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Idea for a Champion Trade Hall

Idea for a Champion Trade Hall

Jun 22, 2020, 04:3306/22/20

Idea for a Champion Trade Hall

Now before you all start getting on me that Plarium wants you to grind or buy shards so that their numbers look good on paper and that they make money from you, I know that already but I figured i would pass along this idea i had, honestly not sure if anyone else has suggested something like this either since I wasn't going to go through all the pages on this forum.

Since their is so much extra space around the Bastion, that they could turn them into other locations to use for things in game, that they could add a Champion Trading Hall. It could be a feature that lets you always have the campfire active since its not used unless its a special event like christmas.

Basically what it would do it a player can post a champ that they have, that they do not want because it's a dupe or because they have better already, for trade and along with it post a list of champs that they would want to get for it, or champs that they just want in general. Once another player wants to trade with you an and you go to the trade hall, it will give you an option to accept or decline depending if you agree with the trade or not.

There could be filters for champs you have and champs you want that allows you to search for possible trades. Also if a person posts in a chat channel that they are trading, you could click on their name and it would give you an option to go straight to the trading hall, kind of like when you go to do daily quests, you can click the box and go straight to what you need to do.
Jun 22, 2020, 05:1606/22/20

Nice idea! Since I like to trade all my champions to a new account to redo all campaign missions, get another arbiter, probably do this multiple  times so I can have at least 3 arbiters for 3v3 arena. Get all the shards from progression rewards again and if I did not get any new champion, I can easy trade it again to a new account and do all of the missions again! 

And also, since a new account will be starting in bronze, I can easily destroy all those newbies especially during arena onslaught. 

Wow! So much things I can think of that I can exploit! Please Plarium make this happen! I love the idea! 

LordVika said:

Now before you all start getting on me that Plarium wants you to grind or buy shards so that their numbers look good on paper and that they make money from you, I know that already but I figured i would pass along this idea i had, honestly not sure if anyone else has suggested something like this either since I wasn't going to go through all the pages on this forum.

Since their is so much extra space around the Bastion, that they could turn them into other locations to use for things in game, that they could add a Champion Trading Hall. It could be a feature that lets you always have the campfire active since its not used unless its a special event like christmas.

Basically what it would do it a player can post a champ that they have, that they do not want because it's a dupe or because they have better already, for trade and along with it post a list of champs that they would want to get for it, or champs that they just want in general. Once another player wants to trade with you an and you go to the trade hall, it will give you an option to accept or decline depending if you agree with the trade or not.

There could be filters for champs you have and champs you want that allows you to search for possible trades. Also if a person posts in a chat channel that they are trading, you could click on their name and it would give you an option to go straight to the trading hall, kind of like when you go to do daily quests, you can click the box and go straight to what you need to do.

Jun 22, 2020, 05:2306/22/20
JoinME said:

Nice idea! Since I like to trade all my champions to a new account to redo all campaign missions, get another arbiter, probably do this multiple  times so I can have at least 3 arbiters for 3v3 arena. Get all the shards from progression rewards again and if I did not get any new champion, I can easy trade it again to a new account and do all of the missions again! 

And also, since a new account will be starting in bronze, I can easily destroy all those newbies especially during arena onslaught. 

Wow! So much things I can think of that I can exploit! Please Plarium make this happen! I love the idea! 

LordVika said:

Now before you all start getting on me that Plarium wants you to grind or buy shards so that their numbers look good on paper and that they make money from you, I know that already but I figured i would pass along this idea i had, honestly not sure if anyone else has suggested something like this either since I wasn't going to go through all the pages on this forum.

Since their is so much extra space around the Bastion, that they could turn them into other locations to use for things in game, that they could add a Champion Trading Hall. It could be a feature that lets you always have the campfire active since its not used unless its a special event like christmas.

Basically what it would do it a player can post a champ that they have, that they do not want because it's a dupe or because they have better already, for trade and along with it post a list of champs that they would want to get for it, or champs that they just want in general. Once another player wants to trade with you an and you go to the trade hall, it will give you an option to accept or decline depending if you agree with the trade or not.

