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Useless champions login rewards..

Useless champions login rewards..

Jun 26, 2020, 22:2106/26/20

Useless champions login rewards..

By now most of us(players) saw on youtube the 210, 240 and 270 login days rewards.. the  legenday void is quite meh..99% of player base is gonna put it straight to vault.. imagine pulling it from a shard.. you ain`t going to be happy at all..

Please stop giving us more champions that we are not going to use... after 180 days login give us every month the same rewards.. maybe alternate one month we get a sacred shard the next we get a legendary book.. it would not break the game ,not affect sales but it will make your players a little happier.

Jun 26, 2020, 23:5906/26/20
I thought the last set of new login rewards was good.  Anything is better than nothing. I'll take books over shards every day though, lol.
Jun 27, 2020, 20:1806/27/20
Jun 28, 2020, 15:55(edited)

My opinion:

30 Days - High Khatun - This is a great champion for just about anyone. She may not be the very best but she's darn good and you get her guaranteed for free. She's a great lead for Arena, Dungeons, and Campaign when you're still getting your footing in the game. She offers that wonderful speed buff with her A2, a slow debuff on her A1, and some turn meter manipulation with her A3

60 Days - Yaga the Insatiable - This champion is so so, but if you're a free or low paying player, this champion isn't bad as your first Clan Boss Poisoner if you don't have someone better like Frozen Banshee.

90 Days - Dark Athel - While I personally feel like the starter champion Athel is better, Dark Athel has some worthwhile benefits like her A1 and A2 debuffs.Still she's not exactly amazing as the final champion of the initial tier of login rewards.

120 Days - Dark Elhain - This champion isn't bad on her own but shines against Tormin in the Arena and the Ice Golem dungeon. She might be a bit niche but overall I think she's a pretty good champion.

150 Days - Lordly Legionary - This guy would have been great for Fire Knight... if he wasn't Magic Affinity. He's not a bad champion but he's a bit too gimmicky for my taste due to his conditionals.

180 Days - Scyl of the Drakes - This champion is transformative! Her kit is amazing IMO and even if she's at an affinity disadvantage it hardly matters. Constant party healing and single champ speed buffing, even if she's CC'd. A double hitting aoe that has a good chance to stun. A resurrection ability with ally protection built in. An A1 that not only places a speed debuff, but also reduces the turn meter! She's a true winner for the final champion of this tier of login rewards.

I will say that out of the 6 champions we have so far from Login rewards, 3 are mediocre, 1 is pretty darn good if a bit niche, and 2 are downright amazing. The new ones coming in the future I can't really get too into since I haven't seen their base stats yet, but the 270 Day Void Legendary doesn't seem terrible. Turn meter manip A1 seems nice, especially on a void champion so affinity isn't an issue. Just the fact that she's Void Affinity and Defense based makes her decent in my book.

Jun 27, 2020, 21:3106/27/20
I didn't see the new ones , but TM on A1 is outstanding on anyone. Alure and armiger are two of my favorites. Fk20 and spider20!
Jan 1, 2021, 14:3601/01/21

210 days -Tainix HateFlower 

240 days -Ghrush The Mangler

270 Days Visix  The Unbowed and then what ? nothing ??? just upgrade her above day 270 please.

Jan 1, 2021, 14:5501/01/21
Jan 1, 2021, 14:58(edited)

the arena awards don't add up either. If you have silver/gold you get the same or sometimes a lot less than if you have bronze . A 3 star gear piece really can't for silver rank 5 / Gold rank 2.