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Arena broken for new players. Help?

Arena broken for new players. Help?

Jul 9, 2020, 01:3607/09/20

Arena broken for new players. Help?

Hey I've been reading some of the forums in regard to new players and Arena so I am aware of the problems. I am relatively new and stuck in bronze III like everyone else with an occasional peek into silver when I waste my gems looking for a matchup that is even remotely possible. Well, I decided to stop complaining about it and started trying to build a speed team and so far have spirithost lvl 40 as my leader, then seeker lvl 50ish, venus lvl 60 and kael lvl 60. I can often get a good jump on people, although some are able to put a shield up first, but still end up losing, and on defense I constantly lose. So I am still stuck in the bronze III range.

Any suggestions? I really want to get into at least the silver range and work in there.I will attach a screenshot of my current champions and maybe you can make some suggestions/tweaks on who to use better, what gear to use, what speed range I need to be in, etc? Is my order of attack off?

Jul 9, 2020, 02:1507/09/20

You can use Seeker, Serris, + 2 nukers. I don't see any good end game nukers in your screenshot, but you can start with your Kael and Relic Keeper.

Jul 9, 2020, 03:3307/09/20
Jul 9, 2020, 03:35(edited)

You want to get to silver or stay in silver?

To stay there from my observation you'll need at least 2 legendaries, and all of your team at least must be lvl 60, 6* ascended. And if you use any epics they better be fully booked

Gears must be 6*, 5* minimum and stack on speed, your leader position MUST be filled by a champion that has a speed aura.
Jul 9, 2020, 13:4007/09/20

OzzLee said:

You want to get to silver or stay in silver?

To stay there from my observation you'll need at least 2 legendaries, and all of your team at least must be lvl 60, 6* ascended. And if you use any epics they better be fully booked

Gears must be 6*, 5* minimum and stack on speed, your leader position MUST be filled by a champion that has a speed aura.

This is a gross exaggeration.  You need 0 legendaries.  You need SPEED.  My Silver 2/3 team in speed order is:

4* Spirithost (farmable)

6* WM (farmable)

6* Kael (starter)

6* Jinglehunter

One epic champ.  6* gear is not that important, STATS are important. I still have a bunch of 4* gear, mostly 5*.  It will take you a while to get enough gear and a solid core of 4. FARM FARM FARM.  Getting at least 2 6*, probably 3 6* will be needed. But if you get lucky and pull a gorgorab or seeker or someone even better you can get by with less.  Look for speed in substats, don't get excited over 5* common/uncommon gear... it SUCKS (yes you will need to use this early -- but don't farm gear in campaign, Dragon and Golem for gear).  But ranking up good chars is most important.  Then gear.  

Jul 9, 2020, 14:5307/09/20

OzzLee said:

You want to get to silver or stay in silver?

To stay there from my observation you'll need at least 2 legendaries, and all of your team at least must be lvl 60, 6* ascended. And if you use any epics they better be fully booked

Gears must be 6*, 5* minimum and stack on speed, your leader position MUST be filled by a champion that has a speed aura.

I want to just get to silver and get my 50 wins to get past that mission.  I was cruising along in missions and hit a wall 
Jul 9, 2020, 14:5807/09/20

JoinME said:

You can use Seeker, Serris, + 2 nukers. I don't see any good end game nukers in your screenshot, but you can start with your Kael and Relic Keeper.

What stats/gear would you focus on for Relic Keeper?   Would you get him to 6*? I have him at 5*

Also, would you use Serris over Venus and why?

Jul 9, 2020, 15:2607/09/20

Trips said:

OzzLee said:

You want to get to silver or stay in silver?

To stay there from my observation you'll need at least 2 legendaries, and all of your team at least must be lvl 60, 6* ascended. And if you use any epics they better be fully booked

Gears must be 6*, 5* minimum and stack on speed, your leader position MUST be filled by a champion that has a speed aura.

This is a gross exaggeration.  You need 0 legendaries.  You need SPEED.  My Silver 2/3 team in speed order is:

4* Spirithost (farmable)

6* WM (farmable)

6* Kael (starter)

6* Jinglehunter

One epic champ.  6* gear is not that important, STATS are important. I still have a bunch of 4* gear, mostly 5*.  It will take you a while to get enough gear and a solid core of 4. FARM FARM FARM.  Getting at least 2 6*, probably 3 6* will be needed. But if you get lucky and pull a gorgorab or seeker or someone even better you can get by with less.  Look for speed in substats, don't get excited over 5* common/uncommon gear... it SUCKS (yes you will need to use this early -- but don't farm gear in campaign, Dragon and Golem for gear).  But ranking up good chars is most important.  Then gear.  

Thanks for the pointers.  That makes me feel a lot better about it.  I think that if I need 2 legendaries then I should just give up.  I have War Maiden, but she is not built up. Is there another comparable champ I could use?

Also, I notice you use Jinglehunter AND Spirithost, so looks like you just kill it with speed, like you mentioned. It looks like I'll have to land one of those other speed champs 
Jul 9, 2020, 16:1607/09/20
Spirithost and Warmaiden you can farm in campaign.
Jul 9, 2020, 17:5907/09/20

jeahfoo said:

Thanks for the pointers.  That makes me feel a lot better about it.  I think that if I need 2 legendaries then I should just give up.  I have War Maiden, but she is not built up. Is there another comparable champ I could use?

Also, I notice you use Jinglehunter AND Spirithost, so looks like you just kill it with speed, like you mentioned. It looks like I'll have to land one of those other speed champs 

Forget Warmaiden, you have Venus and Madame Serris who are both a thousand times better. Many will say that Madame Serris is pretty much a legendary, who just happens to look like an epic. Though in different ways; Venus puts decrease defense *and* weaken, though unless you somehow have a lot of legendary books lying around, she does it with only 75 percent chance. Madame puts a combo of decrease defense and decrease attack instead, with a 100 percent chance (though accuracy - resistance still applies!) - which is irrelevant if the opponent's main damage dealers are dead before they can take a turn, but if they aren't, decrease attack helps a lot. Moreover, the same skill also removes all buffs on opponents - again, if you're fast enough, there may not be any buffs to remove yet, but if there are, stripping them all away is very strong. Then looking at other skills, Venus will do a lot more damage, but Madame has some other nice debuffs including fear / true fear that can lock down an opponent entirely. 

I think the short version is, Venus works better in a pure speed nuke where you just want to maximize your damage in the first round and you expect the fight to be basically over after that. But you may not be able to do that without very high speed anyway. Madame works better in defense or in teams for longer battles, as she can disrupt the opponent more, but does less damage and doesn't soften them up as much. 

Personally I like to have a few different options for arena offense and adjust based on the enemy team, instead of having one single team. Relickeeper, for instance, can be useful for additional damage sometimes, particularly against Force enemies where Kael will struggle. But in other cases you may prefer to stick with your Spirithost and Seeker combo. 

Also, not related to arena, but your void rares Coldheart and Reliquary Tender are excellent for dungeons, you'll want to level both of them up. 

Jul 9, 2020, 18:1307/09/20

Oof I wouldn't do Warmaiden. You already got Venus which is so much better with both Def Down and Weaken, and she's void too, so you don't run the risk of having weak hits. Also don't bother with Relickeeper. 

Btw- where's your High Khatun? You can run a really good speed nuke team here with High Khatun lead- Seeker- Venus- Kael. (Speed tune to that order)

Get as much speed as possible with HK and Seeker, get tons of accuracy on Venus, and stack crit on Kael. Serris can be used instead of Venus if you need to strip buffs from Valkyrie, Roshcard, etc. If you get the right stats that comp could take you to Gold.