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Sparring Pit thoughts

Sparring Pit thoughts

Aug 17, 2020, 09:2008/17/20

Sparring Pit thoughts

I think Sparring Pit would be much better if it automatically advanced champions to a next level. Let's say, I put a common champion at level 1, wait a long time and he/she is advanced to level 10. If the game developers think it would be too easy, this could be a prize for some of the Sparring Pit upgrades (e.g. the last one at a given slot). This would be an actually GOOD reason to upgrade the Sparring Pit.
Aug 17, 2020, 10:5808/17/20
Aug 17, 2020, 10:59(edited)

Szczotowaty said:

I think Sparring Pit would be much better if it automatically advanced champions to a next level. Let's say, I put a common champion at level 1, wait a long time and he/she is advanced to level 10. If the game developers think it would be too easy, this could be a prize for some of the Sparring Pit upgrades (e.g. the last one at a given slot). This would be an actually GOOD reason to upgrade the Sparring Pit.

I've said it in other threads asking for the same thing.

Sparring pit is not to actually help players level up unused heroes, they're a component to raise "player engagement" metrics.

What it means is, it is there to entice you to login more often and interact with the game more frequently, clicking stuffs and all that kind of things

Making it automatic actually is not helping them, because that means you'll click less, and that means lower player engagement metric
Aug 17, 2020, 17:5708/17/20

Good to know I am not alone. Bad to know they are not going to do anything...