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Leveling Dungeon?

Leveling Dungeon?

Jul 21, 2020, 05:2307/21/20

Leveling Dungeon?

So a huge part of this game is leveling up champions, we can agree on that yes?  Why the hell is the best way to level up running a max level champion through 12-3 in 8 seconds with 3 trailing low levels with no gear and no point?

Either let us 'bank' excess experience from level 60 champions to use on our 'food' champions or please make a more interesting way to level up characters.  Its ridiculous that the main thing you do in this game is run a 12-3 campaign 50,000 times, there have to be literally hundreds of more exciting ways to level champions (I level champions while doing masteries and running dungeons sometimes but we need a system specifically for leveling).

A endless dungeon run where waves get harder and harder would be a really cool feature and make having a campaign farmer or even a campaign team more meaningful.
Jul 21, 2020, 05:2707/21/20

It's called exp brew, you got them a lot from every other place, random drops, CB, events, tournament, etc etc... I have boat loads of them