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Questions regarding CB team composition and "long lasting" champs

Questions regarding CB team composition and "long lasting" champs

Jul 30, 2020, 20:2807/30/20

Questions regarding CB team composition and "long lasting" champs

Hello guys.

I'm trying to build a CB team where most of the champions should be usable in other areas of the game but I am super noob. My hope is that at least 3 of them will be good in other places so that they wont be CB only champs.

From videos I've watched I've understood that the most important thing for a CB team is:

  1. Decrease attack
  2. Poison/HP burn
  3. Speed
  4. Counter attack
  5. Decrease Def
  6. Debuff extenders
  7. Increase Def
  8. Ally protection
  9. Weaken

I think that the best champs that fit this description that I have are the ones listed below. All the champs that I have are attached as an image at the bottom of the post.

  • Kael
  • Apothecary
  • Frozen Banshee
  • Coldheart
  • Bulwark
  • Nazana
  • Infernal Baroness
  • Jarang
  • Bogwalker

My idea for the best CB team, and the team that could be used in most other places are:

  • Apothecary (everywhere)
  • Frozen Banshee (CB, ML, FK, Dragon, VK)
  • Coldheart (everywhere)
  • Bulwark (CB only, but if I'm going with Nazana he needs to be there. Also provides good synergy with FB)
  • Nazana (Multi purpose carry)

My biggest confusion comes from the decrease attack "requirement". Bogwalker is my best attack debuffer, but he isn't all that good in other places from my understanding. Jarang, Nazana and Infernal Baroness all have the same decrease attack chance and I hope that Bulwark will make up for the lower chance compared to Bogwalker. Jarang offers decrease defense debuff, Nazana offers shield and carry and Infernal Baroness offers some small sustain and perfect veil.

I'm confused where to put my energy, any input :p? As of now FB is the first that goes to 60, the probably Bulwark but I will have to investigate if he is fine at 50.

Sorry for the long post, wanted to structure it properly.

Other champs:

Jul 30, 2020, 21:1107/30/20

Yeah, you obviously can't get all of those things in the same team, or at least not early on when you don't have too many options to choose from, and not a lot of skill books. 

Your main priorities are decrease attack and defense, for which you want to aim for 100 percent uptime on the CB, and then poison to do a lot of damage. For that uptime, the things to consider are not only the chance to apply, but also the length of the debuff and the cooldown of the skill (which can be reduced with skill books, but those can take a long time to farm, especially the epic ones, and you may have higher priorities for the books). 

Indeed, you don't have great decrease attack options yet - keep an eye out for a champion like Coffin Smasher, because his decrease attack is on his A1, the attack that has no cooldown, so far easier to have a near-perfect uptime with him. Bogwalker has it on his A1 too, but with such a low chance to apply - and he is indeed fairly poor in general so seems a waste to spend a lot of books on him and then still only have a 50 percent chance. In the meantime, I'd say Jarang is best since he also offers decrease def on the same skill. 

Coldheart is a very important champion but mostly for endgame. Her signature skill Heartseeker is heavily nerfed on CB so she doesn't offer much there. And on other content, since Heartseeker scales off enemy max HP, it does quite poorly in early and mid level dungeons, it's only in high level dungeons that she puts out massive DPS compared to other champions. The turn meter impact of Heartseeker is great for Fire Knight and Spider at any level, so for those dungeons you can use her much earlier - but then with different gear, focused primarily on keeping her alive and high accuracy, without caring too much yet about her offensive numbers. 

So for your CB team, I'd say Apo, FB, Kael (for now, not in the long run), Bulwark, Jarang. Or Nazana instead of Jarang - or both Nazana and Jarang but no Apo. You'd have to experiment a bit. 
Jul 30, 2020, 21:5107/30/20

Thank you very much for the through answer, helped quite a bit to understand that attack debuff is not to be undervalued. Ill start off with Apo, Fb, Kael, Bulwark and Nazana as she ranks higher than Jarang and Ill hope that I get something to replace both of them for the attack debuff while leveling Naza for CB and other content later.

Good fedback on coldheart. She ranked high on ayumilove but watching some youtube videos it seemed that she might have been overvalued in certain places, CB and dragon being two of them.

Jul 30, 2020, 22:0807/30/20

burned4laifraid said:

Thank you very much for the through answer, helped quite a bit to understand that attack debuff is not to be undervalued. Ill start off with Apo, Fb, Kael, Bulwark and Nazana as she ranks higher than Jarang and Ill hope that I get something to replace both of them for the attack debuff while leveling Naza for CB and other content later.

Good fedback on coldheart. She ranked high on ayumilove but watching some youtube videos it seemed that she might have been overvalued in certain places, CB and dragon being two of them.

Yes, because CB and dragon are both immune to turn meter manipulation anyway and in the CB's case, heartseeker is nerfed on top of that. For dragon, she can still be good in the final stages because heartseeker can still do a ton of damage even if it doesn't change the turn meter, but in early-mid stages she's quite poor there. 

By the way, regarding FB, she does need full books to reduce that long cooldown on her poison sensitivity. She's viable until endgame for Clan Boss and the dragon (only the dragon himself, she's dead weight on the waves), can be good on Ice Golem and Minotaur, but don't bother on Spider and FK, for the simple reason that you want those bosses to take as few turns as possible and you constantly try to reduce their turn meter, so the poison can't really tick away as it does on CB and dragon.