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HELP! Account was stolen when I was away from the game, Plarium does nothing

HELP! Account was stolen when I was away from the game, Plarium does nothing

Aug 8, 2020, 20:2508/08/20

HELP! Account was stolen when I was away from the game, Plarium does nothing

I have been away from the game for maybe 9 months.  I recently tried to come back to see what new changes were implemented.

I log in and my account is a level 15.  Odd.  I dont have another account and all of my heroes are gone.  I was around level 70 if memory serves, but I honestly dont remember.  Definitely higher than 15.  I reach out to Plarium to see if my account can be recovered.  They respond in game ONCE PER DAY, no matter how quickly I respond.  So this has taken 5 days now to get to this point.

They ask me for my phone make/model, my location, screenshots of my purchases.  I have made over $500 worth of purchases.  They send me a message today saying: 


We at Plarium want to ensure all players have a fair and enjoyable gaming experience. Remember, buying, selling, trading accounts, and using full automation to create or level up accounts is against our Rules and violates our Terms.  We reserve our right to ban such accounts.

Woth that being said, the status of this ticket is changed to "closed".

Best regards,


Customer Support Team

WHAT?!?  I never bought, sold, traded, botted, or anything even remotely considered against the EULA or any terms or conditions.  I played the game.  What can I do?  PLEASE HELP.

Aug 9, 2020, 05:2608/09/20
Bump?  No one cares I guess.  Perhaps Ill spend my money elsewhere.
Aug 9, 2020, 05:5308/09/20

Your memory serve you wrong, there are no level 61+ before May 2020. 

Also if you have nothing great, just restart new account.