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2X Ancient Shard Pull (55) - Looking for Wise Guidance

2X Ancient Shard Pull (55) - Looking for Wise Guidance

Jun 18, 2020, 14:1106/18/20

2X Ancient Shard Pull (55) - Looking for Wise Guidance

Hello Fellow Raid-ers

Looking for more wise guidance after my 2X Ancient Shard pulls last weekend. Below you will see my full roster of champs, except for some in my vault that will be used for my next few 4*, 5*, and probably most importantly my next 6* champ.

Responses from previous post were very helpful, thanks to Daering, Player J, Trips, L9753, JTSTOCK, …..

I'm at lvl 50, on day 174, but just started focusing on Raid over the last 2 months. Reading through responses to other posts I now realize my many mistakes. You'll see a few 3*/30 with pink stars and red dots, sounded good at the time 

Recently fused Relickeeper, but no gear on him yet. Wanted to save my gear hoping the 2X event was around the corner. Now I read I may have to fuse him again, when I get to that progress mission.

Sorry to say no longer F2P, recently took the bait and picked up a couple $3 mini packs, and some other limited time offer.

Can' complain about my pulls, as I got my first Legendary on my first Ancient Shard...Fu-Shan. Then towards the end I pulled Astralith.

WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THESE TWO? Fu-Shan looks to be really good, and I could possible fit him into my Arena Team.

I also pulled the following Epics: Adriel, Fang Cleric, Kytis, Warden, Lich, and a dup of Hordin (will use him as book)

I see Adriel on Arena team, so I hope she is one of the better Epics. WILL THESE HELP IN ANY CERTIAN AREA?

From the Rares the only one I think would be really helpful is Athel, especially for FKnight. The 15 lvl1 Rares at the end of second pic are all new to me, ANY HOPE FOR THESE? The other 30 were all dups.

I was told I have lots of useless Rares, but to save one of each and any Voids. Will probably use really useless ones to get to 4* and use as food for other 5*, or rank up 3* champs to 4*

I though the following ones would be good for some part of the game:

Heiress (3x), Marked, Grappler, Wretch, Grinner, Arcanist, Valerie (6X), Judge(2X), Mother Superior, Crimson Slayer, Berserker (5X) and Warpriest. 

Campaign: I use Kael as my farmer and usually stay in 9 Deadlands looking for more Warmaidens, or up to 11 Hallowed, depends on what other champs I am leveling up. Cant solo 12-3 yet. His stats are: HP 21K, AT 2.3K, DE 1.2K, SP 156, CR 104, CD 89, RE 30, AC 60. He has LS and an Acc set.

Dungeons: Around 11~13 on all, except on Spider just at 6, and FK just did 10 yesterday. Hoping Athel will help with these two.

Arena Team: HKhatun is lead (Sp: 206), Warmaiden goes next (acc:102), UEnchantress provokes, then Kael does damage.

I am hanging out at bronze III~IV to build up my Great Hall. This team should get me into Silver, but maybe not been reading lots of post about how hard arena has become recently. Today it was updated with the Tag team Arena

Clan Boss: Bulwark is lead, OBrawler, Kael, and a mix of RTender, HKhatun, Nazana, Marksman, Aothar, Warmaiden, Thenasil, Diabolist

Have done 4.1M on Normal, haven't tried Hard as team I'm on only completes Easy and Normal.

I was looking to get Brawler to 6* to help in CB, but Fu-Shan should probably be my next one.

I was planning on getting the following to 5* as I use them often: Bulwark, RTender, Alure, Nazana, Thenasil, possibly Hordin.

I know this is lots of info, but thanks in advance for your help. (Sorry for any Typos, browser locked up so I had to start all over and am rushing through it)

Here is my vault showing the extra Voids, plus the two Spirit Lizards next to Justiciar.

Jun 18, 2020, 15:3506/18/20

Save that 30 Armiger. He is a keeper. Put a lock on him so you don't use as a chicken. Not an immediate priority, but can be used in end-game dungeons. I used in both FK20 and Spider20.

FuShan is really good. After that, focus on support over attack. I would not invest in other starter champs now. More attack will get you to 13-15 in dungeons then you will start getting wiped hard without solid support. I'll take a closer look at roster after this call.
Jun 18, 2020, 18:1906/18/20

The Relickeeper mission should be retroactive now - it wasn't before, so indeed you may see some posts on the forum complaining about it, but I've been repeatedly assured that it's fixed now. 

My alt account (3 weeks in) has a Kael with very similar stats to yours, and he farms brutal 12.3 no problem for some time already. Not sure why it doesn't work for you... how are you dying when you try it? Those bombs? Those used to occasionally kill my Kael, now not anymore though they still make it a very close call when they are successfully applied. Probably some small increases in resistance, hp and def could get you there. 

FuShan is definitely good. Astralith may not have much value for you - normally I'd have said, her speed aura alone makes her worth putting on your arena team, but not so much if you pulled FuShan at the same time... even if his speed aura is slightly worse, the rest of his kit is so much better. 

