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Progressing to End Game Help

Progressing to End Game Help

Jun 26, 2020, 14:1606/26/20

Progressing to End Game Help

Hi All,

I have a pretty good roster and currently sit at Gold IV in the Arena. I have been struggling with the Clan Boss (only doing 6mm in Brutal). I am also stuck on 8 in Nightmare Campaign. Dungeons I need a bit of improvement but haven't spent too much time on them. on Stage 15 for most of the harder ones.

My current Arena Roster which has worked out well is:




Miscreated Monster

I let the other team obviously go first and then have invested a lot in defense and HP to survive first wave. This roster has worked out pretty good for me, but if I want to get to elite status this will break and obviously need more elite legends.

For Campagin, I have been using Martyr (lifesteal set) and Miscreated Monster (Relentless). Again need some help here to get to finish off campaign, any suggestions for the roster below.

Clan boss has been a struggle as i invested most if not all my gear and coins to my arena team. My current CB roster is:

Martyr (great just need a better lifesteal set)

Tayrel (no issue here)

Miscreated Monster (i can probably have a better option than him)

Aothar (needs better gear but hes a pretty solid CB champ)

Skullcrown (def can improve here, but his gear and masteries are great and hes doing better than my other champs)

So here is a list of my top guys, who should i use and invest in to get to end game. FYI just pulled Brakus and Candraphon. THANKS!

Jun 26, 2020, 14:5906/26/20
What level dungeons? Grizz and Doom (no books needed) are good for golem/dragon. Coldheart may be time to 60.
Jun 26, 2020, 15:5106/26/20
Jun 26, 2020, 15:58(edited)

Sepulcher for CB

Seems redundant with Tayrel/Marty but I think you want to google the 4/3 method where sepulcher goes 4 times for every 3 and gets her block up every time. Obv with all thise 3 you are guaranteed ATK down and def up and with sentinel passive.... seems golden. Surprised you aren't doing more on Brutal let alone on NM?
Jun 26, 2020, 16:1306/26/20

I actually just pulled a Shamrock.Any value for him other than the Arena?

Jun 26, 2020, 16:3306/26/20

Judgeing by your clan boss damage im betting you have not full masteries. For non-poisoners most of your damage will come from warmaster procs or giant slayer procs.

Your team should have the following roles.

1. dec. attack

2. Counter attack

3. dec defense and weaken if possible

4. poisoner

Running counter attack your team should be speed tuned. Search on youtube for strategies for this.

I recommend hell hades clan boss videos.

1. Martyr (counter attack)

2. Sepulcher sentinal (dec. attack tayrel is fine for now)

3. I dont see a good dec defense - so if you work for Rhazin he can be your guy.

4. poisoner from current rooster i see kael. Upgrades would be something like frozen banshee, occult brawler, steel skull and legendaries.

5. If you use lifesteal fifth spot could be any defense (tayrel) But also ally attack champions like Catatomb councilor.

When gearing used Hell Hades ASDD. 

1. Accuracy first - as much as needed

2. Speed (get the rigth speed for clan boss that is not max speed)

3. Defensive stats (For clan boss I believe you are aiming for 2500 defense+ - there is a chart in hell hades video)

4. Damage (once 1-3 is in place you can work on your damage stats)

Here is a link if yuo are too lazy to search :D

Jun 27, 2020, 13:4306/27/20
thanks for the advice
Jun 27, 2020, 14:1506/27/20

Also. I don't use lifesteal. Having good success with stalwart gear on main account. Stats more important of course. But lifesteal doesn't do you any good if your defense is too low and you get wiped even at full health. Defense I have learned is even MORE important than perfect accuracy except on atk down spot. That needs to be 100% even if you have 2 guys needed to guarantee that. I 2 key NM on main and 4 key NM on alt WITHOUT dec defense or weaken.  Basically you shouldn't worry about dec defense or weaken until you can keep atk down 100% on the boss. Then you can test whether you get more damage with that OR by adding inc def and shielding/ally protect/block damage. 5 extra rounds of poison ticks may be better than the increase damage in less rounds

And as said the entire CB team should be priority for full masteries. I am still working on last member for alt.