There could be filters for champs you have and champs you want that allows you to search for possible trades. Also if a person posts in a chat channel that they are trading, you could click on their name and it would give you an option to go straight to the trading hall, kind of like when you go to do daily quests, you can click the box and go straight to what you need to do.

Why are you so bitter? Just point out the flaws in his suggestion without such condescension and sarcasm. Go hug a puppy or something so you can smile and rejoin humanity. 
Jun 22, 2020, 05:2506/22/20

No I am not, just saying I like the idea. I am already planning ahead of things that I can do. 

jtdstock said:

JoinME said:

Nice idea! Since I like to trade all my champions to a new account to redo all campaign missions, get another arbiter, probably do this multiple  times so I can have at least 3 arbiters for 3v3 arena. Get all the shards from progression rewards again and if I did not get any new champion, I can easy trade it again to a new account and do all of the missions again! 

And also, since a new account will be starting in bronze, I can easily destroy all those newbies especially during arena onslaught. 

Wow! So much things I can think of that I can exploit! Please Plarium make this happen! I love the idea! 

LordVika said:

Now before you all start getting on me that Plarium wants you to grind or buy shards so that their numbers look good on paper and that they make money from you, I know that already but I figured i would pass along this idea i had, honestly not sure if anyone else has suggested something like this either since I wasn't going to go through all the pages on this forum.

Since their is so much extra space around the Bastion, that they could turn them into other locations to use for things in game, that they could add a Champion Trading Hall. It could be a feature that lets you always have the campfire active since its not used unless its a special event like christmas.

Basically what it would do it a player can post a champ that they have, that they do not want because it's a dupe or because they have better already, for trade and along with it post a list of champs that they would want to get for it, or champs that they just want in general. Once another player wants to trade with you an and you go to the trade hall, it will give you an option to accept or decline depending if you agree with the trade or not.

There could be filters for champs you have and champs you want that allows you to search for possible trades. Also if a person posts in a chat channel that they are trading, you could click on their name and it would give you an option to go straight to the trading hall, kind of like when you go to do daily quests, you can click the box and go straight to what you need to do.

Why are you so bitter? Just point out the flaws in his suggestion without such condescension and sarcasm. Go hug a puppy or something so you can smile and rejoin humanity. 

Jun 22, 2020, 14:2506/22/20

What they would need to do to avoid the issue that Joinme brought up would make it like a very expensive way to trade. If trading a legend, you would also have to send 1-2 legendary books + silver and would have to be a legend for legend exchange. 

Or the simpler way to solve for in champions for shards. For example, you trade a legendary dupe with either silver or a legendary book, and you get a sacred shard back. If you trade in an epic, you get an ancient shard or you can do something like 5 epics for a sacred shard.

Jun 22, 2020, 15:1906/22/20
Never going to be trading between accounts. RH idea is more plausible. 
Jun 22, 2020, 20:4506/22/20
Jun 22, 2020, 20:48(edited)

JoinME said:

Nice idea! Since I like to trade all my champions to a new account to redo all campaign missions, get another arbiter, probably do this multiple  times so I can have at least 3 arbiters for 3v3 arena. Get all the shards from progression rewards again and if I did not get any new champion, I can easy trade it again to a new account and do all of the missions again! 

And also, since a new account will be starting in bronze, I can easily destroy all those newbies especially during arena onslaught. 

Wow! So much things I can think of that I can exploit! Please Plarium make this happen! I love the idea! 

LordVika said:

Now before you all start getting on me that Plarium wants you to grind or buy shards so that their numbers look good on paper and that they make money from you, I know that already but I figured i would pass along this idea i had, honestly not sure if anyone else has suggested something like this either since I wasn't going to go through all the pages on this forum.

Since their is so much extra space around the Bastion, that they could turn them into other locations to use for things in game, that they could add a Champion Trading Hall. It could be a feature that lets you always have the campfire active since its not used unless its a special event like christmas.

Basically what it would do it a player can post a champ that they have, that they do not want because it's a dupe or because they have better already, for trade and along with it post a list of champs that they would want to get for it, or champs that they just want in general. Once another player wants to trade with you an and you go to the trade hall, it will give you an option to accept or decline depending if you agree with the trade or not.

