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My Observation After Breaking the Silver 1 progress mission

My Observation After Breaking the Silver 1 progress mission

Jul 18, 2020, 15:2507/18/20

My Observation After Breaking the Silver 1 progress mission

First of all, this is my team

Now, my observation:

I unexpectedly have grown some admiration to how good the gameplay Raid have, it's not perfect but as far as hero collection freemium mobile game goes, it's surprisingly quite complex.

The thing that I found on why it frustrated so much people is that it's hard to brute force your way into the arena. You can have an all legendaries team (which would actually HELP ALOT) but if you don't set them up so their skills compliment each other people with only rares and epics could beat them! In some cases even one-shotting them.

Second thing I observed is that people still undervalue the importance of having a fully upgraded equipments and the stats they carry

The battle system is actually very good and quite intricate, specially if you consider how many champions this game have. I know about the speed meta, something I try to reject, you can see it clearly through my team set up, but to my surprise, a lot of people I fought seemed to be having the same mind set as I do, winning by chipping away enemy's health!

Survive the nuke, and then take them down one by one, in some cases I even see multiple revive champions.

Now having said that, Arena progress mission is still a huge problem! It's a clear huge spike of difficulty so early in the game.

Personally, I say just PUT THEM ALL AT THE VERY END OF THE PROGRESS MISSIONS, I honestly think that is the fastest way to alleviate some of the players frustration while you work on what can be done to the whole arena as a whole.

I can see what you guys at Plarium is trying to do for Arena, but you got to make some clear classification on matchmaking because as it is, the matchmaking is definitely a mess:

1. The power level is USELESS, you can't gauge anything with it, please REWORK on the formula on this so people can get a better estimation on who they can have a shot at fighting

2. You need to protect new players, specially those in Bronze, don't let people with full legendaries, all upgraded and fully booked and fully mastered to fight those who are just coming to the game with their newly acquired heroes.

So that's my observation

Feel free to add your opinion

Jul 18, 2020, 15:4707/18/20
Your 3 best champs are 5star, lol.  But congrats on silver!  Skullcrusher, Brawler, Maus Mage are a great CB core.  Not sure how Athel ever gets a turn with that speed?  
Jul 18, 2020, 16:1207/18/20

I believe his strategy with that team is, survive the first wave of nuke, put up counter attack, and let his opponent kill themselves while counter attacking. With slow speed, he can make use the most of his counter attack. 

Honestly, if I will be the one to use that team with that stats, I will not make it to silver. 

Trips said:

Your 3 best champs are 5star, lol.  But congrats on silver!  Skullcrusher, Brawler, Maus Mage are a great CB core.  Not sure how Athel ever gets a turn with that speed?  

Jul 18, 2020, 22:1407/18/20

JoinME said:

I believe his strategy with that team is, survive the first wave of nuke, put up counter attack, and let his opponent kill themselves while counter attacking. With slow speed, he can make use the most of his counter attack. 

Honestly, if I will be the one to use that team with that stats, I will not make it to silver. 

Trips said:

Your 3 best champs are 5star, lol.  But congrats on silver!  Skullcrusher, Brawler, Maus Mage are a great CB core.  Not sure how Athel ever gets a turn with that speed?  

Yup that's the idea, Skullcrusher still needs speed because I need him to go before the enemy is nuking my tram.

And I do need to change Athel, the one on my wishlist is Miscreated Monster
Jul 18, 2020, 22:5807/18/20

