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Who to 6 star next?

Who to 6 star next?

Jun 20, 2020, 13:2306/20/20

Who to 6 star next?

I'm looking for advice on who to rank up next. I'd prefer a champion with broad usefulness to a specialist (though if Coldheart is the clear answer that's fine).

The options are: Bellower, Coldheart, Kael, Apothecary, Crimson Helm, Skull Crusher, Armiger, Thenasil, Athel, and Richtoff the Bold (listed because he's my only legendary).  My only 6* currently is Elhain. Thanks for your suggestions. 
Jun 20, 2020, 15:0506/20/20
Jun 20, 2020, 15:07(edited)

Apothecary or Skullcrusher. Apothecary will probably help more short term and give you a better dungeon progression. Both are must 60s IMO

Post your roster in case a hidden gem lies in there. Also what level arena/CB/dragon
Jun 20, 2020, 17:4306/20/20

Thanks for your help.

Arena: Haven't got to Bronze IV yet.

CB: About 2 mil per key on Hard.

Dragon: Haven't beat level 12 yet.

Keeps: Haven't beat level 13 on any of them yet.

Fire Knight: Haven't beat level 9 yet.

Spider: Haven't beat level 7 yet.


Jun 20, 2020, 18:3806/20/20
Psylar is really good (I do not have), others will have to give advice on build. Your 6star to 5star ratio is slowing down progress. It is difficult to 6star, but you should have more 6star than 5star going forward. Mistakes of leveling multiple starters to 50 are in the past, nothing you can do. But you end up with too many redundant attack champions and not enough versatility/support. Hence stalling in progress everywhere. Grizzled Jarl is amazing but also needs lots of books. You have potential for a great tanky CA team in arena with versatile champs that you can use everywhere (arena/dungeons & CB). Skullcrusher Jarl Psylar and maybe apothecary. Seems like an odd combo, but would be a great counter to speed meta if all can survive initial attack. But a 4th with a defense or resist aura would be better. 
Jun 20, 2020, 19:3006/20/20

Trips is right - you're even leveling up dupes already, that's just wasted resources. For now anyway - in the endgame, yes, it's great to have two fully leveled Coldhearts, but that's probably months from now. Most other champs, like Thenasil, I don't see any point in having two. And even for a single Coldheart it's too early to 6 star, same with Armiger.

You have potential to be doing far more damage on CB soon. Richtoff isn't the best legendary out there, but he could be a solid poisoner for CB, as well as the dungeons other than Fire Knight. I would think a team of Apo, Skullcrusher, Richtoff, Grizzled Jarl and Warmaiden (just for decrease defense, until you get better options). Although if Elhain has Warmaster and the rest doesn't, you'll want to keep her for now. 

Jun 21, 2020, 12:0106/21/20
Jun 21, 2020, 12:01(edited)

your best early-mid game champ to level is apothecary (highly useable end game) best endgame champs are skullcrusher and coldheart (good chance you will 60 both coldhearts).

as someone pointed out, psylar is very good too. so i bellower. so is armiger.

having 2 coldhearts will help out in so much in spider/fk, skullcrusher will be in your cb and fk teams. apothecary will be everywhere until you get better.

thenasil (aoe defense up, tanky stats) and grizzled jarl (aoe defense up, block debuff) are excellent as well. I guess I would do grizzled before thenasil, scratch that, i definitely would do jarl first.