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Tag team Arena

Tag team Arena

Jun 29, 2020, 12:0306/29/20

Tag team Arena


I experienced that still my bar was green i was not moved up to bronze II tier in Tag Team Arena, did someone else experience this too?
Jun 29, 2020, 12:1606/29/20
Additional note: now it won't refresh the list Even when i Try to use gems, i restarted the game but it doesn't help, IT is still showing the same list and IT doesn't help to click on the refresh button...
Jun 29, 2020, 21:5606/29/20
Hey has this been fixed for you already? It's been announced on Discord that players that were supposed to rank up to Bronze 2 were already being transferred. Also, they're due to discuss the token compensations later today.
Jun 29, 2020, 23:5606/29/20
Same here. I had a green bar before the reset, but I am still in Bronze 1. I should be in Bronze 2.
Jun 30, 2020, 14:3106/30/20
Is there any update on when we can expect to be transferred to Bronze 2?
Jul 1, 2020, 12:4107/01/20

Nope i am not promoted to bronze II but my bar was green, and there was no note anywere that IT had to be 1792 points to be promoted, this Max point number keeps changing everyday, now IT is 2260, yesterday IT was 1400, before then: 1078...

Yes i have screenshots of these numbers too, please fix this!!!!
Jul 1, 2020, 12:4107/01/20
Where can i upload these screenshots AS proof??
Jul 1, 2020, 13:2307/01/20
danlee said:

Nope i am not promoted to bronze II but my bar was green, and there was no note anywere that IT had to be 1792 points to be promoted, this Max point number keeps changing everyday, now IT is 2260, yesterday IT was 1400, before then: 1078...

Yes i have screenshots of these numbers too, please fix this!!!!
It's not a fixed number, it moves based on the other players. You likely were in the green but moved down before the reset.  And the number you see is the highest current score I believe.
Jul 1, 2020, 13:4707/01/20
Even that highest current score number keeps changing everytime they do maintanence on this game....
Jul 1, 2020, 15:2307/01/20
Jul 1, 2020, 15:28(edited)

This new content is so broken. My opponents power has increased significantly in the last couple of days for the same points.  Now 6 point matches are at the difficulty of at least 10 or 11 pointers from before. If this is the trend I won't be playing this new arena much longer.

Plarium needs to separate players into brackets instead of putting us all into Bronze 1. The competition is unfair for all but those with the best rosters. It feels like this is intentional by Plarium to increase spending. But that's just wrong reasoning on their part. It just turns people away. I'll just wait a couple months until the brackets sort themselves out without spending anything.

I see that Plarium has increased the 3v3 energy cap from 5 to 10. The number of energy isn't the bad part. The timer that refreshes the energy is way too long, that's the problem. It's designed to promote spending on refreshes instead of creating enjoyable gameplay that we feel like refreshing whenever we want.

Similarly, the weekly ranking periods are way too long. We should be able to advance when we achieve a certain point level, like the normal arena. There is no incentive to refresh energy if we can't advance at our own pace. Does that make sense to anyone else? This shows how little thought Plarium has put into this new arena.

Like Faction Wars I had high hopes but was thoroughly disappointed.

(Edited for spelling mistakes)  :)