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Arena medal weekly rewards?

Arena medal weekly rewards?

Jul 24, 2020, 04:3007/24/20

Arena medal weekly rewards?

Why do we not receive medals based off the arena tier we are in at the end of each week?  Why can bronze not get bronze medals at the end of each week?  If i'm bronze 1, why can I not get 20 bronze medals?  Bronze 2 = 40 medal and Bronze 3 = 60 medals?  Silver should offer a bit more for each level and gold a bit more.

I'm not asking for a ton of medals but it does not make sense that I finish a week in a given tier and I do NOT receive medals for that tier, especially when the gear I get is RANDOM and could be grey to gold or 4 to 6 star.  Please give me something that is CONSISTENT and something that I know that I actually need!!!
Jul 24, 2020, 04:3307/24/20

You get medals for winning a battle in said tier.

1 bronze medal in bronze 1 and 2

2 bronze medal in bronze 3 and 4

1 silver medal in silver 1

2 silver medal in silver 2

And so on and so on

Jul 24, 2020, 04:5107/24/20
Jul 24, 2020, 04:58(edited)

I understand that.  What I don't understand is why there is not a medal reward attached to the end of the week ranking.  If I finish in Silver 1 at the end of the week, why can I not get 30-40 silver medals?

One of the slowest and most frustrating parts of Raid is the Great Hall.  There is a LOT of hidden power in there and it's all tied behind medals from arena.  At best I can do maybe 20 arena fights in a given day.  If I 100% knit-pick who i fight (only fight those that I know i can beat), that is ONLY 20 silver medals in silver 1.  That is ONLY 40 bronze medals in the conversion.  The first upgrade is 50 bronze medals!!!!!!  That means that I would need more than 1 day AT SILVER to upgrade a BRONZE level!!  This is ridiculous and needs to be changed!  I am not asking for more medals per fight, I'm asking for a weekly (every Sunday based off tier) medal reward.  I am also not asking for them to change the amount of medals in the Great Hall, I just believe that adding a medal reward to the weekly tier reward would be a great boost to those that started late/are stuck!

Adding medals into the weekly reward would make this grind significantly less frustrating and actually reward players based off where they ended up for their weekly efforts.

If I ended up languishing (which I have) in Silver 1 because i'm fighting 2-4 legendary hero teams (against my 1 legendary), at least at the end of the week I'm rewarded with something useful (40ish silver medals) for busting my butt to stay/push my current tier.
Jul 24, 2020, 04:5907/24/20
Jul 24, 2020, 05:00(edited)

Because the medal is tied to winning the battle, you can win as much as you can.

Holding on to a tier is easy, if I want, I can maybe hold my rank in silver 1 just by battling 15 times at the end of the week from Bronze 4, which mean (if we go by your suggestions) I can win silver medals without even fighting in silver at all, and that is why medals is tied to winning a battle and not on the tier you were at.
Jul 24, 2020, 05:1807/24/20
Jul 24, 2020, 05:19(edited)

Instead of a person JUST BARELY making silver 20 minutes before the reset, how about you change the algorithm and make it so that for someone that spent the ENTIRE week in silver 1, or 3-4+ days (this can be adjusted) gets some type of medal reward.

Why are you against rewarding a players effort for the ENTIRE week?

I would not be asking for this if the Great Hall upgrades were not a ridiculous amount of medals!!!

Jul 24, 2020, 05:4907/24/20

Because it means separating who got what even though they got the same tier position.

You know how big of an outrage that would put Plarium even more?

Not to mention how to actually implement the separation? For those who are still fluctuating between tiers, do they get to lower tier reward even though at the end of the week they end up in the upper tier?

It will basically open to more exploits and/or problems to the arena overall.

I'm not against rewarding effort, but I honestly see more problems coming from your proposition

Jul 24, 2020, 06:3707/24/20

Or they could just fix matchmaking so people on Bronze and silver aren't going up against teams that don't belong there.

You know, fix what was broke before they released 3v3 and bazaar....
Jul 24, 2020, 06:4407/24/20
Rauthma said:

Or they could just fix matchmaking so people on Bronze and silver aren't going up against teams that don't belong there.

You know, fix what was broke before they released 3v3 and bazaar....