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New Champion ratings organization

New Champion ratings organization

Jul 31, 2020, 10:4807/31/20

New Champion ratings organization

Have you ever looked threw multiple champions rankings for different areas of the game, and spent more time scrolling up or down trying to find out where a certain champion is good or bad than you'd like. Cause I know I have... 

Rankings list is a complete disaster Plarium.  Does the cash in your  wallets match the way the rankings are organized? A couple 5 dollar bills beside a few 100 dollar bills next to some 20's , 50's and 10's? Or do you keep it sequentially organized 5's 10's 20's 50's and finally 100's or vise versa. Do you have a cutlery drawer in your kitchen you just dump all utensils in? Or do you keep each utensil separate from the next e.g. forks / spoons and knives.... 

I think it would be best if there was some set list starting with the areas most commonly looked threw, CB, Arena defence / offence or how ever just so long as each area of judgment  is always in the same place in the list. Not sure if this is the place to make this kind of suggestion, if any one agrees and has a better idea of how to have this change be heard please reply with a better way. Happy gaming every one.
Jul 31, 2020, 10:5607/31/20
Not quite what I was getting at, I'm not looking for a guide on how to play, I literally mean the champions rankings, when you tap/ click on the lower left area when viewing the champion, and there's that completely disorganized mess of a list that opens up. 
Aug 1, 2020, 07:2508/01/20
Do you mean the champion vault? 
Aug 1, 2020, 09:1408/01/20
Aug 1, 2020, 09:14(edited)

ClosedPoly said:

Do you mean the champion vault? 

I think this may actually be about the player reviews of each specific champion, and yes, what a total mess those are.

There is no clear order of the areas (like Spider, Arena Offence, etc.), every champions displays them in a different order, and there seems to be no way to sort the areas according to highest/lowest ranking score in a specific area, or maybe alphabetical order of the areas, or any specific order at all.

Oct 8, 2020, 14:5910/08/20


The rankings depend on players who use those champions. Some champions have been reworked and their rankings have been resetted, so players could assign new ratings.