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Noob looking for some second 6 advice

Noob looking for some second 6 advice

Jul 20, 2020, 13:4607/20/20

Noob looking for some second 6 advice

Before I make a terrible mistake I would like to get some advice from the forum experts. I feel I have the makings of a very balanced team. Here are my toons.

6* Kael

5* Athel

5* Apothecary 

5* Zelothar

5* Galek

4* Warmaiden

4* Madame Serris

4* Soulbound Boyer

Who should I upgrade and why? Should I wait till I can get one of the fours to five?

Jul 20, 2020, 14:1607/20/20

Getting kael to 6 was smart choice. Leveling galek and athel to 5 is redundancy. do not 6star them.

ZELOTAH (doesn't really need books)



These 3 are your priority. Farm, farm, farm.

I think zelotah at 6star will help dungeon progress most. Madame obviously for arena, but will help elsewhere too. Apo is just great for everyone early through end.

Post your roster if you want further advice. Dragon and CB should be priority. Do you have a speed lead 4 arena?

Jul 20, 2020, 15:0107/20/20
Soulbound Boyer is a 5
Jul 20, 2020, 15:1207/20/20
Jul 20, 2020, 15:15(edited)
Trips said:

Getting kael to 6 was smart choice. Leveling galek and athel to 5 is redundancy. do not 6star them.

ZELOTAH (doesn't really need books)



These 3 are your priority. Farm, farm, farm.

I think zelotah at 6star will help dungeon progress most. Madame obviously for arena, but will help elsewhere too. Apo is just great for everyone early through end.

Post your roster if you want further advice. Dragon and CB should be priority. Do you have a speed lead 4 arena?

I have Apothecary at 162 speed, Kael is next at 132. Then Athel and Zelotah.  How do I post my roster?
Jul 20, 2020, 15:1307/20/20
Jul 20, 2020, 16:35(edited)

Trips said:

Getting kael to 6 was smart choice. Leveling galek and athel to 5 is redundancy. do not 6star them.

ZELOTAH (doesn't really need books)



These 3 are your priority. Farm, farm, farm.

I think zelotah at 6star will help dungeon progress most. Madame obviously for arena, but will help elsewhere too. Apo is just great for everyone early through end.

Post your roster if you want further advice. Dragon and CB should be priority. Do you have a speed lead 4 arena?

Levelling some champions to *5/50 is not reduncancy, it is making sure you can get some Faction Wars glyphs to enchant your gear. Plus some nice rewards for the stars earned there. You seem to me to be underestimating the importance of the glyphs.

*4/1 food champions are fairly easy to grind for, so *5/50 is actually quite doable. Partially self-sustainable too, since Uncommon and Rare food champions drop in the Campaign too, saving energy, especially on the rares who start at *3/1. You can get three food champions to *3/30 every day without any issues on auto. Even if you do not get enough rare food, every other day, you can easily get nine *3/1 food champions from your Uncommons on auto, allowing you to create a single *4/1 food champion.

I do agree with your champion priority for the OP. I would suggest getting Warmaiden to *5/50 and waiting for the free High Khatun to speed lead the Arena team.

Edit: I hate typing on a tablet. *grumble*grumble*grumble*
Jul 20, 2020, 15:2407/20/20
I have the High Khatun but have not done much with her. Right now my Arena team is Apothecary (speed 162), Kael , Athel and Zelotah. I was planning on using my second 6 on Apothecary. Even though my Warmaiden is a four I have her masteries to 120 and maxed her out on books. 
Jul 20, 2020, 15:4907/20/20

WatchdogCZ said:

Trips said:

Getting kael to 6 was smart choice. Leveling galek and athel to 5 is redundancy. do not 6star them.

ZELOTAH (doesn't really need books)



These 3 are your priority. Farm, farm, farm.

I think zelotah at 6star will help dungeon progress most. Madame obviously for arena, but will help elsewhere too. Apo is just great for everyone early through end.

Post your roster if you want further advice. Dragon and CB should be priority. Do you have a speed lead 4 arena?

Levelling some champions to *5/50 is not reduncancy, it is making sure you can get some Faction Wars glyphs to enchant your gear. Plus some nice rewards for the stars earned there. You seem to me to be underestimating the importancy of the glyphs.

*4/1 food champions are fairly easy to grind for, so *5/50 is actually quite doable. Partially self-sustainable too, since Uncommon and Rare food champions drop in the Campaign too, saving energy, especially on the rares who start at *3/1. You can get three food champions to *3/30 every day without any issues on auto. Even if you do not get enough rare food, every other day, you can easily get nine *3/1 food championsfrom of your Uncommons on auto, allowing you to create a single *4/1 food champion.

I do agree with your champion priority for the OP. I would suggest getting Warmaiden to *5/50 and waiting for the free High Khatun to speed lead the Arena team.

Optimal resource usage is key. Glyphs are important, but those 5stars aren't going to get you much better glyphs than the 40s would.  Getting Zelotah to 6star instead of those 2 to 50 would be 100x better use of resources.  It's a sunk cost though and not HORRIBLE.  If the OP had 6 starred 3 attack champs to start that would be TERRIBLE.  So OP is off to a decent start with two stellar epic pulls.  Not sure if Warmaiden is needed since he has Serris.

Your speed is really LOW.  Need to do best you can in Dragon to improve gear.  Smart thing is to level Zelotah and Apo to 6 star 1st so you can do at least dragon 13.
Jul 20, 2020, 16:4007/20/20
Thanks for the great advice.
Jul 20, 2020, 23:1107/20/20
redmacaw said:

Thanks for the great advice.
This game has a good forum and great players willing to help you.  Everytime I make a mistake they show me how to correct it. 
Jul 21, 2020, 21:1607/21/20
Trips said:

Getting kael to 6 was smart choice. Leveling galek and athel to 5 is redundancy. do not 6star them.

ZELOTAH (doesn't really need books)



These 3 are your priority. Farm, farm, farm.

I think zelotah at 6star will help dungeon progress most. Madame obviously for arena, but will help elsewhere too. Apo is just great for everyone early through end.

Post your roster if you want further advice. Dragon and CB should be priority. Do you have a speed lead 4 arena?

Jul 21, 2020, 21:2407/21/20
How do I go about posting my lineup?  I have two accounts. One on my iPad and one on my phone. I have to make a second 6* on both of them.
Jul 21, 2020, 22:1207/21/20
Jul 21, 2020, 22:4407/21/20
I am confused. The roster doesn't quite match the original post.  I don't see Madame, Apo, Zelotah but you have Turvold & Doompriest?