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Coffin smasher vs Jarang for new player

Coffin smasher vs Jarang for new player

Jun 25, 2020, 18:2306/25/20

Coffin smasher vs Jarang for new player


Im f2p and just started an account. I have managed to book Kael now which seems worth it. Just pulled a coffin smasher and Jarang. 

You think i should start sinking books into coffin smasher or just use Jarang unbooked? Or is coffin smasher decent unbooked and i save my books for another rare along the way? 

Kind regards
Jun 25, 2020, 18:4406/25/20
Jun 25, 2020, 19:0906/25/20
Is he worth the books?
Jun 25, 2020, 19:2706/25/20

Valamon20 said:


Im f2p and just started an account. I have managed to book Kael now which seems worth it. Just pulled a coffin smasher and Jarang. 

You think i should start sinking books into coffin smasher or just use Jarang unbooked? Or is coffin smasher decent unbooked and i save my books for another rare along the way? 

Kind regards

Well, this is pretty easy.

Jarang is meh epic, Smasher is good rare.

Jarang is not worth booking at all, don't even considered it. Just use him if you think he can help you for some time, but think of it as Vault champion or chicken. As new player you may seen it as epic, therefore he may seems to have some value, but this is not the case. If you really don't have any other champions, just use him, but don't overinvest in him.

Smasher, on the other hand, is good rare, especially early in game. Not that good as some other OP rare, and not exactly useful in every aspect in game, but definitely worth more that Jarang. First, he needs rare books, which are way more accessible than epic books. You may book some bad rares, then stop using them at some point and that is fine, but booking bad epic is way more painful when you realize that all that expensive books are wasted.

Smasher is very good rare for your CB team, especially on your early stage. And i mean it - he is very good for CB for obvious reasons.

* Hes A1 is a 3 hits skill, so you will get him Giant Slayer from Offense mastery to boost his damage output. This is important for CB and in every dungeon on Boss Fights. Those 3 hits will help you in Fire Knight to lower his shield faster. Obviously, not perfect for FK 20, but it will take many months before you even get closer to 20 stage.

* Then he has good change (somehow lower chance, but on every hit) to apply ATK Debuff whit that A1, which is one of the most important debuff you have to keep on CB all the time. And he has it on his default ability.

* And he is HP based champion, meaning his damage scales off HP, which means you don't have to worry for his Attack. Stack HP on him and extend his other stats (for damage or survivability) and don't bother with his attack stat.

* Then he has good chance so apply HP burn, which works very well on CB. You must consider Support tree down to Sniper to maximize this and Atk Debuff chance and Master Hexer for extra chance to extend the duration of those. Also, Smasher greatly benefit from every book , as he will boost those chance to debuff enemy.

* And then he has good passive, which may not seems as a big deal, and this is probably the case with short fights, but on prolong fights it is something to consider.

- Don't expect anything from him in Spider. Don't expect much from him in other dungeon except some single target damage and maybe to keep the Boss with Atk debuff (which is good to have anyway). He is not mend to be used there. FK and especially CB is where you will find this rare to shine.

I don't know why you must choose exactly between those two, you may have other champions that may be good too, but if you ask specifically between those two which one is worth it, then Smasher is the answer. Still, check your other champions and see whats hide there. 

Jun 25, 2020, 19:3606/25/20
I asked between those two cause they were the only at down debuff i got and i drew them both today. I saw some discussions were Jarang were highly praised so i got unsure.
Jun 25, 2020, 19:3706/25/20
Thank you for the help.
Jun 25, 2020, 19:5006/25/20

Coffin Smasher is VERY good.  Worth booking = YES.  End game viable for CB, can be used on dragon/golem20 with correct team and will certainly help get you to 13 and better gear.

1. Everything Daering said is correct. He is top notch for CB, I use on NM Clan boss. His passive is very underrated. This helps him survive in both CB and Dungeons (everywhere but Spider) ....

2. Dungeons (Dragon/Golem): My strategy is SURVIVE and get to BOSS. I will use generally at most ONE attack/damage champion but often NONE.  

This is counter to most strategies, especially beginners who level up 4 or 5 attackers and no support. Great you can dominate the low levels then get crushed at 12/13/14 or whatever negative affinity bites you in the ass.  The great thing about building your team this way is you improve 3 of the most important teams for LONG-TERM growth: A. Clan Boss (Tomes) B. Dragon (Speed/ACC gear) C. Golem (DEF/RES/CR gear)

....shit phone call, more detail to come ... 
Jun 25, 2020, 20:1006/25/20
Jun 25, 2020, 23:0506/25/20

Its good to hear, the guides i found said hes early-mid game. Im trying to pick options that can follow me into endgame. So i see you got two at down debuffers, or is spider there for the other buffs? 

Was Thinking for dragon coffin smasher, kael as poisoner as hes my starter, fully booked and max talents, war maiden for def down debuff. Then i need to fill two more spots, diabolist, greybeard or spirithost perhaps since they are farmable. 

Pulled a dark elhain but she doesnt seem worth the tomes, only got 3 epic books anyway so far.

Jun 26, 2020, 00:2806/26/20
Valamon20 said:

Its good to hear, the guides i found said hes early-mid game. Im trying to pick options that can follow me into endgame. So i see you got two at down debuffers, or is spider there for the other buffs? 

Was Thinking for dragon coffin smasher, kael as poisoner as hes my starter, fully booked and max talents, war maiden for def down debuff. Then i need to fill two more spots, diabolist, greybeard or spirithost perhaps since they are farmable. 

Pulled a dark elhain but she doesnt seem worth the tomes, only got 3 epic books anyway so far.

Spider is there for aura and other stuff, also her ACC is kind of low. This team BARELY beats 20. Kael will be good up through 13-15 probably. CS I use on this acct in FK as well. Only 13 so far but I use a level 40 grappler.