Attack down emergency
Need help badly:
I have three 50% att down champs:
Coffin smasher (1 book, lord help me), lvl 50, ascended
rearguard sergeant (fully booked), level 60, ascended
Spider (unleveled)
Rearguard is um, she's great, but too inconsistent (124 accuracy atm). What do I do?
I'm on Dragon 16, and can beat it (39/39 no fails today), but inconsistency of -att is an acute clue that my capability in CB is looking not fucking good.
My CS is looking grim, I was about to food him yesterday but decided against it.
I have an OK hero stable, but I'm losing my shit on attack down.
Do I invest in CS, try to amp the shit out of RS's speed to try to get her attacking more (maybe a relentless set?)?
The spider isn't looking too bad right now, but I have no clue how to fit him in.