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Just another who should I 6 star next?

Just another who should I 6 star next?

Jul 21, 2020, 15:3207/21/20

Just another who should I 6 star next?

I decided to create an alternate RAID account and focus on best practices. I quickly got Athel to 60 and have had good luck with many pulls. I have yet to get a solid epic healer, so Apothecary and Rearguard Sergeant is it. 

My current CB team: is Coffin Smasher, Apoth, Aothar, Athel, and Royal Guard (doing 2.6-3million damage on normal per fight).

My current Arena team: Bellower, High Khatun, Roshcard, and Athel

Athel Farms , and Campaign changes based on afinity but Athel, Roshcard, Apoth, Tayrel, Bellower, Rearguard are most common.

So who to 6 star next? Been tempted for bellower since with full speed gear and void he seems like a beast. But everyone seems to say tayrel is amazing.  I really dont get it as Coffin Smasher outperforms him in CB so far. I also choose bellower over him if i can elsewhere because of AOE.  Maybe i just dont have him geared right? Open to suggestions. Roster posted above as well as champion archive.

Jul 21, 2020, 16:1507/21/20

I'd go with Tayrel. You'll use him everywhere from CB to Arena and Minotaur. 

Just get him enough accuracy, stack def and speed (also if possible, get him some crits) Slowly book him up, finish his masteries and you definitely won't regret it.  

Jul 21, 2020, 16:4707/21/20




...just stop making 50s
Jul 21, 2020, 18:5407/21/20

Trips said:




...just stop making 50s

Again, I have to keep disagreeing with you.

*5 champions are fairly easy and quick to get, and are of great help in Faction Wars, on which you for some reason keep disagreeing with me. 

I see passing through the nasty stage 7 boss with only level 40's quite impossible, while I consider getting as many faction teams to the stages where art least *2-*4 glyphs drop as crucial for advancing further, especially in the Arena, where the Speed glyphs really make a difference.

Jul 21, 2020, 19:2307/21/20

Lxzy said:

I'd go with Tayrel. You'll use him everywhere from CB to Arena and Minotaur. 

Just get him enough accuracy, stack def and speed (also if possible, get him some crits) Slowly book him up, finish his masteries and you definitely won't regret it.  

Thanks! Right now I have immortal defense and speed should I change this?  Also what is enough accuracy?  Should I farm lifesteal?

Jul 21, 2020, 19:2507/21/20
Trips said:




...just stop making 50s
Cool thanks!  Also I’ve heard many say apothecary doesn’t need 60 to still be affective. Would you still say him over royal guard or the other current 50s?
Jul 21, 2020, 20:0407/21/20

WatchdogCZ said:

Trips said:




...just stop making 50s

Again, I have to keep disagreeing with you.

*5 champions are fairly easy and quick to get, and are of great help in Faction Wars, on which you for some reason keep disagreeing with me. 

I see passing through the nasty stage 7 boss with only level 40's quite impossible, while I consider getting as many faction teams to the stages where art least *2-*4 glyphs drop as crucial for advancing further, especially in the Arena, where the Speed glyphs really make a difference.

FW progression is FAR less important than dungeon/CB progression.  Level 50s give you zero help in the latter.  After 2 months you should be doing Dragon20 and Brutal/NM Clan boss.  My alt was doing UNM in less than 3 months, Dragon20 and IG 20.  Some factions I can't do more than level 1 or 2.  It doesn't matter.  The one 60 will get you more glyphs than 2 50s.  Plus you end up spreading good gear among 10+ instead of consolidating it on your best champs.  They are all weaker.  You also waste more silver on inferior gear.  Every 50 you make sets you further away from the next 60.  

On my main account, I was a complete idiot the first 30 days...probably worse than anyone I have given "harsh" advice to... trust me I made all of these mistakes.  The only thing that saved me was making farming #1 priority after that.  I ended up with about 9 6*s and I think only 4 5*s and was in Gold4 (yes it was easier then), Dragon20, Golem20.  No legendaries, no masteries completed.  6* is by far the most important thing to progress.  It's a FKN pain, but you have to suck it up and prioritize it.