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Who to use for CB and spend masteries on

Who to use for CB and spend masteries on

Aug 1, 2020, 14:5508/01/20

Who to use for CB and spend masteries on

For CB I currently use Aothar (50), Lightsworn (50), Apothecary (50), Corpse Collector (40), and Steelskull (50). I just pulled Tayrel, Sepulcher Sentinel, and Gorgorab. I also have Athel (50), Zargala (60), Elhain (60), Vrask (50), Doompriest (40), Zelotah (50). Question; I was about to focus on getting Steelskull and Lightsworn to 60 and currently have enough gems for 2 full masteries and was thinking Lightsworn and Steelskull. Should I continue this, or should I fast track one of the new heroes I pulled? I’ve maxed Steelskull books and did enough on Lightsworn to get his indomitable down (lucky only took 2 books). Thanks for any advice :)

Aug 1, 2020, 15:1508/01/20

In my opinion, Gorgorab and Lightsworn are the two worth getting to *6 and full Masteries. And fully booking, if possible.

Gorgorab will help you immensely in the Arena with his Speed aura, Speed and Attack buff, and AOE Revive/Heal. Lightsworn is ranked *5 there too, and in other areas too.

Nevertheless, could you post a screenshot of your full champion roster, including Rare champions, please? You wouldn't happen to have a Frozen Banshee sleeping in your Vault, would you?

Aug 1, 2020, 15:4808/01/20
Aug 1, 2020, 15:5308/01/20
i agree with gorg to 60. i like tayrel over lightsworn. i like zelotah as well
Aug 1, 2020, 16:0108/01/20
Aug 1, 2020, 16:02(edited)

Trips said:

i agree with gorg to 60. i like tayrel over lightsworn. i like zelotah as well

Tayrel is great, but Lightsworn has an AOE Revive, although it is not instant, rather a Buff, plus an AOE 60% Defence Buff. Very useful for Clan Boss. He is also great for Fireknight, with his 3-hit A1.

I cannot say how Tayrel or Zelotah play, as I do not have them. I do have Lightsworn, though.
Aug 1, 2020, 17:3308/01/20
Aug 1, 2020, 17:34(edited)
OMG, you never have a legend ? How long have you played ? Does that mean Plarium nerfed shard pull in 2020 so hard, that the chance to have a legend is 4 times lower than old players ? 
Aug 1, 2020, 17:5308/01/20

No legend started March with COVID boredom. Even purchased some shards during double events and only epics. My alt account I started shortly after pulled 1 legend roshcard so far. I just assumed you had to pay a ton for legos.

So does Gorgo help when running nightmare campaign? Or would that be elhain, zargala, either lightsworn/tayrel, and apothecary or steelskull?  Honestly I thought more would say steelskull. Seems like a lot of love for that character for CB.  Do I have the correct team for CB?  I don’t have an hp burn So main damage comes from corpse collector aothar and Steelskull. Hence thinking I need masteries for lightsworn/tayrel. Would gorgorob mainly e dungeon and arena usage?
Aug 1, 2020, 19:0408/01/20

Tim Lillis said:

No legend started March with COVID boredom. Even purchased some shards during double events and only epics. My alt account I started shortly after pulled 1 legend roshcard so far. I just assumed you had to pay a ton for legos.

So does Gorgo help when running nightmare campaign? Or would that be elhain, zargala, either lightsworn/tayrel, and apothecary or steelskull?  Honestly I thought more would say steelskull. Seems like a lot of love for that character for CB.  Do I have the correct team for CB?  I don’t have an hp burn So main damage comes from corpse collector aothar and Steelskull. Hence thinking I need masteries for lightsworn/tayrel. Would gorgorob mainly e dungeon and arena usage?

Why are you doing Nightmare? For now, stay in Brutal, and farm 12.6 to get more *6 champions and to get enough silver to upgrade your gear. Farm for Speed boots and Speed glyphs. They will help you greatly.

Get a good Arena team, get some Great Hall upgrades.

I see at least three Rare champions with HP burn:

Bulwark's A2 can be booked to 100% chance (t is not that much of a problem to get Rare books), and he is a Void Rare, which is nice. Just get him enough speed. He is ranked as *5 for the Clan Boss.

Get Lightsworn, Tayrel, Zelotah and Apothecary to *6/60. It will take you some time, but it will be worth it. Consider *6/60 Athel, she was with me all the way up to Gold I Arena, she is my campaign farmer and I am still using her on the Fireknight for her 3-hit A1.

Zargala is a great champion too.

Have you upgraded your Gem Mine to maximum? It is worth it. And the Sparring Pit is also great. Free XP with 0 energy spent. Do unlock all Market slots, because sometimes a fantastic offer appears, such as a blue shards for 200k silver or some very very nice artifacts. It is also good to get as many Mystery shards as possible. You will get quite a few "free" Rares that way, which means free *3 food or free "books".

Aug 1, 2020, 22:1608/01/20
Don't touch NM, farm Brutal.  You have great champs, your 60:50 ratio is backwards.  You have a ton of great champs wasting a way at 5star.  You should be farming chickens non-stop until Apo, Zelotah, Gorg, Tayrel, Steelskull are 60.
Aug 3, 2020, 04:0608/03/20
I play against Gor a lot in arena at Br4 level.  He is easy for me to kill with my, not so good team.  You will need to do something to keep him alive to help you.   
Aug 3, 2020, 04:1208/03/20
ClosedPoly said:

I play against Gor a lot in arena at Br4 level.  He is easy for me to kill with my, not so good team.  You will need to do something to keep him alive to help you.   
That is where Lightsworn's Revive may come in handy.
Aug 4, 2020, 13:3308/04/20

I do farm brutal 12-3 and 12-6 with my elhain at 60. I just like to hit nightmare for gear. Usually drops 5-6 star and 4 at worse. Brutal drops a lot of 3-4 garbage.

Thanks for help I’m going to focus on the heroes mentioned.
Aug 4, 2020, 15:1008/04/20
Aug 4, 2020, 17:17(edited)

Tim Lillis said:

I do farm brutal 12-3 and 12-6 with my elhain at 60. I just like to hit nightmare for gear. Usually drops 5-6 star and 4 at worse. Brutal drops a lot of 3-4 garbage.

Thanks for help I’m going to focus on the heroes mentioned.

Farm dungeons for gear, not campaign, Nightmare costs 16 energy per run. Too much.

Brutal is the place to farm for silver and food.
Aug 4, 2020, 16:4508/04/20

1st is Tayrel, he is useful everywhere. 

2nd is Gorgorab, he used to be great in CB, used to, till Plarium invented Clan Boss block revive after some dozen turns, because many players used to live forever when fighting CB (so great). However Gorgorab is still very useful in Arena + Dungeons + Minotaur, I use Gorgorab + strong hit champ + 3 low level champs to farm Dungeon + level up champs. 

3rd should be either Apo or Steelskull, choose 1 is enough.