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Arena Medals - Easy development fix

Arena Medals - Easy development fix

Jul 9, 2020, 21:3307/09/20

Arena Medals - Easy development fix

As I have looked through reddit and the forums it is apparent that I am not alone in noticing a massive change to Arena that has negatively impacted my experience. I have spent easily 1-2k on this game and will likely continue to spend once this issue is resolved.

Problem: Severely stronger match ups in well over 90% of cases. I spent a few hundred gems evaluating this and approximately 60% of teams at Silver4/Gold1 have Arbiter, about 20% Hegemon and close to 75% the blue death duo. These have historically been end game teams which I would expect to find in Gold4/Plat but now find in the lower ranks.

Personal Impact: Though I clearly have a gambling/compulsive issue that results in me pissing money away on this game for shards, I still don't have an S tier arena lead nor any S tier units for arena. I don't care that much for arena but I want to finish out Arbiter, which will now be next to impossible due to being knocked down into silver every day and I need 1,900 gold medals. (Farming stage 20 dungeons and UNM CB already) 

Solution: Allow all medals to be used for all upgrade tiers (not stopping at 5 or w/e the cap is) and increase medals by 2x for bronze and silver. Gold would still be the highest value then for every 2 silver it counts as 1 gold and 4 bronze for 1 gold. This will allow weaker players to grind arena at the right level for them and still make progress.

Thank you for the consideration, my offer is that upon completion I will resume my pathetic addiction to shard pulling, to your benefit.


Tyrant Tommy

Jul 10, 2020, 00:4207/10/20
Jul 10, 2020, 00:52(edited)

Tyrant Tommy said:

Solution: Allow all medals to be used for all upgrade tiers (not stopping at 5 or w/e the cap is) and increase medals by 2x for bronze and silver. Gold would still be the highest value then for every 2 silver it counts as 1 gold and 4 bronze for 1 gold. This will allow weaker players to grind arena at the right level for them and still make progress.

This would actually make arena worse for lower tier like bronze, because I would bet you, a lot of higher level players would sandbag themselves and go down tiers to get easier match up.

People have even already doing this right now, they don't want to use silver medals for bronze level upgrade making them throwing themselves down to bronze to finish their upgrade in Bronze before going back up. A couple of YouTubers even advocate for this tactic.

What we need if anything is to double gold medals so people would want to go up, as of right now, the incentive to go up is not much, why would anyone want to go to silver 1 when the reward at Bronze 3 and 4 is equivalent in value? 

Jul 10, 2020, 02:3907/10/20

Good point! Keeping incentive to stay in Gold, I guess part of my issue is that a lot of folks in Bronze and Silver are already facing against 3-6month old Plat teams (I know my alt can't even hit bronze 2 due to this) The whole thing is really screwed up. Maybe they need to revise the game so you can't just suicide arena matches to drop your rank and the only way to drop rank is to lose defense (which is good since we might promote more flimsy defenses). 

Did the ranking used to be based on player offense team score vs player defense team score within a bracket? That seems to make a lot more sense, I read that it is based on total player power now, which I think is why I am fucked. I have a solid 3 key UNM team and auto stage 20 on the dungeons and never really put time into arena so my arena team doesn't have my best gear and i don't have amazing units built for it. 

Honestly I'm not spending until they fix it though. Not that they care at all, but arena is really not fun for me, I lose most matches even with a 28% speed lead and full speed sets on the bat, just not enough time and effort to overpower all the damn Arbiter leads. 
Jul 10, 2020, 02:4507/10/20

I think reducing the points you lose on defense by half would help. I am 126-42 (75%) since reset and I haven't made it to silver3 yet. Lol

Getting to silver3 every week but dropping to silver 2 before reset and then to bottom of s2... that is painful. 
Jul 10, 2020, 04:3207/10/20

The fix ? you don't even see the root cause of the problem, how can you fix it ? 

What is called Root cause ? Imagine an alien tree grow up and break your house, to rescue the house you cut its branches, because you never know the Root cause of the problem. Solution: it only take 1 day to cut the root, instead of spending 1 life to cut the branches. 

Root cause and solution: