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Stuck In Bronze IV Arena - Cannot Progress Missions

Stuck In Bronze IV Arena - Cannot Progress Missions

Jul 16, 2020, 18:5707/16/20

Stuck In Bronze IV Arena - Cannot Progress Missions


I would like to shed some light on a problem that many people are having and is probably already talked about but untill this changes I think it should be talked about even more.

I have been stuck on a progress mission Win 50 Silver Arena Medals for far too long now. Considering what the following missions are, realisticaly I would have probably already been on a 3rd tier if not for this Arena Mission.

I would like to recommend as many probably already have, to either replace this mission, derank it, erase it or whatever can be done, but something has to change. Personaly I don't mind much about arena, but the last mission on this tier is Fuse Justiciar and I have fused Relickeeper a while ago now so its safe to say that the missions follow a strange dificulty levels.

And to point out, the arena bronze IV is getting harder and harder every week. This is a newly refreshed feed, one of the opponent has 150k power and not to mention all the legendaries opponents seem to have. Unreal... Please do something about it.

Thank you!

Jul 17, 2020, 09:1607/17/20
Jul 17, 2020, 09:20(edited)

That's a great story and all

But why not just beat them?

Those are such easy wins.

I think you can take them all!

Jul 17, 2020, 11:1107/17/20

You are not alone. Not only Bronze IV but all Arena stages got same problem. 

The guy above me wrote shorter. Surprise!