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Questions and Current Line Up - Part 3

Questions and Current Line Up - Part 3

Aug 12, 2020, 23:1908/12/20

Questions and Current Line Up - Part 3

Hello Community,

I was hoping to get some insight as to what I should do next in game as far as next to level based on my roster, any change up to arena team and just some other small inquires. As always, thank you for the help and feed back.

Attached is my current line up: Currently in game, I am able to Farm Dragon 16, Ice Golem 16, Spider 13 and Fire Knight 14. I can get top chest on Brutal Clan Boss with 2-3 keys and I usually sit at Silver I or II in Arena. I feel like this is not bad for the amount of time I have been playing (130 days). However, I do want to get to that next step. 

1. I have Man Eater, Doom Priest or High Khutan as my next 6 star champion (HK i only want to boost for the sake of boosting her base speed for arena). Right now my Clan Boss team is SS, Turvold, Occult Brawler, MM and Apotocary.  The last two I know aren't ideal for the CB. My thought would be to do Man Eater or Doom Priest, but I can't decide whom might be the better choice. I am not at the point where I could make your classic Counter Attack or Unkillable team, but obviously Man Eater would be the first step to making this team. Any thoughts or advice?

2. Right now my main arena team consists of HK, Ghostborn, MM and Turvold (in that speed order). In general this works fairly well, but I still can't break out of Silver II. My thought was to replace MM with Shirmani and Turvold for Kael. This may be a better nuke team once I get them geared up, but I am not sure if it's better than what I already have. Thoughts?

3. I am about one rare away from having all the champions I need to do the Rhazin fusion. I know he's considered one of the better legendaries, but I wanted to see what other people's experiences were. Is he still worth the investment.

4. What legendary books I've acquired I've poured into Turvold. I have enough books to finish him off, but that would be it. Should I save these for a better legendary that I will eventually get (Rhazin or Scyl of the Drakes) or should I dump them into him?

That's all I have for now. Thank you as always!

Aug 13, 2020, 22:4008/13/20

Rhazin is absolutely still worth it for you, especially considering your CB team is lacking somebody to put decrease def. But I can tell you from experience that you can be 'just one rare away' for a long time. I've had all the rares except Halberdier for probably three months or so now, but as long as Halberdier doesn't drop, it's not doing me much good... 

For your next 60, makes sense, although I'd consider Reliquary Tender as well. I'd personally prefer Maneater over Doompriest in general, but for CB especially, not sure which one is better if the Maneater isn't part of a full unkillable setup yet. 

For arena, as strong as Turvold is, obviously he's single target. It would help you to at least have the option to swap in Kael for some battles where AOE nuke makes more sense - not sure if you should switch for all battles though, Turvold still makes more sense against opponents that are really crippled if you take out a single champion, their nuker probably. And Sinesha could also work for AOE nuking if the affinity is bad for Kael. Not sure if Shirimani is necessarily an upgrade over MM, both are good choices. Shiri is more likely to put her freeze than MM his stun and she can heal, but MM's shield and ally protect are great too.  
Aug 14, 2020, 15:3208/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 15:33(edited)
Do you have Pain Keeper in your vault by any chance?
Aug 14, 2020, 18:2508/14/20
I do not. The good rare void champions have not been forthcoming. I did just pull Romero and Nazana from my sacred shards, but I don't think they are better than anything that was in cue to level.
Aug 17, 2020, 18:0408/17/20
If you had Pain Keeper, You could make an Unkillable Clan Boss team with Maneater.
Aug 17, 2020, 20:0608/17/20

Player J said:

If you had Pain Keeper, You could make an Unkillable Clan Boss team with Maneater.

You make me loughing haha . "Do you have Pain Keeper in your vault by any chance?" If you had Pain Keeper......" haha Lol He/she said there is NO Pain Keeper