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2x or 10x

2x or 10x

Jul 18, 2020, 01:2807/18/20

2x or 10x

We have a 10x event going.  Its the same low odds for epic and lego but at least you have a 10% chance of it being a good champ.  So I will play it with ancient and void shards. 

I am saving sacred shards for 2x because that does improve your chances for a lego.  You have to hope for some luck that you dont get one of the bottom 5 legos. 

Jul 18, 2020, 02:0107/18/20
Gorgorab is what makes it tempting. If he was the only epic in 10x I would recommend it to new players. But I'd be pissed if I got frost lol
Jul 18, 2020, 04:0007/18/20

Does x10 really work ? 

Twice I got no x10 but x1 champs. Does x10 mean need 10 times to get a champ in that x10 list. 

Jul 18, 2020, 04:4207/18/20
Ident20 said:

Does x10 really work ? 

Twice I got no x10 but x1 champs. Does x10 mean need 10 times to get a champ in that x10 list. 

When the RNG calculates which champ you get you have a 10x better chance of getting one on the list.  Your chances of getting epic or lego are the same as usual.   Ancient and Void shards have 8% of giving an Epic and 1/2% chance of giving a Lego. 
Jul 18, 2020, 04:4907/18/20

Gorgorqab is the one I want.  Too many times in arena he heals his entire team and I lose.  I have started keeping a list of players who can destroy my team on their own.  Its a want list and an AVOID list. 

A big part of this game involves chance and luck.  I will roll my shards tomorrow.  Fingers crossed. 

I pulled Frozen Banshee today.  I thought she was supposed to be a good champion.  I see her on a lot of teams.  But her rating is low.  She is rated high only in dungeons.  Maybe she is the missing piece I need for dungeons. 
Jul 18, 2020, 09:4807/18/20
Jul 18, 2020, 09:50(edited)

Frozen banshee is awesome for dragon 20 and clan boss  I don’t have her fully mastery yet but she is fully booked and is doing 2+ million on brutal clan boss for me I manual 1st round to put up poison sensitivity then full auto from there 

I had 4 blue shards decided to pull and got my Gorgorab finally to pair with my Siphi and he is awesome even at lv 50  my biggest setback is speed gear. Only able to get Siphi close to 300 and my Gor to 230 but my Tayrel and Trunda are a bit lacking in speed
Jul 18, 2020, 09:5107/18/20
ClosedPoly said:

Ident20 said:

Does x10 really work ? 

Twice I got no x10 but x1 champs. Does x10 mean need 10 times to get a champ in that x10 list. 

When the RNG calculates which champ you get you have a 10x better chance of getting one on the list.  Your chances of getting epic or lego are the same as usual.   Ancient and Void shards have 8% of giving an Epic and 1/2% chance of giving a Lego. 
Do you understand what I said ?
Jul 18, 2020, 10:4107/18/20

Ident20 said:

ClosedPoly said:

Ident20 said:

Does x10 really work ? 

Twice I got no x10 but x1 champs. Does x10 mean need 10 times to get a champ in that x10 list. 

When the RNG calculates which champ you get you have a 10x better chance of getting one on the list.  Your chances of getting epic or lego are the same as usual.   Ancient and Void shards have 8% of giving an Epic and 1/2% chance of giving a Lego. 
Do you understand what I said ?

Do you understand what he said?

There is no 'I need this amount of pulls to get this or that champ'.

If you are unlucky you won't get epic champ promoted on 10x even if you pull 1k ancients (slim chance not to have him with so many pulls but still possible).

Now there is me lucking out and getting nethril out of my single ancient ...

10x means this for single epic:

Pulling ancient:

1st roll - rare / epic / leg - if it rolls rare your boosted chances are not even considered anymore.

2nd roll - there are 10 copies of each boosted champ in the pool while there is one copy of non-boosted ones.

If there are 100 epics in game outside of any 10x pool becomes 109 with one epic promoted or 118 with 2 epics promoted and so on.

