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Progress Missions

Progress Missions

Aug 5, 2020, 09:3308/05/20

Progress Missions

Ok so progress missions like the one that requires 3 different level 6 tiers in the great hall, and having champions to different mastery levels are retroactive BUT having an ascended spirit champion to 6 isnt? I dont understand why. It would be like not counting a level 8 or 9 tier in the great hall and forcing ppl to do another 9 in the great hall. IF this is just a glitch I'll keep playing. If not. I'm done. I've spent quite a bit if $ and would probably spend more but if I'm forced to make ANOTHER level 6 champ for EACH type. I'm done. Delete, delete...
Aug 5, 2020, 11:0208/05/20
Aug 5, 2020, 11:02(edited)
You should. Still have much harder mission to progress and it requires you to have several S rank champs which you would never have without spending $500+. 
Aug 5, 2020, 23:2108/05/20
I have 6 different legendary champions fully ranked and ascended and 9 other champions all at rank 6 fully ascended.  To not count them in progress missions is ludicrous. 
Aug 6, 2020, 00:0208/06/20

There are 2 types of progress mission,

1. HAVE : as long as you HAVE the prerequisite item / hero / upgrades they will count it towards the completion of the game

2. DO : this one requires you to DO the motion to get the prerequisite, so the completion only gets counted when you do an action to get the prerequisite and you get it

So yeah, that's how they roll...
Aug 6, 2020, 02:4008/06/20
OzzLee said:

There are 2 types of progress mission,

1. HAVE : as long as you HAVE the prerequisite item / hero / upgrades they will count it towards the completion of the game

2. DO : this one requires you to DO the motion to get the prerequisite, so the completion only gets counted when you do an action to get the prerequisite and you get it

So yeah, that's how they roll...
I didnt need to hear this.  I am still fighting to be my silver in arean.  Once past there I have done many of the missions.  Oh well, if I did it once at least I learned how to do it. 
Aug 6, 2020, 19:4008/06/20

You will always be working on making rank 6 champs. 

I agree it should be retroactive, but it's nowhere near as stupid as the arena missions that are currently so far out of reach to newer players relative to the other missions in their vicinity that it's pretty much hopeless until Plarium does something about arena.
Aug 9, 2020, 19:2108/09/20
ClosedPoly said:

OzzLee said:

There are 2 types of progress mission,

1. HAVE : as long as you HAVE the prerequisite item / hero / upgrades they will count it towards the completion of the game

2. DO : this one requires you to DO the motion to get the prerequisite, so the completion only gets counted when you do an action to get the prerequisite and you get it

So yeah, that's how they roll...
I didnt need to hear this.  I am still fighting to be my silver in arean.  Once past there I have done many of the missions.  Oh well, if I did it once at least I learned how to do it. 
You think making it to silver arena is hard, try getting 50 silver medals... That’s where I’m stuck.