Your new epics and rares are indeed not great, sad to say. Could be used here and there, e.g. Kytis is on my Spirit Keep team for that heal reduction, and can help for some Faction Wars teams, but quite limited. However, the good news is that you seem to be only one rare (Gnarlhorn) short of fusing Rhazin. You already have the epics Lich and Torturehelm, you have the 4 rares needed to fuse Bloodfeather and 3 of the 4 for Erinyes. You could already fuse Bloodfeather because she's decent enough in her own right. 

Jun 18, 2020, 18:4306/18/20

Weird that gnarlhorn is the one you are missing. Took me over 5 months to get that one. And someone else said same... another conspiracy theory lol

Jun 18, 2020, 19:4406/18/20

Thanks Trips and L9753!!

Okay getting Fu-Shan to 6* now.

If he is mainly gonna be used in Arena, I should set him up with offensive type gear (Atk%, Cr%, Cd%, then Sp and Acc), but if he is used in Dungeons too then LS + Sp or Acc gear. 

Does this sound right?

For my Arena Team: Should Fu-Shan take HK place, even though HK has more of an overall Speed Boost (Aura: 19% + A2: 15% + 30%), or keep her in and replace one of the others? 

Current Arena Team: HKhatun is lead (Sp: 206), Warmaiden goes next (acc:102), UEnchantress provokes, then Kael does damage.

As far as support, I should focus on R. Tender, Thenasil, Cardinal, Nazana, Shaman, and maybe some of my new Epics Adriel, F. Cleric or Warden.

Any of these especially helpful for CB? I would normally try to switch them out based on affinity.

I will put a lock on  Armiger, Saurus, and Sister Militant as I read they can be good with the right gear. I did use a previous Armiger as food, so thanks for reminding me about the lock.

Thankful to hear my Relickeeper fuse will be retroactive. I didn't realize I was just one short of the Rhazin fusion. I will lock them, and slowly get those Rares to 4*/40 and ascended, then just wait patiently for the Gnarlhorn.

Ok I got some work to do......

Jun 18, 2020, 20:0306/18/20
I don't think those epics are of much use. And Saurus and Militant, meh.  The gear requirements to make them good would make anyone look good. That's how you need to be careful with some videos/guides.  The are based on END-GAME gear and near maxed great halls much of the time. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on Saurus/Militant.  I actually got Saurus to 50 on alt because I had nobody the first few weeks, and did help for really early game.  But it was probably a waste for some short term progress and some glyphs in FW lol.
Jun 18, 2020, 20:1606/18/20
Trips said:

Weird that gnarlhorn is the one you are missing. Took me over 5 months to get that one. And someone else said same... another conspiracy theory lol

I have several gnarlhorns and must have pulled at least five or six raiders by now, but never a single halberdier. Watched some youtube shard pulling videos checking if anybody ever even got one... eventually one did appear, so I guess there's still hope for me. 
Jun 18, 2020, 20:5606/18/20

RaiderNation32 said:

Thanks Trips and L9753!!

Okay getting Fu-Shan to 6* now.

If he is mainly gonna be used in Arena, I should set him up with offensive type gear (Atk%, Cr%, Cd%, then Sp and Acc), but if he is used in Dungeons too then LS + Sp or Acc gear. 

Does this sound right?

For my Arena Team: Should Fu-Shan take HK place, even though HK has more of an overall Speed Boost (Aura: 19% + A2: 15% + 30%), or keep her in and replace one of the others? 

Current Arena Team: HKhatun is lead (Sp: 206), Warmaiden goes next (acc:102), UEnchantress provokes, then Kael does damage.

As far as support, I should focus on R. Tender, Thenasil, Cardinal, Nazana, Shaman, and maybe some of my new Epics Adriel, F. Cleric or Warden.

Any of these especially helpful for CB? I would normally try to switch them out based on affinity.

Tough one with Fu-Shan. He offers great debuffs, but he does kind of overlap with both warmaiden (his A3 with decrease def) and umbral (the A2 with stuns, CCing enemies like her provoke). In both cases, if both he and WM/Umbral land their debuffs on the same champ, it's kind of a waste. And indeed, he doesn't offer the same speed/turn meter boost for the team as HK. I would say you'll need to experiment with various combinations - and also adjust depending on the enemy team. 

For instance, if you're facing a Sinesha or Skullcrown (or worse, both together), those can both AOE nuke really hard with their A1, so Umbral's provoke won't do you much good: when they are provoked into hitting her, they hit your entire team in the process. Then you probably prefer to use Fu-Shan, HK, WM and Kael. 

Regarding Fu-Shan's gear, don't think it's that simple. The main difference is that in arena you'll be a lot more obsessed with speed than for dungeons. Accuracy is very important in both cases, probably more so than his damage output, since that should mainly becoming from Kael. Lifesteal gear in dungeons isn't necessarily that great until you get warmaster/giantslayer - but on the other hand, can be great on your nuker in arena. 

Among your support, I think you should focus mainly on RT, Thenasil and Nazana - in general, not only for CB. Cardinal has an immensely powerful AOE revive, but if you're at a point where multiple champions need reviving, odds are the battle will soon be lost regardless, so I'm not very convinced. Not sure why you'd use the others at all. 

Jun 18, 2020, 21:5706/18/20

Thanks L9753, 

I will play around with Fu-Shan on my Arena team and see which works best.