Let's say 1st roll ended on epic. Now roll for champ from this bloated pool. - still slim chance to get the one promoted (just 10 times better than those not promoted)

Jul 18, 2020, 10:4207/18/20
Trips said:

Gorgorab is what makes it tempting. If he was the only epic in 10x I would recommend it to new players. But I'd be pissed if I got frost lol
I got Rock Breaker... who I already had twice. Oh well. Was mostly just going for the summoning event since that was the only rare for the fusion I didn't have yet. I did also finally get a Bellower - not sure yet if/where I'll use him, but good to have the option at least. 
Jul 18, 2020, 10:5107/18/20

ClosedPoly said:

Gorgorqab is the one I want.  Too many times in arena he heals his entire team and I lose.  I have started keeping a list of players who can destroy my team on their own.  Its a want list and an AVOID list. 

A big part of this game involves chance and luck.  I will roll my shards tomorrow.  Fingers crossed. 

I pulled Frozen Banshee today.  I thought she was supposed to be a good champion.  I see her on a lot of teams.  But her rating is low.  She is rated high only in dungeons.  Maybe she is the missing piece I need for dungeons. 

Yeah, if you're fighting a Gorgorab, you either need to kill him first, or get him to waste his Animate by healing the team when nobody is dead yet - then you can quickly kill the opponent nuker, knowing that you have a few turns until Gorgorab will get his Animate back to resurrect him. Annoying, but not nearly as bad as a Duchess Lilitu, who won't waste her AOE resurrect until it's needed and who is far harder to kill anyway. 

Frozen Banshee is very specialized - worth her weight in gold on the CB and the dragon (only the dragon itself). Could work on the minotaur and ice golem as well, though not as essential there. Useless basically everywhere else, including on the waves of these dungeons. I asked in another thread about your CB team, since it seemed like you were doing much less damage than you could - FB will help with that. 
Jul 18, 2020, 14:4307/18/20
Bellower is a tough one. He can help early accounts for sure when you don't have many champs. But once you have a well rounded roster he is generally a second choice for anything. I use as mainly as a farmer and slot in to speed up some dungeons since  i lack aoe damage dealers.
Jul 19, 2020, 22:0107/19/20

34 ancients shards.  I got one Epic.  Yaga and it was a dupe.  I got Elhain.  I should be able to find a spot where she can help.  The rest of the rares were dups or low value.  The shards did help me run up my score in Summons event but the rewards were low value this time. 

Jul 19, 2020, 22:0307/19/20
would not invest in elhain at all
Jul 19, 2020, 22:0907/19/20

L9753 said:

ClosedPoly said:

Gorgorqab is the one I want.  Too many times in arena he heals his entire team and I lose.  I have started keeping a list of players who can destroy my team on their own.  Its a want list and an AVOID list. 

A big part of this game involves chance and luck.  I will roll my shards tomorrow.  Fingers crossed. 

I pulled Frozen Banshee today.  I thought she was supposed to be a good champion.  I see her on a lot of teams.  But her rating is low.  She is rated high only in dungeons.  Maybe she is the missing piece I need for dungeons. 

Yeah, if you're fighting a Gorgorab, you either need to kill him first, or get him to waste his Animate by healing the team when nobody is dead yet - then you can quickly kill the opponent nuker, knowing that you have a few turns until Gorgorab will get his Animate back to resurrect him. Annoying, but not nearly as bad as a Duchess Lilitu, who won't waste her AOE resurrect until it's needed and who is far harder to kill anyway. 

Frozen Banshee is very specialized - worth her weight in gold on the CB and the dragon (only the dragon itself). Could work on the minotaur and ice golem as well, though not as essential there. Useless basically everywhere else, including on the waves of these dungeons. I asked in another thread about your CB team, since it seemed like you were doing much less damage than you could - FB will help with that. 

I am going to take FB to 50* and try her against Dragon.  I can win L13 now but then I am stuck.  Once I realized the power of affinity I started subbing other affinity heroes against Dragon.  I am averaging 2.5m against Hard CB.  My arena defense is good enough that most avoid playing me so less losses on defense has allowed me to reach Bronze 4.  Everything is getting better, its just a slow, slow process. 

This is a real strategy game and it takes an old dog like me time to learn all the new tricks.   lol