There could be filters for champs you have and champs you want that allows you to search for possible trades. Also if a person posts in a chat channel that they are trading, you could click on their name and it would give you an option to go straight to the trading hall, kind of like when you go to do daily quests, you can click the box and go straight to what you need to do.

okay simple way to make it so that players can't exploit it is to make the cost so high that a new account can't access it, or make it locked behind a specific lvl for the account. Like make it so that you have to reach lvl 40 or 50 to access the trading hall.

Also you can make it so that trades have to be equal level.....meaning rare for rare, epic for epic, lego for lego....

There are many ways to make it so it can't be exploited, that your points are reguarded as mute, since simple and easy things can be used to avoid it.

Also not everyone is a whale and arena is already broken as hell so it wouldn't make a difference at all.
Jun 22, 2020, 20:4706/22/20

Trips said:

Never going to be trading between accounts. RH idea is more plausible. 

What is the RH idea?

Honestly trading between accounts could be a thing since many games have trading between accounts that works perfectly fine and can't be exploited. 
Jun 22, 2020, 20:5706/22/20

LordVika said:

Trips said:

Never going to be trading between accounts. RH idea is more plausible. 

What is the RH idea?

Honestly trading between accounts could be a thing since many games have trading between accounts that works perfectly fine and can't be exploited. 

RH15 posted about swapping dupes for shards. So in essence you trade a legendary for sacred shard. 

I'm curious as how you could prevent exploitation between accounts? 
Jun 22, 2020, 22:3606/22/20
Jun 22, 2020, 22:49(edited)

Trips said:

LordVika said:

Trips said:

Never going to be trading between accounts. RH idea is more plausible. 

What is the RH idea?

Honestly trading between accounts could be a thing since many games have trading between accounts that works perfectly fine and can't be exploited. 

RH15 posted about swapping dupes for shards. So in essence you trade a legendary for sacred shard. 

I'm curious as how you could prevent exploitation between accounts? 

well one is it make the trade cost silver and the better the champs you are trading for the silver cost goes up. another way is to make the trades specific to the type of champs you are trading, meaning you cant trade common and uncommon champs for high end champs. Another is by making the trading hall locked until a specific level, no one would want to grind out account levels just to trade a champ to a new account.

Making it have a really high silver cost, will prevent people from just making a free account and trading because of the fact they won't be able to afford it, same reasoning behind making the champs like epic for epic, lego for lego, or 2 epics for 1 lego, simple because no brand new account will have champs to trade since they wont have epics unless they spend money and even then their is no way to say for sure they will get one.

Sure a whale would have no problem with that, but not everyone can drop money like that just to start a new account.

while turning dupes into shards is a great idea it is kind of flawed in where you could turn an epic into a lego and a lego into an epic, Yes either way could be good or bad, but honestly the pool of good legos is so small that a person could turn a decent epic dupe into a worthless lego or a worthless epic as well.

My idea at least lets you get something you want or need for something you don't want or don't need.
Jun 23, 2020, 00:1406/23/20
Hey I am all for it, but anything that decreases shard purchases aint gonna happen. I just started using my epic dupes as books or food.
Jun 23, 2020, 06:0906/23/20

Hi, Guys!

Thank you for your suggestions, we really appreciate them! As we've said in other threads, there won't be a trade system where you can trade champions with other players because this would destroy all the mechanics in the game. :)
Jun 23, 2020, 06:1306/23/20

Trips said:

Hey I am all for it, but anything that decreases shard purchases aint gonna happen. I just started using my epic dupes as books or food.

well it won't really decrease shard purchases so much because the whales will still buy shards because they won't be as inclined to trade champs because of 3v3 arena, while free players would love a chance to trade champs they don't want for something that can help them progress.

But i do agree that plarium will never add something that helps players if there is the slightest chance it will affect their bottom line in profits.

But then again turning champs into shards would also make buying shards not needed, because everyone has champs they don't want in the vault and being able to trade them for shards would mean never having to buy shards again lol. 

