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Newer to game, working on my core team

Newer to game, working on my core team

Aug 4, 2020, 17:0108/04/20

Newer to game, working on my core team

Hi everyone, level 46 F2P and have been playing the game for a little over 30 days. I think I have been decently lucky on pulls, but working on building a core team. I can auto Brutal 12-3, but I am not doing well in the Arena and not great at CB (2-3.5 mil for easy and normal). Any advice would be great, think I have been a bit unlucky with bad gear.

Krisk (Fully Ascended lvl 60 and full masteries. Only two books on him)

Athel (Fully booked/ascended lvl 60)

Miscreated Monster (Fully booked/ascended lvl 60)

Apothecary (Fully booked/ascended lvl 50)

Other guys I have is a Kael I just pulled, Husk, Khatun, Aothar, Relic Keeper, Mistress of Hymms, and the basic good rares.

Any advice on what I need to do would be great! I think I need to get my masteries up on my core guys but that's been tough. I can farm min 15 but takes 5 minutes. 
Aug 4, 2020, 17:3708/04/20

Yeah, with that roster, or really just with that Krisk, you should definitely be able to do more on CB... are you using Aothar? Poison is by far the easiest way to increase your damage numbers on the CB - that and warmaster/giantslayer, the top level masteries. Maybe a team with Krisk, Athel, Apo, Aothar and Mistress? Although I'm not sure how well Krisk can keep the decrease def and decrease atk on the CB by himself. 

Struggling in the arena is normal unfortunately, everybody is struggling. Although you might have the champions to build a defensive team that simply withstands speed nukes instead of trying to outspeed them... would be interesting to try something like Krisk, MM, Mistress (lead) and Apo. At least against speed nuke teams that don't have much healing/sustainability themselves. 

Aug 4, 2020, 17:4208/04/20
Thanks for the insight! I haven't used Mistress yet but it seems I might be missing out on her. I think I need to regear my Krisk and really focus some more on accuracy on top of my def % and hp% and worry less about set bonus (other than my speed set).
Aug 4, 2020, 18:4708/04/20

I'm not sure Mistress is really so great to use in the long term, but with her resurrection and heals, she should be useful support for you now, plus a very solid aura (which, unlike Apo's, works also for Clan Boss). 

And yes, Krisk absolutely needs accuracy. Not only for the decrease def/atk, but also for the AOE decrease speed and AOE provoke (neither of those will work on CB, those are for arena and dungeon waves).