2 SPD sets + 1 Immortal,  Scullcrown was with Cruel + Divine speed + Divine C Rate.

I play the game casually for a little fun (besides the arena grind hehe), but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to improve.

So... speed gear farm it is then.

Aug 20, 2020, 09:1008/20/20

I am not a fan of 15% turnmeter boost in arena just because your other units will require more speed just to keep up with your turnmeter booster.

Let us say your High Khatun have 250 speed, your other units should have around 200+ speed In order not to get cut in between. This is why I advise you to have Roschard move first so your other units can have less speed on them and concentrate on damage. 

And if let us say you decided to go with High Khatun anyway and manage to speed tune everyone in your team, and after some time you manage to upgrade the speed of your high Khatun, you should now upgrade your other champions too or they might not work well. 

Since I can see you are early game, I assume it will be much easier for you to have Roschard first since you can always upgrade Roschard speed without worrying your other units speed. 

Either options are good, it will now depend on how you want to play your offense. 

Good luck

Aug 21, 2020, 02:0308/21/20
Aug 21, 2020, 02:05(edited)

I think JoinMe has some good points.

However, The set up JoinMe is mentioning also has its own risk.

Roschard going first gives your team Block Damage for 2 turns.

Your team isn't going to get the full benefit of these 2 turns because they are going to move right after Roschard.

The duration of the buff will expire by 1 turn because your following heroes will soon take a turn.

You will only be invincible for 1 turn.

This is why the set up I mention is different  - I have Roschard going last.

Roschard going last gives your team the maximum duration of the buff.

You will be invincible for 2 turns -  Its a very long time 

In Addition, JoinMe isn't factoring in what happens if the enemy goes first?

Roschard has 100 Base Speed

High Khatun has 104 Base Speed

Apothecary has 106 Base Speed

You can make Roschard as fast as you can.

It doesn't mean he will go first like JoinMe is saying.

The Enemy High Khatun or Enemy Apothecary will be built insanely fast as well.

Its going to be a Foot Race!

It will be a Speed War!

When push comes to shove, The Enemy HK or Apothecary will win the Speed War!

They have the higher base speed!

They have the feet to put burners on and leave your Roschard in the dust.

And if the enemy team is speed tune correctly.

Your team will go down!


The set up I recommended isn't so simple!

Remember, I recommended putting Roschard in a Shield set!

Roschard can put a pretty big shield on your whole team.

If the enemy goes first, They will have to rise up to the challenge!

Their Damage Dealer will have to go through your Shield + your Health to kill you.

Not everyone has there Damage Dealer built exclusively for Arena!

A lot of people have there Damage Dealer doing double roles.

A lot of people have there Damage Dealer in Lifesteal gear!

They have them doing Campaign + Arena.

A Pure Arena Nuker doesn't use Lifesteal gear.

They use Offense - Cruel - Savage

They use gear which cracks out a lot more damage.

Take the OP Elhain for example!

The OP is using Elhain in Lifesteal gear.

The OP is probably using Elhain as a Campaign Farmer + Arena Nuker in that game.

Is the OP the only person in the world to do this? No

The people the OP is fighting against can be doing similar thing.

This is why I like the set up I recommended.

It puts the enemy to the challenge!

Is the Enemy High Kkatun faster?

Is there Damage Dealer built correctly?

The thing to remember is there is no perfect set up!

  • Every set up has a strength.
  • Every set up has a weakness.
  • Every set up has good match ups
  • Every set up has bad match ups

I have seen people using Roschard in Speed Sets - Super fast like JoinMe is saying

I have seen people using Roschard in Shield Sets - Tanky like I am saying

I have seen people using Roschard in Neither Sets - They went a completely different way.

Situations like this have no right or wrong answer.

There is valid points for all sides.

JoinMe shared with you the problems with my set up.

I shared with you the problems of his set up.

Now it comes down to you!

In the words of JoinMe "How do you want to play your offense."

Aug 21, 2020, 16:3908/21/20

After doing some speed farmings I've come to a conclusion.

I have quite nice 5* epic shield sets, so maybe that is the easier way. For some reason I have no luck getting speed sets from Dragon's lair, even the campaign ones are meh. So The bulky Roschard comes first.

Meanwhile I am two champs away from 6* Scull crown, but only the second skill is fully booked. So that will take a little while.

Oh and regarding masteries... besides nearly complete Elhain, every champ has only the third row used in the tree. Yeah...

Aug 23, 2020, 23:0808/23/20

Buy buy buy!

Buy the gems the artifact offer the shards the total rip off packs they insert in there to catch a few dollars when the player didn't read twice before buying!

It may take a while and a lot of dollars, but it will save you months/years of your life. 

Its only money right?? (you can get it back anyway fufufu)

Not joking about the saving you months or years. I play quite a bit, farm for artifacts most of the time spent in game. After a year I have barely enough good artifacts to gear my main team. I would say they are only "decently" geared at best. 

Of course if compared to the guys on youtube, my "decently" geared would be considered "embarrassingly" geared. So basically the countless hours spent got me nowhere in the grand scheme of things. 

So buy  buy buy!

Aug 24, 2020, 23:0708/24/20
Aug 24, 2020, 23:13(edited)

I have taken a few days off from this thread.

It has given me a new perspective.

This time around I was looking at your Roster of heroes.

I saw a completely different set up which was jumping out at me.

I don't know if the new set up I am seeing is good, but it could be an interesting set up.

Maybe, you can try the set up out in the future?

It could be a fun option.

Here is the set up which I am seeing:

Leader: Roschard - 33% Health Aura

1st move: Doomscreech -----------> Turn Meter Filling + Increase Defense

2nd move: Doompriest -------------> Heal + Cleanse

3rd move: Ursine Icecrusher -----> AOE Damage Dealer

4th move: Roschard ----------------> Block Damage

All of these heroes are tanky with a lot of health.

I have always liked Ursine the Icecrusher.

I didn't see him last time I came to this thread.

This time around the Icecrusher was speaking to me.

Ursine does look pretty awesome!

Maybe, this set up can be built around him?

Gear Builds:

Doomscreech --------> 4 Speed + 2 Immortal --------------------> You want him Fast + Tanky

Doompriest -----------> 2 Speed + 4 Frost -------------------------> Make her Semi-Fast + Tanky

Ursine Icecrusher ---> 2 Immortal + 4 Retaliation ---------------> C.RATE Gloves + DEF % Chest

Roschard --------------> 2 Immortal + 4 Shield --------------------> Make him have tons of HP

I have NO idea how good this team will be.

However, It seems really cool.

Aug 25, 2020, 15:2008/25/20

@PUNX First of all, I usually don't invest money in a game until half a year passes. If the game manages to entertain me for that time as a f2p player, then the devs deserve my money. So far Plarium failed miserably at that based on the recent updates and based on the community/dev interactions. So for the time being I remain a free casul.

@PlayerJ Now I have a 6* Skullcrown, so I'll focus a bit on masteries/equipment. Doompriest is quite leveled, so that is no problem, but Doomscreech and Ursine Icecrusher are too low level and gear wise. But i'll see what can be done after I have me some nice Skullcrown.