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This game...this time..

This game...this time..

Jul 20, 2020, 17:5507/20/20

This game...this time..

This game will be mostly suited to players who compete at tier III towards tier V.  Top rankers are just playing for fun sakes and not in REAL battle. 

It is now that I have realized that there is something nearly as debatable as pineapple on pizza....This game.
Jul 20, 2020, 19:0907/20/20

I believe this game need at least 2 servers because it has 2 phases. 

* 1st phase was from 2019 to Jan-Feb-March/2020 (around that time), shard pulls were easy, you would see Abiter, Valkyrie, Martyr, Serris, Skullcrown, everywhere, like only spent $100 - $200 you could have several to dozen S rank champs. Because the game was new, all champs were new, it's easy to give them away.

* 2nd phase is from 2020 to now & future, pulling 100 blue shards could have no legend, it is hard to have an S rank champs, players may need super luck or spend like $500 to have 1 or 2 S rank champs. It is because the game has come to its life cycle, developer must slow players achievement down to lengthen game life. 

Most of you may never understand what I said, because it is more advance gaming industry knowledge, just make it simple, you are in phase 2 / year 2020, you never can beat phase 1 players unless they all quit (or you may have to spend double what they spent). To be fair, Plarium need to separate players into 2 different servers, 1 for old player and 1 for new players. 

Jul 21, 2020, 05:4307/21/20

I thankyou for the post and I have read this complete. I see your point and am glad to have learned this...however I do not see it necessary to divide the game by two halves, and that gaming development should not include this type of social stratification(s). Having one complete overall game is generally more acceptable to gaming respondents.