Rares can be farmed so getting ancient shards in trade would be way to easy and we both know everyone has epics that they don't need so getting sacred shards from them would again be way to easy. Not to mention you could keep exchanging the same champ over and over until you get what you want. You could turn 12 mid to low tier epics into 3 godly arena teams or 2 CB/Dungeon teams.
Jun 23, 2020, 07:0306/23/20
Valdys said:

Hi, Guys!

Thank you for your suggestions, we really appreciate them! As we've said in other threads, there won't be a trade system where you can trade champions with other players because this would destroy all the mechanics in the game. :)
It will not destroy mechanics of the game, it will destroy your money grabbing politics.... since no one will buy shards anymore
Jun 23, 2020, 17:5406/23/20

Valdys said:

Hi, Guys!

Thank you for your suggestions, we really appreciate them! As we've said in other threads, there won't be a trade system where you can trade champions with other players because this would destroy all the mechanics in the game. :)

This is a flat out lie. No way in anything could allowing players to trade destroy all the mechanics of the game, that is just an excuse and a really bad one. DO you really think we are that stupid to believe that line?

Only reason Plarium (you guys) WON'T do it is because you are scared it will take away from your profit margins. It's the same reason why you cancel things or push back the release of things, because you know it will effect your profit margins.

I work as a game dev, so i know for a fact that nothing would break from player trading, except maybe your profits. But at the same time player trading would actually give something to the players that they want in game, a resource that could help them, and would attract more players and make them actually want to buy shards, because they know they could trade the champ they got, so it wouldn't be a waste of money for them. Every game that has loot boxes ( and yes thats what shards are ) that are not cosmetic items only, have a trading system. Why? Because they know that players being able to trade the things from said loot boxes will make people buy more of them, because they can get rid of the stuff they don't want for stuff they do want.

Jun 24, 2020, 01:4406/24/20
Jun 24, 2020, 01:45(edited)

Create requirements before players can trade.

Players should be level 100

Players should have cleared stage 20 dungeons 

Players should have cleared nightmare campaign

Players should have finish Arbiter's mission

Champions that are traded will go back to level 1 with no ascension

Champion's gear will not be included or should be remove

Champions that are traded will be account-binded so no trading back ( to prevent scammers that reports that they lost champions and want to have it back)

Jun 24, 2020, 01:5406/24/20
Jun 24, 2020, 01:55(edited)
Can also put gem (ex. 100 gems) payment when placing a champion for trade and will only last for 24 hrs. If no trading happens, and you still want to trade your champion, you have to renew it by paying another 100 gems, or cancel it
Jun 24, 2020, 14:2606/24/20

JoinME said:

Create requirements before players can trade.

Players should be level 100

Players should have cleared stage 20 dungeons 

Players should have cleared nightmare campaign

Players should have finish Arbiter's mission

Champions that are traded will go back to level 1 with no ascension

Champion's gear will not be included or should be remove

Champions that are traded will be account-binded so no trading back ( to prevent scammers that reports that they lost champions and want to have it back)

Sadly those requirements are way to extreme for the average player, especially  the Arbiter missions, seeing as most player are having trouble with just getting to silver 1, so that would just lock them out of yet another aspect of the game.

Yes requirements are needed such as a specific player level to unlock it, and yes there should be a cost for trading, but again new players are not gonna have the gems to trade, especially 100 gems for every trade. Account binding the champs traded could be a good idea, along with dropping the lvl of the champ back to lvl 1 and no artifacts being able to be traded.
Jun 24, 2020, 15:2206/24/20
Yes, that would be limiting the majority of players to do this. Again i think the simplest option is to Re-roll a shard.
Jun 24, 2020, 15:4706/24/20

rh15 said:

Yes, that would be limiting the majority of players to do this. Again i think the simplest option is to Re-roll a shard.

While that is a great idea and i would go with your idea or mine as a way to get rid of unwanted champs but  you do know rolling champs for shards would make buying shards not needed at all. 

Would it be only a 1 time thing, like you can only role that character into a shard and what ever you pull from it can't be rolled again?  Because if you could keep re-rolling them, then you would be able to turn a bad epic into a god Lego, just by re-rolling until you got what you wanted