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What did I do?

Jun 23, 2020, 19:1506/23/20

What did I do?

Here's the deal - I've been running Apothecary, Coldheart, Tayrel, and Sandlashed to try and progress in dungeons and campaign. I run Zelotah when I have room for a fifth person. 

It seems like in all dungeons I was stuck at level/stage 10. I was able to get to 12-3 on brutal and it all came to a screeching halt right there. So I went ahead and full booked Apothecary and Coldheart, they're both 6 starred and fully ascended, Apo is level 59 and Coldheart is level 40 something, and all masteries are set.

Tayrel is 5 starred and has only been ascended once. Sandlashed is 5 starred and been ascended 2 or 3 times. 

Then it dawned on my that Zelotah needed more HP to take advantage of his shield, so I increased that and afterwards I gave the team a test on level 12 spider (which I had beaten prior to giving Z more HP). I went from being able to beat spider 12 to getting merc'd!

I know increasing his HP threw off the balance of my team. So I went back and increased HP on my other 4; however, the balance hasn't been achieved again.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? They were running solid there for a bit, but I couldn't leave well enough alone. 

P.S. - Who would 6 star next? Tayrel, Sandlashed or should I save everything for Lyssandra? 

I appreciate the help, input and suggestions!
Jun 23, 2020, 20:1206/23/20

Indeed, most likely the HP changes have led the spiderlings to select a different target, which could indeed be the difference between success and failure on auto.

But if you have Lyssandra as you suggest, I wouldn't bother spending a lot of effort trying to fix your existing team, just get her developed and put her in there. And yeah, she's one of the fairly few champions out there that should get priority over Tayrel for 6 star. 
Jun 23, 2020, 20:2606/23/20
L9753 said:

Indeed, most likely the HP changes have led the spiderlings to select a different target, which could indeed be the difference between success and failure on auto.

But if you have Lyssandra as you suggest, I wouldn't bother spending a lot of effort trying to fix your existing team, just get her developed and put her in there. And yeah, she's one of the fairly few champions out there that should get priority over Tayrel for 6 star. 
I agree. Lyssandra then Tayrel.  But do you have a 12.3 Brutal farmer? Your original post leads me to believe you have missed step 1 of how to progress in this game.  Luckily you have a solid core to rectify the situation
Jun 24, 2020, 02:0506/24/20

L9753 said:

Indeed, most likely the HP changes have led the spiderlings to select a different target, which could indeed be the difference between success and failure on auto.

But if you have Lyssandra as you suggest, I wouldn't bother spending a lot of effort trying to fix your existing team, just get her developed and put her in there. And yeah, she's one of the fairly few champions out there that should get priority over Tayrel for 6 star. 

That was the case initially and then I pumped more HP into everyone to try and return things to the way they were. Granted my gear isn't the best, I'll approaching day 30 here in a week or so. 

Sounds like holding off on and waiting for Lyssandra to get up to speed will help.

I appreciate your time! Thank you
Jun 24, 2020, 02:1406/24/20

Trips said:

L9753 said:

Indeed, most likely the HP changes have led the spiderlings to select a different target, which could indeed be the difference between success and failure on auto.

But if you have Lyssandra as you suggest, I wouldn't bother spending a lot of effort trying to fix your existing team, just get her developed and put her in there. And yeah, she's one of the fairly few champions out there that should get priority over Tayrel for 6 star. 
I agree. Lyssandra then Tayrel.  But do you have a 12.3 Brutal farmer? Your original post leads me to believe you have missed step 1 of how to progress in this game.  Luckily you have a solid core to rectify the situation
I don't have a 12-3 brutal farmer. I'm working on a Bellower too and am going to make him my 12-3 farmer. I did miss that step and didn't realize it until a week or so ago. When I get tired of grinding, I throw another team together (Kael, Bellower, Reliquary Tender, and Coldheart No. 2) and run them through normal stages and lower level dungeons just so they can gain experience. Granted I now realize that taking them into 12-3 is probably one of the quickest ways to level them. Well 12-6 for XP, but from what I've read and understand the difference between the two, XP wise, isn't a whole lot. 
Thank you for your time and the input, I appreciate it!