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Need advice

Jun 21, 2020, 20:2806/21/20

Need advice


Been paying now for 40days. read a lote of threads. i need advice on how to best proceed. i got my first 60 leveled soon KAEL. Elhain is a better farmer does all 9.x but has a bit of masteries and skills , i am curious now when i have the opportunity to do six star two other heroes, which should they be and for what purpose.what would give me the best advantage at a early start of the game? Which of my champs are the next to be six stared? and which should i use as farmer? what would be my arena team, any advice?

Jun 21, 2020, 20:3206/21/20
I would go with Apothecary or Miscreated Monster.  Both will serve you well in all areas of the game.
Jun 21, 2020, 20:3906/21/20

1. Miscreated Monster 60

2. Apothecary 60

3. Jinglehunter

4. Build up your Warmaiden (use those dupes for books)

5. Alure is great (no books)

Leave Elhain at 50

Jun 21, 2020, 20:3906/21/20

My crrent arena team are:Apoth.. micreated monster, Kael and Elhain. what should i adjust?

CB almost the same  soulb bowyer, micreated moster ,Kael,Ellhain and app..

Jun 21, 2020, 20:4106/21/20


Who should be my main farmer?
Jun 21, 2020, 20:5706/21/20

starwood said:

My crrent arena team are:Apoth.. micreated monster, Kael and Elhain. what should i adjust?

CB almost the same  soulb bowyer, micreated moster ,Kael,Ellhain and app..

For arena, replace Elhain by Warmaiden - the point is to put decrease defense on the entire enemy team before Kael hits. If you find you're not fast enough, you may need to take Jinglehunter as lead and leave out MM, as good as he is - a pure speed nuke with Jingle, Apo, Warmaiden and Kael can win tons of battles if they're fast enough. 

On CB, neither Soulbond nor Elhain offers much in the long run; on low and mid levels of clan boss, the best tactic is a combination of debuffers (to put decrease def and decrease attack on the CB), poisons/HP burn and support. Elhain and SB offer none of those things (given that TM reduction doesn't work on CB) and their pure damage just doesn't hold up well compared to what a poisoner can do. You could bring Rearguard Sergeant (decrease def, decrease attack plus team healing) and Bulwark (for HP burn plus debuff extension) instead. 

As for main farmer, either Kael or Elhain could do it, but since there's no real reason to bring Elhain to 60 if Kael is already at 60, I guess that means Kael should do the farming.