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Champion Rebalance

Champion Rebalance

Aug 4, 2020, 21:4708/04/20

Champion Rebalance

I suggest that champions which were not part of any fusion should not be nerfed. The vast majority of players spent a lot of money pulling shards to get them. Improve the currently useless champions, certainly legedaries. Maybe reclassify the Epics that seem like legendaries (Madame, Monster, Stagknight etc) to legendaries. 
Aug 5, 2020, 09:1508/05/20

Actually I think you are wrong there. It should be the opposite.

Champions from fusion should not be touched because the work and the money behind is real. It is also a decision from the player to go for it or not. 

I did pay a lot to fuse tormin. To get the energy alone. I paid nothing to get Vizier and Draco as I was still ftp at that time.

I made the conscient decision to fuse Tormin because then I saw his use. Even tho he isn't great, I decided to fuse Moss because I needed a good cleanse for cb.

I decided not to do the fusion of the lizard lord because I did not have the will to pay for energy for this. 

Sure I spent some money to get martyr, duchess and plenty more... But it's totally rng and it's not that much honestly.