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Legendary Hero Performance

Legendary Hero Performance

Jul 22, 2020, 19:2207/22/20

Legendary Hero Performance

I just am confused as to how poorly some legendaries perform. My first legendary in this game is candrophan yet I have rare and epic champions that all out-perform him in almost every respect. I'm absolutely understanding of some legendaries not being game-breaking or complete 100% boosters, but they should have a kit that should be more capable to be highly viable in some respect other than faction wars. Maybe if he was fully booked he'd be competitive with other champions, but even in online guides the highest level players all call him one of the worst legendaries in the game. Is there ever any champion reworks for this game, and if not, why do they create legendaries with such slim kits? 

A legendary champion (especially with such awesome art) needs to be a little more viable, that's my only point. 

Jul 22, 2020, 20:0207/22/20

I agree. Candraphon and a couple of legendaries need to have their kits updated soon. 

I've been rekt by a really hard hitting Candraphon once but that was a Lilitu team so he never really had to cast veil and proceeded directly with his A2 nuke. IMO if he got an extra turn after he casts his A3, he'd be a little more viable.