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If You Listen

If You Listen

Jul 9, 2020, 22:0507/09/20

If You Listen

Aristocrat/Plarium Leadership,

Your community is full of ideas of how to make this a game that is truly one of the best and not only a good business for a gambling game alternative.

If you listen to our advice (I nominate HellHades) about how to improve the experience for the users you will not only have the growth from your aggressive marketing but you can gain true passion from your game base. Look to World of Warcraft, after 15 years millions of players still pay $15 a month for the game. Our advice benefits Aristocrat directly as it would ensure the games longevity and a stronger more unified community. Thousands of people love so much of what this game has started with but if you continue to ignore our advice this game will get dumped and your reputation is already on thin ice with the gaming community. 

Take this warning, embrace your community, host some live stream Q&A with HellHades or your creator of choice and follow through with reducing the cringe begging for money at every corner. We are here, ready and interested, the ball is in your court, will you take advantage of it or let short sighted greed trash long term gains?


Tyrant Tommy