My suggestion is to look at mission " earn silver 1 in classic arena " mission . When this game first went live i am sure that this was probably a task that could with a little work be completed in a fair amount of effort,but since it has been live for some time now veterans of the game have discovered that if they put 1 or more low level champs as their defense team then they can stay in bronze tiers to farm medals for upgrading stats in the great hall. It makes it impossible for newcomers to advance in the game because of this found technique they are doing. As i have looked at the next missions after this one mission i would have already completed well over that one mission. I see another problem mission up ahead when i have to earn 50 silver medals in arena and as i look past it i see that i would have completed missions beyond it. I have completed campaign up to over half in nightmare mode and dungeon bosses beaten at level 13 except for dragon and fire knights i am at 12. I hit clan boss on hard mode at 3.8 to 4 mil. Per key and i can't get past this 1 mission to progress in the game because of veterans farming bronze medals. I guess when all the vets max out their great hall then newcomers can proceed to try and advance in the game or either just stop playing and move on to another game. Am i going to have to go back and redo the missions that are after earn silver 1 medal in arena that i have already would have completed if it wasn't for this one. As i stated before if it wasn't for this mission and the upcoming earn 50 silver medals i would have completed well past these 2 missions.

I find myself forced to partake in what the vets are doing in arena and put 1 un -leveled common champion on defense and try to upgrade stats in the great hall just so i can stay in bronze tier 2 and 3 and spend what little energy we are allotted at minotaurs trying to max out masteries when i would rather be spending energy on doing campaigns and trying to level my champions and earning mission rewards to help advance champions. This mission is a bottle neck in the game and it is a shame that people are forced to use the vet tactic or shall i say exploit just to try and advance in the game.

I understand that the name of the game is raid and is geared towards people who like to get into the mechanics of skills and the champions that have certain skills to combat an opponent to take the win in the arena. I have played several games for years in the past that had raid battles or player vs player one of those games being guildwars and guilgwars 2, but i at least had the option to choose what character i wanted and work my way through the map and campaigns to earn the skills for those characters. This game you get characters by luck of the draw and have no choice but to decide if the character and it's skillset is worth leveling or if its just food for one that is. furthermore certain hard dungeons that took 4 hrs.or longer with a group of 7 people to farm for elite cosmetic armors and weapons but that was just cosmetic and did not hinder people from playing the campaigns and leveling their characters.

This game has a campaign with missions,challenges,quests for character advancement but arena is keeping players from advancing in the campaign part of the game. I at least had a choice in other games on whether i wanted to play in arena or to do pvp or just campaign but because of the exploit players are using there is no way to advance past this mission without having to spend large amounts of real money on the game.

The exploit is being taught to other players from clan members and general chat and the more people use this exploit the harder and harder it becomes for newer players to try to advance in the game and then people get frustrated and stop playing and the game will start loosing players and are stuck with only veterans battling each other until they get tired of winning or losing against the same people over and over and they leave raid for a different game.

Games do not last long when it's player base comes down to just a handful of veterans trying to keep the game alive. When you start lo lose new players because of unfair tactics by vets or exploits being taken advantage of. Many great games have fallen because of things like this.

I hope plarium has made their money back from making this game because as far as i can see it will not keep new players for a long time because of the impossible earn silver 1 and upcoming earn 50 silver medals in arena missions. Yall can keep it in the challenges arena but remove it from missions for campaign advancement.

I don't understand why yall expect players to do both earn silver medal and earn 50 silver medals twice in the game. We have to do it for mission and in challenge thank goodness we don't have those to do in daily,weekly,monthly quests.

Jul 19, 2020, 12:4307/19/20

Well said H00YAH365, the fact that higher tier does not give players the incentive to keep them at their respective tier.

We know 1 silver medal = 2 bronze medal

Silvér 1 award a win with 1 silver medal

Bronze 3 and 4 award a win with 2 bronze medal

With how limited the arena coins is, people will deliberately put themselves on bronze 3/4 to build their Grand Hall. Why risk losing a coin for an equal prize?

This is why the madness in arena start at Bronze 3, higher tier player farm their bronze medal  in there for their Bronze Level Grand Hall upgrade.

I always suggest that any player that have already wij a silver medal should not be allowed to fight in Bronze rank, and that goes also for gold medal

Jul 19, 2020, 21:1507/19/20

Crappy part is knowing you can clear all dungeons except for spider on 20 (just need a few more 60's) but still need 3400 gold medals to get to lvl 10 in great hall and all I seem to face are Arbiter teams just hoping my character is faster