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Fusion advice pretty please.

Fusion advice pretty please.

Jul 14, 2020, 14:3107/14/20

Fusion advice pretty please.

So I have been saving resources for a couple of weeks waiting for the next fusion to come along (Didn't actually realise it was going to be so soon).

Well, I just used it all up and I'm about 1k points short of getting Bushi. (I did switch over to farming the dragon a bit I'm about 1/4 done on the dragon tournament). 

However, as that's all the resources I had saved used (bar about 300 gems). I will be able to finish the Champ training at least up to Bushi over the week. However, will it be worth it?

I have my doubts that I will have the resources to do the rest of the events. Would I be better just investing the resources in my current champs I don't really want the two weeks to pass and only have a 5* accended Bushi to show for it?

What would you guys recommend? 
Jul 14, 2020, 16:1807/14/20
How many of the other rares (or epics) do you have for the fusion?  I think the summon event will be most difficult (unless $$ or lots of shards saved).  Also, what is your roster (does this champion help you alot?).  You already went for bushi so you are somewhat committed.
Jul 14, 2020, 17:4207/14/20

Trips said:

How many of the other rares (or epics) do you have for the fusion?  I think the summon event will be most difficult (unless $$ or lots of shards saved).  Also, what is your roster (does this champion help you alot?).  You already went for bushi so you are somewhat committed.

I have 6/12 of the remaining rares required (Discounting the ones needed for Bushi). 

I think she would help my account a lot, the only legendary I have at this point is Skull Lord from a lucky but unlucky monthly sacred shard pull. I struggle to get past spider/FK 15 on auto so was hoping she might be the answer for that.

As committed as I am going for Bushi I the food I have ready to get him to 5* accended could easily be redirected to a more worthwhile champ. I have just pulled Peydma and corpse collector who I think would both improve my clan boss team pretty dramatically. 

I don't have that many shards saved unfortunately I have 350 Mystic and 15 ancients. It probably won't make a dent on the summoning event :-/ I think I just about get my next months void and sacred in time but not 100% sure it's either the last day or the day after.
Jul 14, 2020, 17:5307/14/20
Well Bushi is not very good imo, I do think the legendary will be at least very good if not great.  Definitely good for spider/fk.
Jul 14, 2020, 22:1007/14/20

I think the legendary is definitely worth it, the epics maybe not so much, though I've heard good things about Basher. 

In your situation, you should really take the time to analyze the news post of which champions will be coming in which events. It may depend on your exact progress and resources, but in my experience, getting champions from dungeons events is very difficult unless you can either farm the dungeon at the highest stage, or have a lot of gems for extra energy. Getting champions from summoning events may be difficult as well, though if it's only one champion you need, it might be doable with your 15 ancients and a few hundred mystics. 

I would look ahead at the planning and see if there are many champions that you can already see will be almost impossible for you to get. If so, then maybe indeed it's not worth it. But if there's just one or two that look tricky, I would keep doing everything for the fusion at least until that particular event, and then figure out if you'll be able to make it or not. You could wait to 5* anyone until then, as well.  

Jul 15, 2020, 13:1707/15/20

Here is what you need to know.

The game often runs 2 types of events which make or break your chances of getting the Fusion Hero.

1st type of event is the Shard events.

2nd type of event is the Arena events.

These are the events which most players will classify as Pay Wall events.

The reason why is because it requires a lot of saving & planning to complete them.

What you should do is look at the heroes which are given out from these 2 types of events.

If you don't own any of those heroes, The chances are you will not get the fusion.

I will also like to share with you the way I view the Epics.

I rank the Epics in the following Tier Order:

1 - Basher

2 - Bone Keeper

3 - Necro Hunter

4 - Bushi

The more versatile the hero is the higher they are ranked in my tier list.

Lastly, you asked for advice!

My recommendation is to try your best & think about the positive.

At the start of the fusion, you had 0 chance of ever getting a Bushi.

Now, your telling us you might be 1 week away from getting him!.

This is 1 more hero you have gained on your account which you might have never gained with out this event!

You were already planning to make more 6 star heroes.

Everyone needs more 6 star heroes.

Now you have a chance to get more 6 star heroes + extra rewards + extra heroes.

You were already planning to do dragon runs because you need better gear!

Everyone needs better gear - Everyone farms dragon!

Now you have a chance to get better gear + extra rewards + extra heroes.

People have a tendency to look at situations in a Half Empty - Negative way.

They run around screaming - The game is Pay 2 Win

They get upset because they can't get the new fusion Kantra.

They make themselves unhappy!

If you don't listen to anything else I say, I want you to listen to this.

Get the heroes, you think you can get.

Don't beat yourself up on the heroes, you can't get.

Thousands of players have quit the game because they couldn't get a hero.

They brainwash themselves into thinking they deserve a hero.

And when they don't get it - They end up heart broken or angry

The ones who end up heart broken often lose interest in the game and quit.

The ones who end up angry often end up getting banned for cursing out the moderators & developers. 

And that is what will happen to you - If you let these things get under your skin.